21st Century Saints (Page 1 of 2)
Quotes On
The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration
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Bishop Andrew Cozzens
(1968 - Present)
Bishop of Crookston, Minnesota"This is why adoration is so powerful for the encounter with Jesus! My
experience with young people – when I find a young person who is alive in
their faith I ask them how they came to be, most of them say adoration had
something to do with it."
(Source: Catholic Media Conference website -
Bishop James Checchio
(1966 - Present)
Bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey
"Our worship of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament also serves to
purify us. As one psychologist said – she compared her prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament to deep radiation therapy - The Lord opens our internal
gaze to all that is good as well as to that which is disordered in our
life. With such an insight the Lord can lead us to healing along our
spiritual journey."
(Source: Diocese of Metuchen website -
Bishop Donald DeGrood
(1965 - Present)
Bishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
"God has a way to speak
in the silence when we give our attention to him in (eucharistic) adoration
that no other activity seems to do on these fun weeks for the youth. The
same is true for people of various ages, just being with the Lord and
letting him love us as we relate to him our joys, struggles, hopes,
disappointments, worries, etc. That is because he loves us that much and
desires us to simply receive his love and lead us to healthy, happy and holy
lives, regardless of our age, vocation or circumstance of life."
(Source: Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, South
Dakota (Bishop's Bulletin) website -
Bishop John Doerfler
(1964 - Present)
Bishop of Marquette, Michigan
"I highly recommend that you all spend some time adoring our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament. Because the host (bread) is changed into the Sacred Body
of Christ at Mass, Eucharistic adoration allows us to truly gaze upon our
Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament, to look at him with love, and marvel
at how he longs to be present with us. During time of adoration, you may
speak to the Lord in the quiet of your heart in your own words, reflect on
Sacred Scripture, pray the rosary, or say your favorite prayers."
(Source: Diocese of Marquette, Michigan website -
Bishop James Wall
(1964 - Present)
Bishop of Gallup, New Mexico
companionship of the Hour (of Eucharistic Adoration) transforms us. It makes
us like Him Whom we "come and see." An old prayer to the Sacred Heart says
"Sacred Heart of Jesus, make our hearts like unto Thine.: Implicitly, that
is what we ask when we come in to make the Hour (of Eucharistic Adoration):
even if we are not conscious of it, for stepping into the Presence of God,
we ask Him, among our many petitions, to make us like Him."
(Source: The Voice of the Soutwest website -
Cardinal Peter Okpaleke
(1963 - Present)
Bishop of Ekwulobia, Nigeria and
Cardinal-Priest of Santi Martiri dell’Uganda a Poggio Ameno
"We must therefore find ways and means of helping our people to get and
remain in touch and in communion with the person of Jesus Christ. No wonder
our father in the faith and the pioneer bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Rev.
Albert K. Obiefuna, of blessed memory, bequeathed to us an emphasis on and
the practice of contemplation and adoration of our Lord Jesus truly present
in the Eucharist."
(Source: Diocese of Ekwulobia, Nigeria website -
Bishop Denis Nulty
(1963 - Present)
Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland
"Eucharistic Adoration is an eye-opening moment; it is a powerful encounter
with the Lord...The silence of the hour teaches us humility, no need for
idle talk or empty gossip, no need to impress with a c.v. or a
qualification, just allow the silence to speak. Where else will you find it
today? It is a wounded Christ the two meet on the road to Emmaus, a wounded
risen Christ and we come before Him to Knock with our wounds. Kneeling or
sitting in His presence the weak find strength, the lonely find friendship
and the sinner finds mercy...Though you may never be aware of it, your
prayer and adoration brings hope and encouragement to many, including
myself. None of you can fully realise the impact of your witness..."
(Source: Kandle (Catholic Diocese of Kildaire and Leighlin, Ireland) website -
Archbishop Leo Cushley
(1961 - Present)
Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinbergh, Scotland, Great Britain
"Adoration is also a source of many vocations to the religious life and to
the priesthood. It allows us to come to church safely, to be with the Lord,
and to pray, silently or aloud; and, as mentioned, lets us put the Eucharist
at the centre of our spiritual life. More than any other devotion, prayer
before the Blessed Sacrament can take us straight to the presence of the
living Lord and to the meaning of our discipleship."
(Source: Archdiocese Of St. Andrews & Edinbergh website -
Archbishop Eamon Martin
(1961 - Present)
Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
"In adoration you draw life from the Eucharist, knowing that in the
tabernacles of Ireland, the reserved Sacrament remains as a beating heart,
burning with love for us... In adoration you realize that the Eucharist is
the ‘source and summit of the Christian life’ (Lumen Gentium 11 – Light of
the Nations) and that the Church continually draws life from the
Eucharist...By continuing to promote and teach Eucharistic adoration, you
help to inspire a new appreciation in Ireland of the mystery and power of
the Eucharist to bring hope, joy and life into our troubled world."
(Source: Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference website -
Bishop Daniel Flores
(1961 - Present)
Bishop of Brownsville, Texas
"Prayer and (Eucharistic) Adoration are the sustaining force of the path forward."
(Source: The Tablet website -
Bishop Athanasius Schneider
(1961 - Present)
Auxiliary Bishop of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan and
Titular Bishop of Celerina
"There must be initiated a world-wide crusade of reparation to and
consolation of the Eucharistic Lord. As a concrete measure to offer to the
Eucharistic Lord urgently needed acts of reparation and consolation, each
Catholic could promise to offer monthly at least one full hour of
Eucharistic adoration, either before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle
or before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance."
(Source: The Remnant website -
Bishop William Joensen
(1960 - Present)
Bishop of Des Moines, Iowa
"(Eucharistic) Adoration is the only fitting response to the immediate experience of the God who
alone is adequate to satisfy our own hearts’ desires."
(Source: "Eucharistic Adoration Reflections" by Bishop Joensen, Jan. 28, 2021 -
"Even if we are the only person in the church praying before the Blessed Sacrament, our
adoration is never a solitary act between Jesus and ourselves, but is always
an act of the Church. The communion of saints and angels surround us, each
reflecting a unique ray of light our way, of what it means to be in Jesus."
