Pope Francis (2013 to Present)

Quotes On The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration


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imagePope Francis was elected Pope on March 13, 2013 at the age of 76.  He began his public ministry when he was ordained a Jesuit Priest on December 13, 1969 and became a Bishop in 1992 and a Cardinal in 2001o. Very dedicated to the Eucharist and Mary he sees devotion to both as inseperable.  Here are some of his quotes on the importance of Eucharistic Adoration in our lives:

2001 - Cardinal Bergoglio Letter To Catechists In Archdiocese Of Buenos Aires
  • In (our) visits and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the closeness of the good Shepherd, the tenderness of His love, the presence of (a) faithful friend.  We ... all experience (this) large support (in our lives) provided by faith (and our) personal and intimate dialogue with the (Lord in the Eucharist)."
    2005 - Cardinal Bergoglio Homily On Occassion Of Pope John Paul II Death
  • "John Paul communicated with his people, with the coherence of a man of God, with the consistency of someone who spent long hours in Adoration each morning, and as he adored he allowed himself to come into harmony with the power of God.  Consistency is forged in the heart through (Eucharistic) adoration."
    June 17, 2006 - Cardinal Bergoglio Homily On The Feast Of Corpus Christi
  • "The certainty of this Bread Of Life is clear.  That is why we love the Eucharist and adore it."
    June 18, 2008 - Cardinal Bergoglio Catechesis "The Eucharist, Gift Of God For The Life Of The World" (Quebec City) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "The love and admiration we spontaneously feel for Our Lady and the Eucharist must be cultivated in our Church."
    May 8, 2013 - Pope Francis Address to Intl. Union Of Superior Generals (Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • This “exodus” from ourselves means setting out on a path of adoration and service. The exodus leads us on a journey of adoring the Lord and of serving him in our brothers and sisters. To adore and to serve: two attitudes that cannot be separated, but must always go hand in hand. To adore the Lord and to serve others, keeping nothing for oneself: this is the “self-emptying” of whoever exercises authority. May you live and always remember the centrality of Christ, the evangelical identity of the consecrated life. Help your communities to live the “exodus” from the self on a journey of adoration and service, above all through the three pillars of your life."

    May 30, 2013 - Pope Francis Homily (Basilica of St. John Lateran) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us ask ourselves this evening, adoring the Christ truly present in the Eucharist: do I let myself be transformed by Him?  Do I let the Lord who gives Himself to me, guide me to come out more and more from my little fence, to get out and be not afraid to give, to share, to love Him and others?"

    May 30, 2013 - Pope Francis Message - National Eucharistic Congress of Germany (Cologne) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • " "Learn to live Holy Mass!". What helps us to do this is pausing in adoration in front of the Lord in the Eucharist, in the Tabernacle, and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

    June 3, 2013 - Millions join Pope Francis for simultaneous worldwide Eucharistic Adoration (St. Peter' Basilica) (Source: Catholic Fire blogspot – Click Here)
  • (Romereports.com) It was five o clock in the afternoon in Rome, when the Eucharistic Adoration began in St. Peter's Basilica. Simultaneously, the world followed. Given the fact that many countries, celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi on Sunday, the Vatican organized a global, simultaneous Eucharistic Adoration to mark the Year of Faith.

    Pope Francis prayed before the Blessed Sacrament and thousands of pilgrims came along as well to pray before the Eucharist for an hour. Throughout the world, in parishes and cathedrals, million of Catholics joined in, at that very moment.

    July 7, 2013 - Pope Francis Homily with Seminarians and others discerning a Voc. (Vatican Bascilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "...Dear young people discerning your vocations: evangelization is done on one's knees... .  Always be men and women of prayer!  Without a constant relationship with God, the mission becomes a job.  The risk of activism, of relying too much on structures, is an ever-present danger.  If we look towards Jesus, we see that prior to any important decision or event he recollected himself in intense and prolonged prayer.  Let us cultivate the contemplative dimension, even amid the whirlwind of more urgent and pressing duties."

    July 27, 2013 - Pope Francis Homily - XXVIII World Youth Day (Cathedral of San Sebastian, Rio de Janiero) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "But what assures our fruitfulness is our being faithful to Jesus, who says insistently: “Abide in me and I in you” (Jn 15:4). And we know well what that means: to contemplate him, to worship him, to embrace him, in our daily encounter with him in the Eucharist, in our life of prayer, in our moments of adoration; it means to recognize him present and to embrace him in those most in need."

    Aug. 19, 2013 - Interview With Pope Francis By Fr. Antonio Spadaro (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • Prayer: "What I really prefer is adoration in the evening, even when I get distracted and think of other things, or even fall asleep praying. In the evening then, between seven and eight o’clock, I stay in front of the Blessed Sacrament for an hour in adoration."

    Oct. 4, 2013 - Pope Francis Speech - Sick And Disabled Children Assisted At The Seraphic Institute (Assisi) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "On the altar we adore the Flesh of Jesus; in the people we find the wounds of Jesus. Jesus hidden in the Eucharist and Jesus hidden in these wounds. They need to be heard!...The Christian adores Jesus, the Christian seeks Jesus, the Christian knows how to recognize the wounds of Jesus. And today, all of us, here, need to say: “These wounds must be heard!”. But there is something else that gives us hope. Jesus is present in the Eucharist, here is the Flesh of Jesus; Jesus is present among you, it is the Flesh of Jesus: the wounds of Jesus are present in these people."

