St. Pope Paul VI (1963 - 1978)

Quotes On The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration


imagePope Paul VI reemphasized devotion and adoration of the Eucharist, in and outside of Mass, in his 1965 Encyclical "Mysterium Fedei" (Mystery of Faith-On the Doctrine and Worship of the Eucharist). Here are some of his quotes on the importance of Eucharistic Adoration in our lives:

Dec. 5, 1964 - Pope Paul VI Speech to the Altar Boys (Cathedral of Bombay, India) (Source: Vatican website –
  • "I have come from Rome to join you in adoring and loving Our blessed Lord in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, Always have a warm and deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. Visit Our Lord as often as you can."

    Sept. 3, 1965 - Pope Paul VI Encyclical "Mysterium Fedei" (Source: Vatican website –
  • 64. "We beseech you to foster devotion to the Eucharist, which should be the focal point and goal of all other forms of devotion."

  • 66. "And they should not forget about paying a visit during the day to the Most Blessed Sacrament in the very special place of honor where it is reserved in churches in keeping with the liturgical laws, since this is a proof of gratitude and a pledge of love and a display of the adoration that is owed to Christ the Lord who is present there."

  • 67. "Anyone who has a special devotion to the sacred Eucharist and who tries to repay Christ's infinite love for us with an eager and unselfish love of his own, will experience and fully understand—and this will bring great delight and benefit to his soul—just how precious is a life hidden with Christ in God and just how worthwhile it is to carry on a conversation with Christ, for there is nothing more consoling here on earth, nothing more efficacious for progress along the paths of holiness."

  • 69. "Hence it is that devotion to the divine Eucharist exerts a great influence upon the soul in the direction of fostering a "social" love, in which we put the common good ahead of private good, take up the cause of the community, the parish, the universal Church, and extend our charity to the whole world because we know that there are members of Christ everywhere."

  • 70. "Never stop urging your faithful, as they approach the Mystery of the Eucharist, to learn to embrace the Church's cause as their own, to pray to God without slackening, to offer themselves to God as an acceptable sacrifice for the peace and unity of the Church."

    June 30, 1968 - Pope Paul VI Apostolic Letter "Solemni Hac Liturgia" (Source: Vatican website –
  • 26. "And this existence remains present, after the sacrifice, in the Blessed Sacrament which is, in the tabernacle, the living heart of each of our churches. And it is our very sweet duty to honor and adore in the blessed Host which our eyes see, the Incarnate Word whom they cannot see, and who, without leaving heaven, is made present before us."

    Jan. 10, 1969 - Pope Paul VI Letter to the Superior General Roland Huot (Source: Vatican website –
    "(Those who) have been entrusted...with the task of presenting the adoration of the Eucharistic Sacrament, know that they are performing a most excellent duty, and indeed in the name of the same Church."..."There is no reason, then, for the members who perform this most important function of the latry to fail in their minds in our age, as if, as some say, it is a matter of a kind of "obsolete devotion" and as if they were wasting their time, when other tasks are more pressing."

    June 29, 1971 - Pope Paul VI Encyclical "Evangelica Testificatio" (Source: Vatican website –
  • 43. "The discovery of intimacy with God, the necessity for adoration, the need for intercession—the experience of Christian holiness shows us the fruitfulness of prayer, in which God reveals Himself to the spirit and heart of His servants."

    June 15, 1978 - Pope Paul VI Speech to a group of American Bishops (Source: Vatican website –
  • "Venerable Brothers, we do not hesitate today to propose to you and all your faithful the great practice of Eucharistic Adoration."

    Other Pope Paul VI Eucharistic Adoration Quotes
  • "As we would expect, an outstanding spiritual growth and impetus tend to spring from Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament."

  • "Perpetual Adoration brings heaven's choice blessings in the first place on those generous souls that keep their hour-long tryst with the Lord."

  • "Being such a powerhouse of grace, Perpetual Adoration extends its influence far beyond the individual adorers, touching their homes and families and reaching out to the parish community and beyond."

  • "You should take up as your own cause a Holy Hour of Adoration so that Peace and Unity can be brought about in the Church."