(Source: "Eucharistic Adoration Reflections" by Bishop Joensen, Jan. 28, 2021 -
Archbishop Paul Etienne
(1959 - Present)
Archbishop of Seattle, Washington"Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament flows naturally from our experience of the Eucharist during Mass.
As Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, has said, Exposition is like a “freeze frame”
of the elevations of the consecrated elements, the Body and Blood of Christ,
at Mass. The liturgy moves quite quickly. Time in the presence of the
Blessed Sacrament outside of Mass, whether in the tabernacle or during
Exposition, allows us to absorb and take in what this mystery is all about.
The Mass is God’s action in creating, forming, and saving his people.
Adoration places us in the presence of the accomplished fact of Christ’s
saving work on our behalf. The Church envisions that Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament always exists in relationship to the Eucharistic action of
the Mass."
(Source: Truth in Love website -
Archbishop Charles
(1959 - Present)
Titular Archbishop Of
The Holy See Of Aquileia and Papal Nuncio To Phillipines"In my
view the greatest challenge in our own age is the erosion of faith.
Eucharistic adoration can be seen as the antidote, the remedy, both personal
and communal, to the weakening of faith. We adore because we believe. ...
In adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we put these words into practice;
“Lord, to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life”. In
adoration, we recognize that the Lord is here in our midst and that he is
the Holy One of God. ... The beautiful experience of adoration increases our
faith and it also increases our love."
(Source: Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference
website -
"The Lord does not abandon His Church; He has assured us: 'I am with
you always, even until the end of time' (Mt 28:20). That promise is
fulfilled by His presence with us in the Eucharist. Come, let us adore
(Source: Archbishop Charles Brown homily at the
Pro-Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Dublin on February 3, 2013)
Bishop Robert Barron
(1959 - Present)
Bishop Of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota Diocese
"The long nights that Pier Giorgio Frassati spent on his knees in front of the Blessed
Sacrament had something to do with the long days spent in service of the
(Source: Overall Motivation website -
"I think every parish should have, for the next 10 years,
round-the-clock Eucharistic Adoration, during which good people pray for the
return of the unaffiliated."
(Source: Nancy's Pinterest Page –
"When you pray before the Eucharist, allow your desire for the things of
God to intensify; allow your heart and soul to expand."
(Source: D. Marie's Pinterest Page –
Dr. Mark Miravalle
(1959 - Present)
Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Stubenville in
Ohio"Eucharistic Adoration is the closest thing we can do to
imitate the highest level of angels."
(Source: Fight the Good Fight of Faith blog –
Bishop Joseph Strickland
(1958 - Present)
Bishop Emeritus of Tyler, Texas"The Blessed Sacrament, in repose,
is Jesus here with us, in every tabernacle in every church throughout the
whole world. That is why we must do all that we can to recover visits to the
tabernacle and Eucharistic Adoration."
(Source: The Catholic Diocese of Tyler website –
"Eucharistic Adoration is so
important in my life and..I want to encourage every Catholic in the Diocese
of Tyler to become more acquainted with this beautiful form of Catholic
prayer, the conversation highlights the basic truth of the Real Presence of
the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: The Catholic Diocese of Tyler website –
"Why adore? Because adoration is
a fitting response to the presence of the King of Kings and the Lord of
Lords, Jesus Christ. This most basic consideration emphasizes the reality
that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity."
(Source: The Catholic Diocese of Tyler website –
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle
(1957 - Present)
Pro-Prefect of the
Dicastery for Evangelization and Cardinal-Bishop of San Felice
da Cantalice a Centocelle"Worship is so intimately related to
authentic (Eucharistic) Adoration that they could be considered as
one...Adoration connotes being present, resting, and beholding. In
adoration, we are present to Jesus whose sacrifice is ever present to us.
Abiding in Him, we are assimilated more deeply into His self-giving...Let us
adore Him for ourselves, for the poor, for the earth, for the Church and for
the life of the world."
(Source: Vatican website –
Bishop Edward Burns
(1957 to Present)
Bishop of Dallas, Texas"As the Holy Father has said
in his encyclical 'Ecclesia de Eucharistia (On the Eucharist in Its
Relationship to the Church)', it’s before the Eucharist that the Lord speaks
to the hearts, in particular to the hearts of those who are discerning his
will. I think that these moments of Eucharistic adoration will have a
profound effect in helping to create a vocation culture within our Church.
That’s why we look to this as a wonderful moment in time and a wonderful
Bishop Thomas Zinkula
(1957 to Present)
Bishop of Davenport, Iowa"The opportunity for
prayer and eucharistic adoration throughout the (U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops’ 2022 fall general assembly) built on attentiveness to the Holy
Spirit’s guidance."
Dr. Scott Hahn
(1957 to Present)
Catholic theologina, apologist and author - A former
presbyterian minister"Eucharistic adoration is not simply for
the person praying in adoration, it is for the entire Church, and for the
entire world."
(Source: Dr. Scott Hahn Facebook page -
Kimberly Hahn
(1957 to Present)
Catholic apologist and author"And because Jesus is
the Eucharist, keeping Him in the center allows all the rich doctrines of
the Church to emanate from Him, just as the beautiful gold rays stream forth
from the Host in the monstrance."
(Source: Eucharistic Adoration Canada website -
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
(1956 to Present)
Archbishop of San Francisco, California"(Prepare) for Sunday Mass throughout
the week, keeping our life of prayer alive every day of the week, especially
through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Archbishop Cordileone's Homily for Corpus Christi June 10, 2023 -
Archbishop Paul Stagg Coakley
to Present)
Archbishop of
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma"The more we are touched by the Love of God in the
Eucharist, the more we need to respond to this Love. (Eucharistic) Adoration
leads to mission. The connection with vocations is clear, but there is also
an impulse toward a more generous stewardship of all of our gifts."