  • "The bishop asked that in the chapel of this institute there be permanent Eucharistic Adoration: Jesus himself who we adore in the sacrament and who we meet in the most fragile of brothers, from whom we learn that God loves us with simplicity of heart without barriers or complications."

    Oct. 12, 2013 - Pope Francis Video Message - Prayer Vigil At The Shrine Of Divine Love (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "This evening I am united to all of you in praying the Holy Rosary and in Eucharistic adoration under the gaze of the Virgin Mary. ... In the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Mary says to us: "Look at my son Jesus, keep your gaze fixed on him, listen to him, speak with him. He is gazing at you with love. Do not be afraid! He will teach you to follow him and to bear witness to him in all that you do, whether great and small, in your family life, at work, at times of celebration. He will teach you to go out of yourself and to look upon others with love, as he did. He loved you and loves you, not with words but with deeds"."

    Oct. 21, 2013 - Pope Francis Tweet (Source: Vatican News on Facebook – www.facebook.com/vaticannews)
  • "If we are to know the Lord, we must go to him. Listen to him in silence before the tabernacle and approach him in the Sacraments."

    Nov. 24, 2013 - Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • 262. "Without prolonged moments of adoration, of prayerful encounter with the word, of sincere conversation with the Lord, our work easily becomes meaningless; we lose energy as a result of weariness and difficulties, and our fervour dies out.  The Church urgently needs the deep breath of prayer, and to my great joy groups devoted to prayer and intercession, the prayerful reading of God's word and the perpetual adoration of the Eucharist are growing at every level of ecclesial life."

  • 264. "How good it is to stand before a crucifix, or on our knees before the Blessed Sacrament, and simply to be in his presence! How much good it does us when he once more touches our lives and impels us to share his new life! What then happens is that 'we speak of what we have seen and heard' (1 Jn 1:3)."

    Dec. 2, 2013 - Pope Francis Speech to Bishops Of The Epicopal Conference Of The Netherlands (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "May we also feel the urgency of praying to the Lord of the harvest! The rediscovery of prayer in various forms, and particularly Eucharistic Adoration, is a source of hope for the Church to grow and take root."

    Dec. 31, 2013 - Pope Francis Homily - Te Deum And Celebration Of First Vespers (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "And let us courageously ask ourselves: how have we lived the time which He has given us? Have we used it primarily for ourselves, for our own interests, or have we also sought to spend it on others? How much time have we reserved for being with God, in prayer, in silence, in adoration?"
    June 21, 2014 - Pope Francis Homily (Piana de Sibari, Calabria, Italy) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "People who adore God in the Eucharist are people who walk in charity. To adore God in the Eucharist, to walk with God in fraternal charity."

    July 5, 2014 - Pope Francis Homily (Old Romagnoli Stadium, Campobasso, Italy) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Above all, we are a people who serve God. Service to God is realized in different ways, in particular in prayer and in adoration, in proclaiming the Gospel and in the testimony of love."

  • "...we are called to live our faith with joy and courage, communion with God and with our brothers, in adoration of God, and to face with fortitude life’s labours and trials."

  • "Dear brothers and sisters, may the Holy Virgin, whom you venerate in particular with the title of 'Madonna della Libera', obtain for you the joy of serving the Lord and of walking in the freedom that He has given us: in the freedom of adoration, prayer and service to others."

    Oct. 31, 2014 - Pope Francis Speech to "Fraternity Of Charismatic Covenant Communities" (Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "No one can live without breathing. It is the same for the Christian: without praise and mission there is no Christian life. Praise, adoration are needed. When speaking of adoration, little is said. What do we do when praying? We ask something from God, we thank him, we intercede. But adoration, adoring God is part of a Christian’s breathing: praise and adoration."
    May 24, 2015 - Pope Francis Encyclical Letter "Laudato Si' " (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • 72. "We do not only exist by God’s mighty power; we also live with him and beside him. This is why we adore him."

  • 73. "Indeed, all sound spirituality entails both welcoming divine love and adoration, confident in the Lord because of his infinite power."

  • 236. "The world which came forth from God’s hands returns to him in blessed and undivided adoration: in the bread of the Eucharist,..."

    Sept. 11, 2015 - Pope Francis Speech to the General Chapter of the Claretians (Consistory Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
    "To adore. We, in this world of efficiency, have lost the meaning of adoration, including in prayer. It is true, we pray, we praise the Lord, we ask, we thank.... However, adoration is being before the One God, the One who is above price, who does not barter, who does not exchange.... And everything that is outside of him is a “cardboard imitation”, an idol.... To adore. In this we must make an effort to grow in this way of prayer: adoration. Adore, adore God. This is lacking in the Church at this moment, because it is not taught. This sense of adoration that we see in the Bible in the First Commandment — “Adore the one God. You will have no other God. He is the Only One you must adore...”. This “wasting time” without asking, without praising, also without giving thanks, only adoring, with the soul prostrated."
    June 29, 2016 - Pope Francis Apostolic Constitution "Vultum Dei Quaerere" (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Consequently, the tradition of prolonging the celebration of Mass with eucharistic adoration is praiseworthy; it is a privileged moment to digest spiritually the bread of the word broken during the celebration, and to persevere in thanksgiving."