Bishop James Conley
to Present)
Bishop of
Lincoln, Nebraska"In a particular way, God is calling us...in
every family, every parish, every school, and in every religious community,
to grow more deeply in love with the Lord, and to become missionaries of his
love, through a deeper commitment to the practice of exposition and
adoration of the Eucharist. When we adore Christ in the Eucharist, exposed
in the monstrance, we gaze directly at the mystery of his presence. The
Eucharist is love made visible."
(Source: "A Pastoral Letter on Adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist" by Bishop James Conley, -
Bishop Robert Gruss
to Present)
Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan
"A firm commitment by signing up for a particular time (at Perpetual
Eucharistic Adoration) will not only ensure that a timeslot is filled during
the day, but it also SPEAKS VOLUMES about one’s desire, one’s sacrifice, and
one’s commitment to this relationship with the Lord. It will bear far
greater fruit for the one who commits daily or weekly to this hour encounter
with Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Diocese of Rapid City (South Dakota) website -
"I guarantee that if this type of prayer
(Eucharistic Adoration) becomes a part
of your life and you commit yourself to it, these things will happen:
1. You will fall in love, grow in love, and stay in love with Jesus in a new
2. Your life will change dramatically – you will
experience that life in abundance.
3. You will grow
in freedom in your heart. It will be expanded by God for great things.
4. You will come to see yourself in a new way, God in a new way, and the
world in a new way.
5. You will hunger and thirst
more for holiness – and God will satisfy this thirst.
6. This will positively impact all the relationships around you – spouse,
children, family, friends
7. Your life will never be
the same. - Happier than you have ever been. - More peaceful that you have
ever been. - Receive deep healing in your heart as you share your heart with
the Lord.
8. And the Diocese will grow in holiness; - God will bless
you individually, your family, your parish community, our diocesan
(Source: Diocese of Rapid City (South Dakota) website -
Bishop Philip Egan
to Present)
Bishop of Portsmouth, England"It
would be good ... for our parishes and communities to help everyone deepen
their faith, by arranging periods of Eucharistic Adoration, and advertising
times when the church is open for visits to the Blessed Sacrament."
Bishop Gregory Mansour
to Present)
Bishop (Eparch) of the Marionite
Diocese (Eparchy) of Saint Maron of Brooklyn"Thus, to deepen our
understanding of all that the Church believes about the Eucharist, we are
asked to make every effort to appreciate, reverence, and adore our hidden
Lord, truly present in the Bread of Life, and to live lives consistent with
this Eucharistic amazement."
(Source: Eparchy Of Saint Maron Of Brooklyn website
- www.https://www.stmaron.org)
"...to increase our respect and appreciation of
the Mystery of unity and charity that we celebrate at each Liturgy, and
which we reserve in the tabernacles of each of our churches (I ask you to,
among other things,) spend some quiet time, outside of the Divine Liturgy,
visiting and adoring the Lord, hidden and present there, wherever the
Eucharist is reserved."
(Source: Eparchy Of Saint Maron Of Brooklyn website
- www.https://www.stmaron.org)
Archbishop Guy de Kerimel
(1953 to Present)
Archbishop of Toulouse (-Saint Bertrand de Comminges-Rieux), France
"Tied to the celebration of the Eucharist, well-practiced Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament unites the believer to Jesus and through Him to the
Father, builds up the Church, supports her mission in the world and elevates
and transforms creation."
(Source: From the foreword of "Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour")
Bishop David O'Connell
(1953 to 2023)
Auxillary Bishop of Los
Angelus, California
"And also in this special time of the renewal of our love for Jesus
in the Eucharist, the Eucharistic Renewal — we remember the great healing
power of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Because the same reality
happens in the Eucharist — Jesus takes the suffering of the sin of the world
unto himself and gives back his mercy, and his new life, and his salvation."
(Source: Angelus website –
Bishop Edgar Moreira da Cunha
(1953 to Present)
Bishop of Fall Rivers,
"In honor of the three-year National
Eucharistic Revival, I have asked our newly ordained priests and
transitional deacons, as well as our seminarians, to share the connection
between their vocation story and the Eucharist. You’ll notice that not only
were their hearts moved by receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament but also
that they found great grace in spending time with Him in Eucharistic
(Source: Diocese of Fall River Bishops Blog –
Cardinal Peter Erdo
(1952 to Present)
Archbishop of
Esztergom–Budapest and the Primate of Hungary
"Jesus Christ, when saying farewell to His disciples, sent them into the
whole world to proclaim the gospel. He promised to be with them „always,
until the end of the age”. He is with us in his teaching, in his mercy, in
his sacraments, but most specially in the celebration of the Eucharist and
in the Blessed Sacrament, that we adore outside the Holy Mass, too.”
Archbishop Peter Sartain
(1952 to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of the
Archdioces of Seattle, Washington
"When we pray in His Eucharistic presence, He takes us
beyond words, and our relationship with Him, our desire to give ourselves to
Him, is deepened. It is for that reason that Eucharistic adoration flows
from the Mass and leads us back to Mass. Jesus' abiding presence in the
Blessed Sacrament is His way of drawing us continually into His presence.”
(Source: I Thirst for Your Love! website –
Bishop Dominique M.J. Rey
(1952 to Present)
Bishop of Diocese of
Frejus-Toulon, France"
first condition for the new evangelization is adoration. We must
regain the ability to adore Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist if we are to
bring the men and women of the twenty-first century to faith in Jesus
Christ. This is one of the key themes of the pontificate of Pope Benedict
"The Eucharist is the first missionary act of the Church. So if
we want to be missionary towards a world in need of new saints and
salvation, we have to be men and women of Eucharistic adoration... In
adoration we receive the fire of love which enables us to share our
conviction and have faith about the presence of God."
Bishop David Ricken
(1952 to Present)
Bishop of Green Bay,
Wisconsin"I would encourage you to bring your deepest desires to
the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration, he is waiting for you.... Because
vocations, especially to the priesthood, are coming from areas of the
diocese where the faithful gather around the Eucharist in perpetual prayer,
I am calling for a renewed commitment from our Eucharistic Adoration chapels
to be open and available to all."
(Source: Bishop Ricken's "Encountering Jesus in
the Eucharist" Pastoral Letter –
Bishop Thomas Paprocki
(1952 to Present)
Bishop of Springfield,
Illinois"While spending time in prayerful adoration seems like a
waste of time to our efficiency-driven culture, the truth of the matter is
that time spent with Jesus is never time wasted, but always time used well;
it is not simply time spent sitting and doing nothing, but an experience of
dwelling in our Lord’s love."
(Source: Bishop Paprocki homily for the 25th
Anniverary of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration –
Archbishop William Lori
(1951 to Present)
Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland "I propose
increased opportunities for Eucharistic adoration. Far from detracting
from the celebration of the Eucharist and far from privatizing the
Eucharist, Eucharistic adoration increases our capacity to believe in the
Eucharistic mystery, to participate in its celebration with devotion and
joy, and to go forth in charity to serve the needs of others."
(Source: Thriving In Holiness website –
"If more Catholics spent more time in Eucharistic adoration, I think two things
would happen: many who have abandoned the regular practice of the faith
might well rediscover it. And those who have acquired the bad habit of
arriving late for Mass and leaving early might want to linger instead — to
spend time with the Lord who thirsts for our Love."
(Source: Thriving In Holiness website –
"Eucharistic adoration prolongs the joy and gratitude we should feel at every Mass and
gives us the opportunity to deepen our friendship with the Savior who loves
us so profoundly."
(Source: Thriving In Holiness website –
Archbishop Rino Fisichella
(1951 to Present)
Pro-Prefect for the Dicastery for
Evangelization and Tituliar Archbishop of Vicohabentia
"The Eucharist is not only a sacrament to be celebrated, but also a mystery
to be adored. Adoration is an essential dimension of the Eucharistic life of
the Church. It is a way of recognizing the presence of Christ in the
sacrament, of prolonging the communion with him, of deepening the personal
and ecclesial relationship with him."
(Source: "The New Evangelization: Responding to
the Challenge of Indifference" bk. by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, edited by
William E. May, transl. by Michael J. Miller, 2012, p. 79, Gracewing
Publishing (According to Bing AI) )
Archbishop Timothy Broglio
(1951 to Present)
Archbishop of United States of America, Military
"Frequent are
our visits to the Lord to adore Him and to tell Him, as a friend, about our
problems. This is all beautiful and produces immense fruit. As I said, these
intímate conversations with the Lord increase our love and consequently our
(Source: Archdiocese for the Military Services,
USA website
"Indeed never far from our minds is the basic doctrine of
the Church regarding Eucharistic adoration: it is born of the Mass and
guides us to the Mass. Obviously, it is impossible to have adoration without
first having had a celebration of the Mass. Adoration offers us the
opportunity to adore the very special and unique presence of the Lord. We
celebrate His presence in our midst."
(Source: Archdiocese for the Military Services,
USA website
Bishop Earl Boyea
(1951 to Present)
Bishop of Lansing, Michigan
"As we enter the church or adoration chapel let us get
ready to open the doors of our heart to Jesus. We can talk to Him as with a
good friend. We can share our joys and successes. We can ask Him for advice
on the difficult matters of our day. We may also tell Him about the bigger
challenges we are facing in our life. He already knows them but opening up
with Him is a good way to begin our conversation. Then, we should listen
deeply in our heart for what He wants to tell us."
(Source: Diocese of Lansing, Michigan website –
Bishop Robert McManus
(1951 to Present)
Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts
"Eucharistic adoration extends that personal encounter that we experience in
the worthy reception of Holy Communion and prepares us for a more
enlightened and active participation in subsequent celebrations of the Mass.
Moreover, Eucharistic adoration provides us with the opportunity within our
busy daily schedules to enter into spiritual communion with Him whom we
receive sacramentally at Holy Mass. For this reason, I strongly urge
all our parishes to observe regularly periods of adoration of the Blessed
(Source: Bishop McManus's January 28, 2005
Pastoral Letter on the Eucharist –
Click Here for PDF Document of Letter)
Bishop Michael McKenna
(1951 to Present)
Bishop of Bathurst, Australia
"Even after the congregation has dispersed (after Mass), this real presence
of Christ remains. To spend time with him at the tabernacle or monstrance is
a wonderful form of prayer, which enriches our intimacy with the mystery we
celebrate. Practicing this contemplation helps us guard against casual and
thoughtless lapses from the reverence we owe this great gift;"
(Source: Bishop Mckenna's 2011
Pastoral Letter on Holy Communion –
Click Here for PDF Document of Letter)
Cardinal Arthur Roche
(1950 to Present)
Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine
Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and Cardinal-Deacon of San
Saba, Italy
(Source: EWTN (Great Britain) website
https://ewtn.co.uk/) On a June 22, 2021 interview with EWTN
news, Archbishop (at that time) Roche said it is "important to recognize the
presence of the Lord in the Eucharistic presence of the Lord and to develop
that within your own life"...One way he recommended to “develop a sense of
the presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament” is the practice of
Eucharistic adoration.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan
(1950 to Present)
Archbishop of New York and Cardinal-Priest of
Nostra Signora
di Guadalupe a Monte Mario" 'Pray always!' the Good
Book tells us, and Jesus exhorted us to make sure that our prayer was
patient, persistent, and persevering. Eucharistic adoration accomplishes
this. It tells the world that 'we can't give what we don't have,' and that,
if we do not constantly turn to God in prayer for His grace and mercy, we're
finished. The best thing people of faith can do is pray . . . I can't think
of a better place to do that than before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Timothy Cardinal Dolan blog –
"When the first disciples asked Jesus about following Him, He did not
say, 'Come do a bunch of stuff with me.' Nope - He invited them to 'Come,
stay with me!' Eucharistic adoration is a great way to answer that
(Source: Timothy Cardinal Dolan blog –
Archbishop Samuel Joseph Aquila
(1950 to Present)
Archbishop of
Denver, Colorado"We should make haste to find the Lord. To
find the light that leads to grace and truth, which no darkness can
overcome. At the claim that God has become man, we should drop everything to
pursue him—to find Christ, and, like the shepherds, to worship him."