    July 8, 2016 - Pope Francis Message To Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Moreover, I want to encourage everyone to visit – if possible, every day – especially amid life’s difficulties, the Blessed Sacrament of the infinite love of Christ and his mercy, preserved in our churches, and often abandoned, to speak filially with Him, to listen to Him in silence, and to peacefully entrust yourself to Him."

    Oct. 1, 2016 - Pope Francis Homily (Mikheil Meskhi Stadium, Tbilisi, Georgia) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "There are doors of consolation which must always be open, because Jesus especially loves to enter through them: the Gospel we read every day and carry around with us, our silent prayer in adoration, confession, the Eucharist. It is through these doors that the Lord enters and gives new flavour to reality."

    Oct. 2, 2016 - Pope Francis Homily (Salesian Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Service is thus a way of life; indeed it recapitulates the entire Christian way of life: serving God in adoration and prayer; being open and available; loving our neighbour with practical deeds; passionately working for the common good."

    Oct. 20, 2016 - Pope Francis Morning Meditation "In A Shorless Sea" (Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "One cannot know the Lord without this habit of adoring, of adoring in silence. I believe, if I am not mistaken, this prayer of adoration is the prayer least known by us, it is the one we do the least”, as if it were a “waste of time before the Lord, before the mystery of Jesus Christ”. Instead, we should rediscover “the silence of Adoration: he is the Lord and I adore him".

    Nov. 27, 2016 - Pope Francis Message - 54th World Day Of Prayer For Vocations (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "The Christian life needs to be nourished by attentive listening to God’s word and, above all, by the cultivation of a personal relationship with the Lord in Eucharistic adoration, the privileged "place" for our encounter with God."
    Jan. 6, 2017 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter' Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "The Magi went forth: having found the Child, “they fell down and worshiped him”. They did not just look at him, they did not just say a circumstantial prayer and leave, no indeed, they worshiped: they entered into a personal communion of love with Jesus. Then they offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh, namely, their most precious belongings. Let us learn from the Magi not to devote to Jesus only spare time and an occasional thought; otherwise we will not receive his light. Like the Magi, let us set out, let us shine as we follow the star of Jesus, and let us adore the Lord with all our hearts."

    Jan. 8, 2017 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "The true mission (of a disciple) is never proselytism, but drawing people to Christ. But how? How is this attraction to Christ achieved? With one’s own witness, starting from the unwavering union with him in prayer, in adoration and in concrete works of charity, which is service to Jesus present in the least of his brothers and sisters."

    May 13, 2017 - Pope Francis Homily - Canonization Of Bl.'s Francisco Marto And Jacinta Marto (Fatima, Portugal) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "We can take as our examples St. Francisco and St. Jacinta, whom the Virgin Mary introduced into the immense ocean of God’s light and taught to adore him.  That was the source of their strength in overcoming opposition and suffering.  God’s presence became constant in their lives, as is evident from their insistent prayers for sinners and their desire to remain ever near “the hidden Jesus” in the tabernacle."

    June 18, 2017 - Pope Francis Homily (Saint John Lateran Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Now, in experiencing this Eucharist, let us adore and thank the Lord for this greatest of gifts: the living memorial of his love, that makes us one body and leads us to unity."

    Oct. 14, 2017 - Pope Francis Speech - To The Vincentian Family (Saint John Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Once discovered, adoration becomes indispensable, because it is pure intimacy with the Lord, who gives peace and joy, and dissolves the stresses of life."

  • "This is adoration: placing oneself before God, with respect, calmly and in silence, giving the first place to him, abandoning oneself trustingly. Then to ask that his Spirit may come to us and let what is ours go to him. In this way too, people in need, urgent problems, burdensome and difficult situations and problems become part of adoration, such that Saint Vincent asked that one “adore in God” even the reasons that one struggles to understand and accept (cf. Letter to F. Get, 1659). One who adores, who takes up the living wellspring of love cannot but be left, so to speak, “contaminated”. And he begins to behave with others as the Lord does with him: he becomes more merciful, more understanding, more willing; he overcomes his own rigidity and opens himself to others."

  • "I hope you do not stop, but continue, from adoration, to draw God’s love each day, and to spread it in the world through the infectious good of charity, of openness, of harmony."
    Mar17, 2018 - Pope Francis Homily (Square of the Church "San Pio da Pietrelcina"-San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "One does not know the Father without opening oneself to praise, without devoting time to Him alone, without adoration. How often have we forgotten the prayer of adoration, the prayer of praise! We must recover this. Each one can ask him or herself: how do I worship? When do I worship? When do I praise God? Recover the prayer of adoration and praise. It is the personal contact, face to face, staying in silence before the Lord, the secret to entering ever more into communion with him. A prayer may start as a request, even a hasty one but it matures in adoration and prayer."