Archbishop Thomas Wenski
(1950 to Present)
Archbishop of Miami, Florida"This worship of Christ – in the
mystery of his Blessed Sacrament – leads to and extends the participation of
the faithful in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the source and summit of our
lives as Christians. Eucharistic adoration, I am convinced, will be, in
years to come, a remedy for ignorance and religious indifference."
(Source: Archdiocese of Miami website Archbishop's homilies
- https://www.miamiarch.org)
Bishop David Talley
(1950 to Present)
Bishop of Memphis, Tennessee"One of the most powerful
experiences of prayer is that of Adoration, sitting before the Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament and having a deep conversation with Him from the depths of
your being."
(Source: Catholic Diocese of Memphis website,
Bishop Talley's opening letter for Memphis Eucharistic Congress
- https://cdom.org/)
Cardinal Blase Cupich
(1949 to Present)
Archbishop of Chicago,
Illinois"Eucharistic adoration is a legitimate development of
piety in the Western Church with many benefits for those who engage in it.
Adoration highlights the abiding presence of the Lord in his sacrament. And
with that sense of presence, we also grasp his availability to us."
(Source: National Catholic Reporter website –
Archbishop George Lucas
(1949 to Present)
Archbishop of Omaha,
Nebraska"The invitation to be with Jesus,
to live as His disciples is being given to all of us. Increasingly, young
Catholics are hearing the invitation in the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament – and are finding the strength to respond in times of adoration
before the Eucharistic Lord. It is a hopeful sign – to have those who will
soon assume roles of leadership and service in the Church – to be leading us
now in appreciation for the power of the presence of the risen Christ in the
Archbishop Leonard Blair
(1949 to
Archbishop of Hartford, Conneticut
"Our RSVP (to Jesus' invitation to us in the Eucharist) can’t be put off
forever...The Eucharistic mystery of Christ, the Bread of Life, invites us
to faith and trust, a stumbling block for many, but the heavenly banquet of
divine wisdom for those who believe and for those who adore."
Archbishop Jerome Listecki
(1949 to
Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
has been much hope in recent times that a sense of the Real Presence has
regained some lost attention in our parishes and the Universal Church.
Divine Mercy Sunday has promoted the mercy of God extended through the
sacrament of Reconciliation, a new appreciation for confession. The
promotion of Eucharistic adoration in many of our communities has led to an
increased devotion."
(Source: Catholic Herald website –
Cardinal Raymond Burke
(1948 to Present)
Prefect Emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura and
Cardinal-Priest of Sant' Agata de' Goti
Catholics throughout the nation should take part in Eucharistic adoration
and in the praying of the Rosary for the restoration of the respect for
human life and for the safeguarding of the integrity of the family."
Cardinal Peter Turkson
(1948 to Present)
Chancelor of the Roman Curia - Other and
Cardinal-Priest of San Liborio"We must pray before the Blessed Sacrament.
This is what Christ wants us to do, to come before Him and listen, as He
says His words, 'Come to me all you who are weary'."
(Source: I Thirst for Your Love! website –
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo
(1948 to
Archbishop of Yangon,
Myanmar and Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Ireneo a Centocelle
"Until the Church cries out that Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament is worthy of perpetual adoration for all He has done for our
salvation, it will continue to be defeated by it's enemies. I believe, the
best, the surest and the most effective way of establishing everlasting
peace on the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Vatican website
"In any situation in our world,
our best reaction is to give our lives wholeheartedly to Christ, through
prayer and penance. Prayer should especially be in the presence of Jesus
Himself - in the most Blessed Sacrament. That is the foundation of the
worldwide movement for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. "
(Source: Vatican website
Archbishop Allen Vigneron
(1948 to Present)
Archbishop of Detroit, Michigan and Superior of Cayman Islands
"Just as in any relationship of love, it can only grow by spending time with
the beloved. Spend time with Jesus in both formal and informal ways. Mass is
a great way to encounter him as we enter into the mystery of Christ offering
himself on the cross. It is at Mass that we discover the depths of his love
for us. Adoration is a perfect way to spend quality time before Jesus in the
Eucharist, to quiet ourselves from the many distractions of our modern world
and listen to the one that has much he longs to say to us. This silent
prayer with Jesus in the Eucharist is one of the best ways to discover your
(Source: Unleash the Gospel website
"Adoration is a perfect way to spend quality time before
Jesus in the Eucharist, to quiet ourselves from the many distractions of our
modern world and listen to the one that has much he longs to say to us. This
silent prayer with Jesus in the Eucharist is one of the best ways to
discover your vocation."
Bishop Joseph N. Perry
(1948 to Present)
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, Illinois and Titular Bishop
of Lead
"As conscientious Catholics we are seeking
to live authentically the Christian life. We are constantly searching for
what more we can do to be close to God. For this reason we find Eucharistic
Adoration valuable. Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is a precious
opportunity we have to be close to Christ and thereby discover sustenance
and direction for our lives. You cannot be an adorer for long without
noticing and others noticing change in your life. Eucharist is meant to not
only sustain us as food from heaven but also to empower us to do great
things for God and his Church."
"Spiritual practices require
commitment and regularity if they are to transform us. Spiritual practices
like ... adoration before the Blessed
Sacrament are journeys, not day trips into the realm of the sacred. They are
not hobbies or occasional exercises that depend on our moods or our latest
interests. They demand a personal discipline, a personal stick-to-itiveness."
"The late Bishop Fulton Sheen is known to have spent an hour a day
before the Blessed Sacrament. He believed this spiritual practice gave
sustenance to his ministerial actions as priest and bishop. So too for
us, our adoration before the Blessed Eucharist is an action that reminds us
about the combination of bringing together our faith practices and Catholic
action that change our lives and ultimately transform the world."
Bishop Domenico Sorrentino
(1948 to
Bishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, Italy and
Bishop of Foligno, Italy
"Making Jesus our all. This is the ideal of the Christian life. The
Eucharist, well celebrated and adored, allows us to live in Jesus."
Cardinal João Braz de Aviz
(1947 to
Prefect of the Dicastery for
Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and Cardinal-Priest of Sant'Elena
fuori Porta Prenestina
(consecrated women) express the love of the Church as Bride for the
Eucharist also in the prayer of adoration of the Eucharistic Body of the
Lord, and from him they draw effective charity towards the members of his
mystical Body."
(Source: Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and
Societies of Apostolic Life document "Eccleaiae Sponsae Imago" signed by
Cardinal Braz
Cardinal Thomas Collins
(1947 to
Archbishop Emeritus of Toronto, Ontario,
Canada and Cardinal-Priest of San Patrizio
can pray anywhere but there is no more fitting place to pray on earth than
in the sacramental presence of the Lord. There we are profoundly struck with
the awesome mystery of God's grace."
(Source: Archdiocese of Toronto website
Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory
(1947 to
Archbishop of Washington D.C., and
Cardinal-Priest of Immacolata Concezione di Maria a Grottarossa
spiritual tradition (Eucharistic Adoration) helps us to concentrate on the
Lord’s great gift of Himself in the Blessed Sacrament, but it also
challenges us to extend His presence in charity and genuine concern for all
others, especially those who are poor and neglected."
(Source: Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, DC on
Click Here)
Archbishop Antonio Mennini
(1947 to
Titular Archbishop of Ferentium, and Official of the
Sectritariat of State"Be convinced that the Lord is waiting for you to
open your hearts to him in prayer. He wants to meet you personally and to
enter into a dialogue with you. This conviction will fill you with an urgent
desire to seek periods of silence in your daily life where you have the
space to be drawn into union with God in prayer. In this regard I should
like to commend to you the practice of Eucharistic Adoration... Adoration
draws us away from external distractions into a growing communion with Jesus
present in the Blessed Sacrament. Encourage your friends to join in this
(Source: Invocation 2011 blog
Archbishop Buti Tlhagale
(1947 to
Archbishop of Johannesburg, South
"(Eucharistic) Adoration itself is an act of witnessing
when one sees many gathered in silence before the Lord. Eucharistic
adoration should become part and parcel of our way of being Church.
Many have said that Eucharistic adoration promotes vocations to the
priesthood and to religious life. Children, youth and adults should be
taught to appreciate the beauty of silence in the presence of Jesus Christ."
(Source: The Southern Cross website
"As custodians of the Eucharist, it is our privilege to promote
Eucharistic adoration so that those who do so may savor the grace of healing
that comes from the Lord himself."
(Source: The Southern Cross website
Bishop Thomas Olmsted
(1947 to Present)
Bishop Emeritus of Phoenix, Arizona
"Friends deepen their love and affection by spending time together. The same
is true of our relationship with Christ. Eucharistic adoration prolongs the
mystery of Jesus’ self-offering in the Mass. To adore the Eucharistic Jesus
is to lovingly savor and delight in His sacramental presence. It is not
opposed to the Mass or a substitute to the Mass. Rather, Eucharistic
adoration flows from the sacred liturgy and back to it again...Extended time
in Eucharistic adoration deepens our prayer in marvelous ways...To all
fathers and mothers, let your children see that devotion to the Eucharist in
adoration is an essential, life-giving part of your schedule!"
(Source: Bishop Olmstead Apostolic Ehortation
"Veneremur Cernui – Down in Adoration Falling" -
Archbishop Michael Neary
(1946 to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of Tuam, Ireland
"There is also within us a hankering after stability
and security, a feeling that we would like to know where the centre is and
be close to the centre. In a busy hectic world Eucharistic Adoration has a
special appeal."
(Source: Archdiocese of Tuam website - Archbishop
Neary 11/28/15 homily -
"As we adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament we have
reminders of his vulnerability in the Sacred host. And yet here in the
Sacred host we are at the centre, not just of our world but of the whole
universe. Here we make contact with someone who does not change, someone who
is always reaching out to us in love, listening to our stories, whether of
sorrow or sadness, of joy and victory. Here we have someone who listens to
our heartbeat, is familiar with our worries and anxieties, our concern about
our children and grandchildren, someone who understands our disappointments
and frustration."
(Source: Archdiocese of Tuam website - Archbishop
Neary 11/28/15 homily -
"Through adoration of Christ in the Blessed
Sacrament, we get a sense of history, a sense of the past and also future
hope. We are enabled to put things in perspective, without either
exaggerating or diminishing their importance. In the presence of Christ in
the Blessed Sacrament we realise that we are not the ones who are in
control, we do not possess the power which we might like to think we have
and yet we have the power which comes from the fact that we are accepted,
welcomed and loved by Jesus Christ."
(Source: Archdiocese of Tuam website - Archbishop
Neary 11/28/15 homily -
Bishop Robert Morlino
(1946 to 2018)
Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin
"(Eucharistic adoration is) a beautiful service you
render to the church and the diocese. The only greater thing you can do is
Mass... Use this opportunity (Eucharistic adoration) to beg the Lord for
sisters and priests for this diocese."
"There is a tight connection
between Eucharistic Adoration and vocations."
Bishop Massimo Camisasca
(1946 to Present)
Bishop Emeritus of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, Italy
"(Eucharistic) adoration is the acknowledgement that God is greater than any
human measure, wiser than our greatest wisdom, truer than our greatest
truth, more beautiful than our greatest beauty, holier than our greatest
Bishop Salvatore Matano
(1946 to Present)
Bishop of Rochester, New York
"In his writings, Saint John Paul II encourages Eucharistic Devotion outside
of Mass and instructs us: “Let us take time to kneel before Jesus present in
the Eucharist …” (Mane Nobiscum Domine, no. 18). This includes making visits
to church whenever possible, Eucharistic Adoration and the celebration of
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Programs are good and necessary, but
there is no substitute for our active worship of Christ present in the Most
Holy Eucharist. Priests, deacons, parish administrators and the leadership
and faculties in our Catholic schools and religious education programs
should foster Eucharistic devotions which become a source of renewed
strength in the life of the parish, school and educational programs."