    Mar. 19, 2018 - Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation "Gaudete Et Exsultate" (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • 162. "For this spiritual combat, we can count on the powerful weapons that the Lord has given us: faith-filled prayer, meditation on the word of God, the celebration of Mass, Eucharistic adoration, sacramental Reconciliation, works of charity, community life, missionary outreach."

    April 4, 2018 - Pope Francis address at General Audience (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Since the real presence of Christ in the consecrated Bread does not end with the Mass, the Eucharist is safeguarded in the tabernacle for Communion to the sick and for silent adoration of the Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament; Eucharistic worship outside of Mass, be it in private or community form, indeed helps us to remain in Christ." 

    June 3, 2018 - Pope Francis Homily (Square in front of Santa Monica parish in Ostia - Rome, Italy) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "And when you worship Jesus in the Eucharist, you receive from him the Holy Spirit and you find peace and joy. Dear brothers and sisters, let us choose this food of life! Let us make Mass our priority! Let us rediscover Eucharistic adoration in our communities!".
    Jan. 31, 2019 - Pope Francis Message - 2019 World Day Of Vocations (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "There is a need for a youth ministry and a vocational promotion that can open the way to discovering God’s plan, above all through prayer, meditation on God’s word, eucharistic adoration and spiritual accompaniment."

    Mar. 25, 2019 - Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation "Christus Vivit" (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Youth ministry should always include occasions for renewing and deepening our personal experience of the love of God and the living Christ. It can do this in a variety of ways: testimonies, songs, moments of adoration, times of spiritual reflection on the sacred Scriptures, and even an intelligent use of social networks."

  • "Many young people have come to appreciate silence and closeness to God. Groups that gather to adore the Blessed Sacrament or to pray with the word of God have also increased. We should never underestimate the ability of young people to be open to contemplative prayer. We need only find the right ways and means to help them embark on this precious experience."

    June 23, 2019 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "May Our Lady help us to faithfully and lovingly follow Jesus whom we adore in the Eucharist."
    Feb. 1, 2020 - Pope Francis Homily (Vatican Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Here is the secret: never to alienate oneself from the Lord, who is the source of hope.  We become blind if we do not look to the Lord every day, if we do not adore him.  To adore the Lord."

    Feb. 2, 2020 - Pope Francis Apostolic Exhoratation "Querida Amazonia" (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • 101. "This dialogue between the Spouse and his Bride, which arises in adoration and sanctifies the community,..."

    June 7, 2020 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Perter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Indeed, the human and divine Heart of Jesus is the wellspring from which we can always draw upon God’s mercy, forgiveness and tenderness. ... And we can do so by adoring the Eucharist, where this love is present in the Sacrament. Then our heart too, little by little, will become more patient, more generous, more merciful, in imitation of the Heart of Jesus."

    June 14, 2020 - Pope Francis Homily (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us also rediscover Eucharistic adoration, which continues the work of the Mass within us. This will do us much good, for it heals us within. Especially now, when our need is so great."

    Oct. 25, 2020 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Love for God is expressed above all in prayer, particularly in adoration. We neglect the adoration of God a great deal. We recite the prayer of thanksgiving, the supplication to ask for something..., but we neglect adoration. Adoring God is precisely the heart of prayer."

    Nov. 25, 2020 - Pope Francis General Audience (Library of the Apostolic Palace) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "And every Christian who is not afraid to devote time to prayer can make his or her own the words of the Apostle Paul: "the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal 2:20). Prayer makes you aware of this. Only in the silence of adoration do we experience the whole truth of these words. We must recapture this sense of adoration. To adore, to adore God, to adore Jesus, to adore the Spirit. The Father, the Son and the Spirit: to adore. In silence. The prayer of adoration is the prayer that makes us recognize God as the beginning and the end of all of History. And this prayer is the living flame of the Spirit that gives strength to witness and to mission. Thank you."

    Nov. 29, 2020 - Pope Francis Homily at Euch, Concelebration with new Cardinals (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "How much we need Christians who keep watch for those who are slumbering, worshipers who intercede day and night, bringing before Jesus, the light of the world, the darkness of history. How much we need worshipers. We have lost something of our sense of adoration, of standing in silent adoration before the Lord."
    Jan. 6, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily (Vatican Basillica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "In our day, it is particularly necessary for us, both as individuals and as communities, to devote more time to worship. We need to learn ever better how to contemplate the Lord. We have somewhat lost the meaning of the prayer of adoration, so we must take it up again, both in our communities and in our own spiritual life. Today, then, let us learn a few useful lessons from the Magi. Like them, we want to fall down and worship the Lord. To worship him seriously, not as Herod said: "Let me know where the place is and I will go to worship him". No, that worship is not good. Ours must be serious!"

  • "May the Lord Jesus make us true worshipers, capable of showing by our lives his loving plan for all humanity. Let us ask for the grace for each of us and for the whole Church, to learn to worship, to continue to worship, to exercise this prayer of adoration often, because only God is to be adored."

    Jan. 25, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily (Basillica Of St. Paul Outside The Walls) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Personal prayer, spending time with Jesus, adoration, these are essential if we are to abide in him."

    Mar. 8, 2021 - Pope Francis Apostolic Journey To Iraq - Press Conf. On Return Flight (Papal Flight) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "I remember at the beginning of my Pontificate the afternoon of prayer we celebrated in Saint Peter’s Square, there was the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and we prayed the Rosary… But there were also many Muslims, many Muslims with their rugs, who prayed with us for peace in Syria,..."

    June 6, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily (St. Peter's Basillica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "We need to break out of our tiny self-enclosed space and enter the large room, the vast expanse of wonder and adoration. That is what we really need! It is what is missing in the many movements we create to meet and reflect together on our pastoral outreach. But if wonder and adoration are lacking, there is no road that leads to the Lord. Nor will there be the synod, nothing. Adoration: that is the attitude we need in the presence of the Eucharist."

    Aug. 8, 2021 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "No one in this world, as much they might love another person, can make themselves become food for them. God did so, and does so, for us. Let us renew this amazement. Let us do so as we adore the Bread of Life, because adoration fills life with amazementt."

    Sept. 12, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily - 52nd Eucharistic Congress (Heroes' Square, Budapest) (Source: Vatican website –– www.vatican.vaa)
  • "We do well to spend time in adoration before the Eucharist in order to contemplate God’s (human) weakness. Let us make time for adoration, a way of praying too frequently forgotten. Let us make time for adoration.""We do well to spend time in adoration before the Eucharist in order to contemplate God’s (human) weakness. Let us make time for adoration, a way of praying too frequently forgotten. Let us make time for adoration."

    Oct. 9, 2021 - Pope Francis Speech for the Opening Of The Synod (New Synod Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "The Synod then offers us the opportunity to become a listening Church, to break out of our routine and pause from our pastoral concerns in order to stop and listen.  To listen to the Spirit in adoration and prayer.  Today how much we miss the prayer of adoration; so many people have lost not only the habit but also the very notion of what it means to worship God!"

    Oct. 10, 2021 - Pope Francis  Homily - Opening Of The Synodal Path (St. Peter's Basillica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "As we initiate this process (the Synodal Path), we too are called to become experts in the art of encounter.  Not so much by organizing events or theorizing about problems, as in taking time to encounter the Lord and one another.  Time to devote to prayer and to adoration – that form of prayer that we so often neglect – devoting time to adoration, and to hearing what the Spirit wants to say to the Church."

  • " The Synod is a process of spiritual discernment, of ecclesial discernment, that unfolds in adoration, in prayer and in dialogue with the word of God."

    Oct. 10, 2021 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Basillica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Do you want to reinvigorate (your faith)? Look for God’s gaze: sit in adoration, allow yourself to be forgiven in Confession, stand before the Crucified One. In short, let yourself be loved by him. This is the starting point of faith: letting oneself be loved by him, by he who is father."

    Oct. 27, 2021 - Pope Francis address at General Audience  (Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • Catechesis on the Letter to the Galations: 13. The fruit of the Spirit - "If we lose the thread of spiritual life, if a thousand problems and thoughts assail us, let us heed Paul’s advice: let us place ourselves before Christ Crucified, let us begin again from Him. Let us take the Crucifix in our hands, holding it close to our heart. Or let us pause in adoration before the Eucharist, where Jesus is Bread broken for us, Crucified, Risen, the power of God who pours out his love into our hearts."

  • Summary of the Holy Father's words - "Our prayerful contemplation of the crucified Lord, or our silent adoration before his Eucharistic presence, help us to appreciate the grandeur of our call to share in the mystery of God’s own life and love. "

    Nov. 5, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us cultivate this memory (of the Heart of Jesus), which is strengthened when we are face to face with the Lord, especially when we let ourselves be looked upon and loved by Him in adoration."

    Nov. 21, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Dear young people...It is good to worship Jesus, and as a result, to be inwardly free, to see life as it really is, and not be deceived by the fashions of the moment and the displays of consumerism that dazzle but also deaden."

    Dec. 13, 2021 - Pope Francis Speech to the Seraphic Institute Of Assisi (Paul VI Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "I learned that in recent years the initiative that you had announced to me at the time, to make your Chapel a place of permanent Eucharistic adoration, went on, until the Covid emergency suspended it. Adoring Jesus in the Eucharist and "listening" to his wounds in the weakest, as I told you in 2013, has become your program. Thank you!"

    Dec. 24, 2021 - Pope Francis Homily (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "...let us return to the origins: to the essentials of faith, to our first love, to adoration and charity...May God enable us to be a worshipping, poor and fraternal Church. That is what is essential."
    Jan. 6, 2022 - Pope Francis Homily (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us never forget this: the journey of faith finds renewed strength and fulfilment only when it is made in the presence of God. Only if we recover our “taste” for adoration will our desire be rekindled. Desire leads us to adoration and adoration renews our desire. For our desire for God can only grow when we place ourselves in his presence. For Jesus alone heals our desires. From what? From the tyranny of needs. Indeed, our hearts grow sickly whenever our desires coincide merely with our needs. God, on the other hand, elevates our desires; he purifies them and heals them of selfishness, opening them to love for him and for our brothers and sisters. This is why we should not neglect adoration, that prayer of silent adoration which is not so common among us. Please let us not forget adoration."

    Jan. 6, 2022 - Pope Francis address before the Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "If instead, we abandon our pretence of self-sufficiency, if we make ourselves little inside, we will then rediscover the wonder of worshipping Jesus because adoration comes from humility of heart: those who crave winning do not notice the Lord’s presence."