(Source: Bishop Matano's May 25, 2017
Pastoral Letter on the Year of the Eucharist 2017-2018 –
Click Here for PDF Document of Letter)
Cardinal Antonio Canizares
(1945 to Present)
Emeritus of Velenica, Spain and Cardinal-Priest of San Pancrazio"It is equally
urgent to promote Eucharistic Adoration: faced with the real presence of our
Lord, we cannot but adore."
"I think that today, thru the practice of
(Eucharistic) Adoration, we are living out a kind of second Pentecost."
Cardinal Robert Sarah
(1945 to Present)
Emeritus of the Congregation
for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and Cardinal-Priest of San Giovanni Bosco
in via Tuscolana"The
Church's life should centre around the Mystery of the Eucharist both in the
liturgical celebration and Eucharistic Adoration. During the Synod of
Bishops on the Eucharist in 2005, many Asian Bishops strongly proposed, at
times insisting categorically to introduce perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
in their dioceses and some of them stated that there where Eucharistic
Adoration took place, greater reconciliation, peace and communion were
experienced. This is possible because Jesus is present in the tabernacle as
magnetic pole 'attracting an ever greater number of souls enamored
of Him, ready to wait patiently to hear His voice and, as it were, to sense
the beating of His heart'."
(Source: Church of St. Rapheal website –
"The most important moments in life are
the hours of prayer and adoration. They give birth to a human being,
fashion our true identity; they root our existence in mystery."
(Source: "God or Nothing" by Cardinal Sarah, Ignatius Press)
"The tragedy of our world is never better summed up than in
the fury of senseless noise that stubbornly hates silence. This age detests
the things that silence brings us to: encounter, wonder and kneeling before
(Source: "The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise" by Cardinal Sarah, Ignatius Press)
"Sacred silence, laden with the adored presence, opens the way to mystical silence,
full of loving intimacy."
(Source: "The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise" by Cardinal Sarah, Ignatius Press)
"Mother Teresa had a face charred by God’s silences, but she bore within
her and breathed love. By dint of remaining long hours before the burning
flame of the Blessed Sacrament, her face was tanned, transformed by a daily
face-to-face encounter with the Lord."
(Source: "The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise" by Cardinal Sarah, Ignatius Press)
Bishop Paul Bradley
(1945 to Present)
Emiritus of Kalamazoo, Michigan"I saw evidence in many
parishes of a profound reverence for the Eucharist which in some parishes
includes regular times for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The impact of
a community united in prayer is powerful and far-reaching and contributes to
the many fellowship activities that truly build parishes as families of
Bishop John Quinn
(1945 to Present)
Bishop of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota
"When the Eucharist is powerful in our lives (as in
Eucharistic Adoration) – where Jesus Christ's love is poured out and our
lives our changed – that inner journey is different. What we're searching
for is different, because the Eucharist fulfills those hungers, because
Jesus Christ is here as a person, truly in love with each one of us, in all
of our joys and all of our sorrows, and wants to be part of your life and
mine – the inner journey."
Cardinal Marc Ouellet
(1944 to Present)
Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops and Cardinal-Bishop of Santa Maria in Traspontina"Permit me to confide in you
especially the ministry of Eucharistic adoration. I ask you to remain
faithful, humble and patient, even if there is no encouragement given from
those around you. Many have lost the sense of Eucharistic adoration, even
among the priests, consecrated persons and theologians. Do not be
discouraged by negative comments or disobliging remarks that could
demobilize you. Keep your faith alive in the Resurrected Christ who is truly
present with His Body and Blood. Continue to witness the love of the Church
that kneels before her Lord and who rests at His feet, as Mary of Bethany
did, to listen long and to adore in silence."
"Some people are afraid
that the practice of Eucharistic adoration takes away from the celebration
of the Pascal mystery and the social mission in the name of the Resurrected
Lord. The contrary is true. Eucharistic adoration, even outside of the Mass,
helps to keep the real sense of the Mass and revive the flame of the social
engagement in the name of faith. I can see how the parishes that have
adoration chapels are in general the most dynamic and apostolic."
"You will discover that the place ‘par excellence’ of Eucharistic adoration
is the celebration, (of the Holy Mass) and that the engagement for culture
and social solidarity is a part of the necessity for the Eucharist. If
sometimes their reticence signifies that the Eucharist is not the base of a
convivial repast in remembrance of Jesus and that adoration does not have a
place, I invite them to ask themselves if their vision of the Eucharist is
still Catholic. I am convinced that the missionary vigor and the social
implication of Christians only have strength if they are rooted in the
adoration of the living Christ, really present in the Holy Eucharist."
"Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is
awakening and developing all over the world, and this will help to restore
the sacredness of the liturgical celebration of the Mass.... The renewal of
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament...is a sign of the times, and a great
sign of encouragement."
"The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ...
must not be belittled as a pious but now outdated custom. It is a
development of the living tradition, which felt the need to express faith in
Christ’s real presence in the sacrament in this way."
(Source: Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference website –
Cardinal Mauro Piacenza
(1944 to
Penitentiary Major of the Apostolic
Penitentiary at the Vatican and Cardinal-Deacon of San Paolo alle Tre Fontane"We cannot
overestimate the importance of adoring the Lord in the Most Blessed
Sacrament, knowing that worship is the highest act of the People of God and
an effective means toward promoting the sanctification of the Clergy,
reparation for sin, and vocations to the Priesthood and to the Consecrated
Life. With courage, we must ask the Lord to send forth new laborers into the
harvest, and in every diocese there should be at least one church, chapel,
or shrine set aside for perpetual adoration of the Eucharist, specifically
for the intention of the promotion of new vocations and for the
sanctification of the Clergy."