    Jan. 24, 2022 - Pope Francis Speech to General Chapter Of The Canonesses Of Saint-Augustin (Clementine Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Dear sisters, I count on you and I trust in you, the Church trusts in you. With your words, your deeds and your witness, you send a powerful message to the world that rejects the most vulnerable categories. May you drink from the wellspring of goodness and truth through prayer and adoration,..."

    Feb. 2, 2022 - Pope Francis Homily - 26th World Day For Consecrated Life (St. Peter's Basillica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "...let us place ourselves before the Lord in adoration and ask for eyes to see goodness and to discern the ways of God. The Lord will give them to us, if we ask him. With joy, with courage, without fear."

  • "...we have to embrace Jesus in adoration and ask for eyes capable of seeing the goodness and discerning the ways of God. If we embrace Christ with open arms, we will also embrace others with trust and humility."

    Feb. 11, 2022 - Pope Francis Letter To Msgr. Rino Fisichella (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "In this time of preparation, I would greatly desire that we devote 2024, the year preceding the Jubilee event, to a great “symphony” of prayer.  Prayer, above all else, to renew our desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and to adore him."

    Feb. 17, 2022 - Pope Francis Speech - International Theological Symposium On The Priesthood (Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "The intimacy born of prayer, the spiritual life, concrete closeness to God through listening to his word, the celebration of the Eucharist, the silence of adoration, entrustment to Mary, the wise accompaniment of a guide and the sacrament of Reconciliation… Without these concrete “forms of closeness”, a priest is merely a weary hireling who has none of the benefits of the Lord’s friends."

    June 13, 2022 - Pope Francis Speech to General Chapter Of The Missionaries Of Africa (Clementine Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Witness essentially means two things: prayer and fraternity. A heart open to God and a heart open to one’s brothers and sisters. First of all, to be in the presence of God, to let oneself be looked at by him, every day, in adoration. There, to draw the lifeblood, in that “abiding in him”, in Christ, which is the condition for being apostles (cf. Jn 15:1-9). It is the paradox of the mission: you can go only if you stay. If you are not capable of abiding in the Lord, you cannot go."

    June 19, 2022 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "May the Virgin Mary teach us how to adore Jesus, alive in the Eucharist, and to share him with our brothers and sisters."

    June 29, 2022 - Pope Francis Apostolic Letter "Desiderio Desideravi" (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • 25. "Beauty, just like truth, always engenders wonder, and when these are referred to the mystery of God, they lead to adoration."

  • 52. "...silence moves to sorrow for sin and the desire for conversion. It awakens a readiness to hear the Word and awakens prayer. It disposes us to adore the Body and Blood of Christ. "

    July 14, 2022 - Pope Francis Speech to General Chapters of the Basilan Order Of St. Josaphat and others (Clementine Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Without prolonged moments of adoration, of prayerful encounter with the word, of sincere conversation with the Lord, our work easily becomes meaningless; we lose energy as a result of weariness and difficulties, and our fervour dies out..."

    Aug. 27, 2022 - Pope Francis Homily - Public Consistory For The Creation Of New Cardinals (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "This fire burns in a particular way in the prayer of adoration, when we silently stand before the Eucharist and bask in the humble, discreet and hidden presence of the Lord. Like that charcoal fire, his presence becomes warmth and nourishment for our daily life."

    Sept. 25, 2022 - Pope Francis Homily- 27th National Eucharistic Congress (XXI Settembre Municipal Stadium, Matera, Italy) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "When we adore the Lord Jesus present in the Eucharist, we receive a new outlook on our lives as well: I am not the things I possess or the successes I can achieve. The value of my life does not depend on how much I can show off nor does it diminish when I encounter failures and setbacks. I am a beloved child, each of us is a beloved child. I am blessed by God. He wants to clothe me with beauty and free me from all slavery."

    Oct. 22, 2022 - Pope Francis Speech - General Chapter of Religous Sisters (Consistory Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "I urge you to devote yourselves in particular to prayer of adoration: this is important. Today the meaning of prayer of adoration, of spending time in worship, has been somewhat lost. This prayer is not often done: I ask you to do it. To worship, to immerse yourselves in divine love and give it to those you meet on your path. It is beautiful to worship in silence before the Blessed Sacrament, to be in the consoling presence of Jesus and there to draw the apostolic impetus to be instruments of goodness, tenderness and welcome in the community, in the Church and in the world."

    Dec. 24, 2022 - Pope Francis Homily - Midnight Mass (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Consequently, Jesus is not satisfied with appearances. He who took on our flesh wants more than simply good intentions. He who was born in the manger, demands a concrete faith, made up of adoration and charity, not empty words and superficiality."
    Jan. 1, 2023 - Pope Francis Homily - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "How many times, in our busy lives, do we fail to stop, even for a moment, to be close to the Lord and to hear his word, to say a prayer, to adore and praise him...Let us rediscover in the enthusiasm of going and the wonder of seeing the secret that can make this year truly “new”, and thus overcome the weariness of being stuck or the false peace of seduction."