(Source: Vultus Christi website –
"Order (in the world) is restored
above all by strongly affirming the primacy of the Risen Christ, present in
the Eucharist. There is a great peaceful battle to be waged, which is that
of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, so that the entire world can become part
of a network of prayer. United to the holy Rosary, in which we reflect on
the salvific mysteries of Christ together with Mary, this will generate and
develop a movement of reparation and penetration."
(Source: Harvesting the Fruits of Contemplation Blog –
Click Here)
Cardinal Jeane-Pierre Ricard
to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of Bourdeaux-Bazas, France
Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Agostino
"A rediscovery, or a discovery of Eucharistic adoration is
reappearing today in Europe and indeed in other continents... It seems to
allow a home (for internalizing contemplation of) Christ in the Eucharist.
Some have expanded their hunger for the Eucharist (while at) Eucharistic adoration. By programming (an) hour of
(Eucharistic) worship or by establishing a perpetual adoration (program),
parishes felt they were worn by a new spiritual and apostolic dynamism. Surprisingly, we now see (that)
young people first go through Eucharistic adoration to discover (the) Mass. This is a phenomenon not
programmed, which arose when we did not expect (it) but which contributes
significantly, at least for a number of people, enabling them (an)
internalized, a personal approach of the Eucharist."
Archbishop Robert Carlson
to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of St. Louis,
"In the presence of so many gifts, we must never forget that the Eucharist,
as the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, is the source of all that is good.
All our strength to witness to the love of Jesus Christ comes to us through
the Blessed Sacrament. We give thanks to God for so great a gift."
Archbishop Charles Chaput
to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"The same Jesus Christ is alive among us right now in
every celebration of the Mass, in our tabernacles and in our adoration
Bishop Alan Hopes
to Present)
Bishop Emeritus of East Anglia,
"How important also it is for us to spend personal time with the Lord
between those moments of receiving the blessed Eucharist! Set aside
some time for the Lord whose Eucharistic Presence in the tabernacles of our
churches invites us to ponder on the depths of His great gift to us.
For it is at these moments we can absorb the gifts with which he fills our
lives at the moment of Holy Communion. The obligation to come to Mass
will then no longer be seen as something imposed by the Church."
(Source: Bishop Hopes's Sept. 9, 2018 Pastoral Letter)
Archbishop Joseph Di Noia
(1943 to Present)
Secretary Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Doctrine Of The Faith
and Titular Archbishop of Oregon City
"During Eucharistic adoration, it is not only we who behold Christ,
but it is also He who beholds us. When we adore the Blessed Sacrament, we
are not just gazing at a beautiful but inert object. The contemplative mode
of prayer that we learn during adoration presupposes that Christ returns our
(Source: Into The Deep blog –
Cardinal Fortunato Frezza
(1942 to
Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata, Rome, Italy and Priest of Viterbo,
"Adoring the Eucharist, as we see bread and wine as appearances of the Body
of the Son, we find the clear transparency of the Mother:
Ave verum
Corpus, natum de Maria Virgine."
(Source: Vatican website PDF -
Cardinal Angelo Scola
(1941 to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of Milan, Italy and Cardinal-Priest of Santi XII Apostoli
"During the Last Supper, the participants' awareness of the concrete presence
of Christ asking for adoration, identified in the consecrated bread and wine
(cf. Mk 14:22-24; Mt 26:26-28; I Cor 11:24-25; Lk 22:19-20), is imposing. It
is therefore undeniable that the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, just as
is done today in the Latin Church, has made more evident a fact that belongs
to the essence of faith in the Eucharistic mystery."
(Source: Vatican website -
"... one must decisively insist that both the consuming of
the Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration are always ecclesial acts. They
cannot be conceived as an individual practice of piety. To adore Christ
during Consecration and Communion and to adore him present in the Tabernacle
implies to recognize oneself and to act as a member of his Ecclesial Body.
In that way, the Eucharist is not an encounter that is finished in the act
of consuming, but is a permanent encounter, just as the continuous coming of
the Lord in his Church is also permanent in virtue of the Eucharistic
(Source: Vatican website -
"In light of the ecclesial nature of Adoration, it is better understood
why Christian piety has also united "reparation" for the sins of the world
to Eucharistic Adoration: before the Lord, as members of his Body, we are
all responsible for one another."
(Source: Vatican website -
Archbishop Denis Hart
(1941 to Present)
Archbishop Emeritus of Melbourne, Australia"The uniquely
Catholic devotion of Eucharistic adoration is the perfect spiritual antidote
to the culture of our age. When every other medium bombards us with
the message ‘Look to yourself,’ Eucharistic adoration says: ‘Look beyond
yourself. Fix your eyes on Christ!"
(Source: I Thirst for Your Love! blog -
"Adoration takes us outside of
ourselves. It reminds us that God is not principally ‘God within us,’
but ‘God beyond us.’ According to the Christian gospel, God spanned
this great and mysterious ‘beyond-ness’ by coming to us in His Word made
flesh. This Word made flesh is present in the Eucharistic host, and it
is upon him that we fix our adoring gaze."
Bishop Edward Slattery
(1940 to Present)
"I think that there may be some people for whom Adoration may be considered
a salutary devotion, but still on the periphery of Church life. I fear there
may even be priests for whom things like Holy Hours and extended periods of
Eucharistic Adoration are nothing more than quaint relics of a past piety or
something which ought to take second place to the pursuit of social justice
and the search to find the face of Jesus in the poor. Nothing, however,
could be further from the truth!"
"When someone spends time with Our
Lord in the Eucharist, he or she makes a conscious and deliberate choice to
belong to Christ entirely for that period, since the believer cannot be
present to Christ through the mind alone or through the senses alone. Since
the believer has put aside every other activity, sacrificed every lesser
good which might have been accomplished in that hour for the greater good of
lingering a time with Jesus, that person has made a very clear accounting of
what in his or her life belongs by right to Christ. It is everything."