    Jan. 6, 2023 - Pope Francis Homily - Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Our pastoral activities will be fruitless unless we put Jesus at their centre and fall down in worship before him. The wonder of worship. Then we will learn to stand before God, not to ask for something or to do something, but simply to halt in silence and abandon ourselves to his love, letting him take us by the hand and restoring us by his mercy. We pray often, asking for things or in reflection… but usually we forget the prayer of adoration."

    Jan. 6, 2023 - Pope Francis Message - World Mission Day 2023 (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "2. In order to bear fruit we must remain united to Jesus (cf. Jn 15:4-9). This union is achieved through daily prayer, particularly in Eucharistic adoration, as we remain in silence in the presence of the Lord, who remains with us in the Blessed Sacrament. By lovingly cultivating this communion with Christ, the missionary disciple can become a mystic in action."

    Apr. 6, 2023 - Pope Francis Homily - Holy Thursday Chrism Mass (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us allow ourselves to be impelled by him to combat the untruths that struggle within us. And let us allow ourselves to be reborn from him through adoration, for when we adore the Lord, he pours forth into our hearts his Spirit."

    Apr. 28, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - Apostolic Journey to Hungary (St. Stephen's Co-Cathedral in Budapest) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "May we immerse ourselves in the spirit of the Gospel, grounded in prayer, especially in adoration and listening to the word of God..."

    June 19, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to Organizing Committee of the 2014 U.S. National Eucharistic Congress (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "It is my hope, then, that the Eucharistic Congress will inspire Catholics throughout the country to discover anew the sense of wonder and awe at the Lord’s great gift of himself and to spend time with him in the celebration of the Holy Mass and in personal prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. I believe that we have lost the sense of adoration in our day. We must rediscover the sense of adoration in silence. It is a form of prayer that we have lost. Too few people know what it is. It is up to the Bishops to catechize the faithful about praying through adoration. The Eucharist requires it of us."

    Aug. 2, 2023 - Pope Francis Homily - Apostolic Journey to Portugal, XXXVII WYD (Jeronimos Monastery, Lisbon) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Only in adoration, only in the presence of the Lord, do we truly rediscover our taste and passion for evangelization.  Oddly enough, we have lost the prayer of adoration; and everyone, priests, bishops consecrated men and women, need to recover it, this ability to be quiet in the Lord’s presence.  Mother Teresa (of Calcutta), busy about so many things in life, never neglected adoration, even at times when her faith was shaken and she wondered if it was all true or not."

    Aug. 25, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to Pilgrimage organized by the Sisters Disciples Of Jesus In The Eucharist (Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "God’s style is closeness, compassion and tenderness. Let us not forget this. To fill with tenderness the wounds and the voids produced by sin in man and society, starting by kneeling before Jesus in the consecrated Host, and remaining there for a long time, as the good (Ven. Bishop Raffaello Delle Nocche) would recommend doing, even when one seems to feel nothing, in silent and trusting abandonment, because — to repeat an expression particularly dear to him — “Magister adest”, “the Teacher is there” (cf. Jn 11:28)."

    Sept. 2, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - Apostolic Journey to Mongolia, Meeting with Bishops, Priests, etc. (Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral (Ulaanbaatar)) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "(We need) a Christian is one who is capable of adoration, worshiping in silence. And then, out of this adoration springs activity. Yet, do not forget adoration. We have somewhat lost the meaning of adoration in this pragmatic century: do not forget to adore and, from adoration, to act. We need to return to the source, to the face of Jesus and to "taste" his presence, for he is our treasure (cf. Mt 13:44), the pearl of great price for which it is worth spending everything (cf. Mt 13:45-46) "

    Sept. 18, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to meetings of Rogationits of the Heart of Jesus and the Daughters of Divine Zeal (Consistory Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Indeed, when one places oneself, docile and humble, before God, often one receives a specific understanding of the meaning of one’s own life: it is in faithful and unwavering prayer, in particular in Adoration, that everything assumes harmony, that one grasps more clearly one’s aims, finding in the Lord the strength and the light to put them into practice according to his plans."

    Sept. 22, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - Apostolic Journey to Marseille, France  (Basilica of “Notre Dame de la Garde” (Marseille)) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "You too are called to be a voice of intercession for others – men and women for others (cf. Rom 8:34). In this way, the recitation of the Breviary, daily meditation on the Word, the Rosary and every other prayer – I recommend especially that of adoration, for today we have lost the meaning of adoration a little bit and we need to get it back, so I recommend it to you."

    Oct. 2, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to the General Chapter of the Little Sisters Of Jesus (Consistory Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "It is good to cultivate listening by remaining at his feet in (Eucharistic) adoration, like (St. Charles de Foucauld), who knew of nothing sweeter than the hours spent in front of the Tabernacle, and who said “the more you drink of this sweetness, the greater your thirst for it” (Thoughts and Maxims)."

    Oct. 14, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to the Conference promoted by the Scalabrinians (Consistory Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "I think we have lost the sense of adoration. And we have prayers to do something... beautiful prayers, but... in silence, adoring. The modern mentality has taken this sense of adoration away from us a little bit. Rediscover it, please, rediscover it.  We know how much (St. John Baptist) Scalabrini loved Adoration, to which he devoted himself even at night, despite his tiredness from his exhausting work schedule, and which he did not renounce during the day, even in his busiest moments. He had no illusions: without prayer there is no mission!"

    Oct. 18, 2023 - Pope Francis General Audience (Saint Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "And do we, I ask myself, believe in the power of the Eucharist? Does our going out to others, our service, find its beginning and its fulfilment there, in adoration? I am convinced that we have lost the sense of adoration: we must regain it, starting with us, consecrated people, bishops, priests, religious sisters and all consecrated persons: "wasting" time before the tabernacle, regaining the sense of adoration."

    Oct. 29, 2023 - Pope Francis Homily - Conclusion of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us devote time every day to intimacy with Jesus the Good Shepherd, adoring him in the tabernacle. May the Church adore: in every diocese, in every parish, in every community, let us adore the Lord! Only in this way will we turn to Jesus and not to ourselves. For only through silent adoration will the Word of God live in our words; only in His presence will we be purified, transformed and renewed by the fire of his Spirit. Brothers and sisters, let us adore the Lord Jesus!"

    Nov. 11, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - 2nd International Conf. for Rectors & Pastoral Personnel of Shrines (Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Adoration is not a departure from life; rather it is the space to give meaning to everything, to receive the gift of God's love and to be able to bear witness to it in fraternal charity. And we can ask the question: "What about me, am I used to the prayer of adoration?" It is important to answer."

    Nov. 16, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to the Association of Hispanic Priests in the U.S.A. (Clementine Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "We must seek Him, in Scripture and the Gospel, in silent adoration, because we have lost the sense of adoration a little; we must find the Lord in the silence of adoration. If I were to ask now - I will not ask this so as not to make anyone blush - but if I were to ask now how many hours you spend in worship each week, that would be a good test. I will throw the question out there but everyone can answer within themselves."

  • "Do not leave those who suffer alone, do not leave the Lord of the Tabernacle alone, convince yourselves that you cannot do anything with your hands if you do not do it with your knees. Adoration, Eucharistic silence and intercession before the Tabernacle. And then yes, service."

    Nov. 30, 2023 - Pope Francis Speech - to the Members of the International Theological Commission (Room adjacent to Paul VI Audience Hall) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "And it is essential that you theologians do this in tune with the People of God, I would say "from below", that is, with a privileged gaze for the poor and the simple, and at the same time "on your knees", because theology is born kneeling, in adoration of God."
    Jan. 6, 2024 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter's Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Contemplating Jesus, staying before Him, adoring Him in the Eucharist: it is not wasting time, but giving meaning to time. To worship is not to waste time, but to give meaning to time. This is important, I repeat: to worship is not to waste time, but to give meaning to time; it is rediscovering the course of life in the simplicity of a silence that nourishes the heart."

    Feb. 2, 2024 - Pope Francis homily - on the 28th World Day of Consecrated Life (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "It is necessary then to recover the lost grace: to go back and, through an intense interior life, return to the spirit of joyful humility, of silent gratitude. This is nourished by adoration, by the work of the knees and the heart, by concrete prayer that struggles and intercedes, capable of reawakening a longing for God, that initial love, that amazement of the first day, that taste of waiting."

    Feb. 5, 2024 - Pope Francis address before Angelus (St. Peter' Square) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "So let us ask ourselves: do I keep my eyes fixed on Christ who accompanies me? And in order to do so, do I make space for silence, prayer, adoration? Finally, do I seek out every little ray of Jesus' light, which is reflected in me and in every brother and sister I encounter? And do I remember to thank him for this?"

    Feb. 11, 2024 - Pope Francis homily at canonization of St. Joseph de Paz Figueroa (St. Peter's Basilica) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Once we let ourselves be touched by Jesus, we start to heal within, in our hearts. If we let ourselves be touched by him in prayer and adoration, if we permit him to act in us through his Word and his sacraments, that contact truly changes us. It heals us of sin, sets us free from our self-absorption, and transforms us beyond anything we could possibly achieve by ourselves and our own efforts."

    Feb. 14, 2024 - Pope Francis homily on Ash Wednesday (Basilica of Santa Sabina) (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • "Let us return, brothers and sisters. Let us return to God with all our heart. During these weeks of Lent, let us make space for the prayer of silent adoration, in which we experience the presence of the Lord, like Moses, like Elijah, like Mary, like Jesus. Have we noticed that we have lost the sense of worship?"

    Feb. 24, 2024 - Pope Francis speech to Deacons to be ordained Priests in Rome (Source: Vatican website – www.vatican.va)
  • " Jesus pours out on us the anointing of the Spirit when we are in His presence, when we adore Him, when we are intimate with His Word. Staying with Him, remaining with Him (cf. Jn 15), then also allows us to intercede before Him for the Holy People of God, for humanity, for the people we meet every day."

  • "If we are to know the Lord, we must go to Him.  Listen to Him in silence before the Tabernacle and approach Him in the Sacraments."

  • "The first thing for a Disciple is to be with the Master, to listen to Him and learn from Him."

  • "If Jesus is to become the center of our life, we need to spend time in His Presence, before the Tabernacle."

  • "The zeal to carry Evangilization to the ends of the earth comes from Contemplation and Adoration of the Lord Jesus Christ."
