20th Century Saints (1930 - 2000)
Quotes On
The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration
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S.D. Ida Peterfy (1922 to 2000)
Hungarian Nun and Foundress of the Society Devoted To The
Sacred Heart Of Jesus
"Adoration is a personal encounter with
Jesus in the Eucharist. It is a loving conversation with Him who loves us
infinitely. It is a silent listening to His voice who speaks to our hearts.
It is a joyful praise of His glory who fills us with His grace. It is a
humble petition of His mercy who forgives us our sins. It is a grateful
thanksgiving for His goodness who blesses us with His gifts."
(Source: "I Am Here: Eucharistic Testimonies and
Guides for Adoration" by Servant of God Sister Ida Peterfy, 2012, page 9,
pub. Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart (According to Bing AI))
Cardinal John O'Connor (1920 to 2000)
Cardinal and Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois
"It is most
heartening to learn that young men and women, in their late teens and
twenties, are increasingly attracted to meditative prayer in the Presence of
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. May all the faithful find in the Eucharist
their source of strength and courage to imitate our Lady, totally open to
his will in their daily lives. It is my hope that this devotion to Jesus in
the Eucharist will spread to more and more parishes and dioceses across our
(Source: AZ Quotes website -
S.D. Salustiano Míguelez Romero (1919 to
Spanish Augustian Priest
us visit the blessed sacrament often, not only to ask for favors, but also
to give thanks, to praise, to worship, to console, to love. Let us visit him
as friends, as brothers, as children, as spouses. Let us visit him as the
most precious treasure, the most beautiful pearl, the most sublime mystery,
the most tender heart."
(Source: "Salustiano Míguelez Romero, OSA: A
Servant of God, a Missionary of the Gospel, a Witness of the Eucharist"
booklet edited by Fr. José Luis González Arintero, OSA, transl. by Fr. Brian
Lowery, OSA, 2020, p. 22, pub. Augustinian Order
(According to Bing AI) )
St. María de la Purísima Salvat Romero (1926 to
Religious name -
María de la Purísima of the Cross,
Spanish Nun canonized in 2015 just
17 years after her death
"Let us be faithful to our visits to the
Blessed Sacrament, where Jesus waits for us with infinite love. Let us offer
Him our prayers, our sacrifices, our joys and sorrows, our needs and
desires. Let us tell Him everything, as we would tell a friend who loves us
and understands us. He
will listen to us, He will console us, He will guide us, He will bless us."
"María de la Purísima: Una vida de amor y entrega" by Sister María del
Carmen González, 2010, p.123, pub. Sisters of the Company of the Cross
(According to Bing AI) )
Cardinal John J. Carberry (1904 to
Cardinal and Archbishop of
St. Louis, Missouri
"Jesus, my God, I adore You, here present in the
Blessed Sacrament of the altar, where You wait day and night to be our
comfort while we await Your unveiled presence in heaven."
"Reflections and Prayers for Visits with Our Eucharistic Lord" book by John
J. Cardinal Carberry)
"I am not
in an audiencresent as my God, my Lord, my Redeemer, the Creator of heaven
and earth, my all. I believe, dear Jesus, that You are truly present, boe with our Holy Father, nor am I in the presence of a saint
from heaven, nor with some distinguished personality. Before me, dear Jesus,
You are present under the frail appearance of the host. With the eyes of
faith I believe that You are pdy and blood, soul and divinity, in the most
Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: "Reflections and Prayers for Visits with Our
Eucharistic Lord" book by John J. Cardinal Carberry)
S.D. Padre Leopoldo Pastori (1939 to 1996)
Italian Missionary Monk for the PIME Fathers
"I am seeking to
live my ideal: to be a missionary-contemplative so as to announce Christ in
a credible manner. I give much time to prayer before the Eucharist, at least
five hours a day, as did the first PIME (Pontifical Institute for the
Foreign Missions) missionaries. And I am experiencing, given that Jesus
wants to increase and wants me to decrease, that prayer is becoming
continual, by day, and when I wake up, by night."
(Source: Exlaodicea blog -
Bishop Glennon Flavin (1916 to 1995)
Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska
"And then, dear seminarians, you’ve got to teach your people to love the
Blessed Sacrament.... First of all, you teach them by your own
reverence for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.... Secondly, preach
to them about it.... Introduce perpetual adoration in your parishes
wherever it’s feasible. What better way could we teach our people to
love our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament than to preach perpetual adoration
day and night? You think it’s impossible? It’s being done in hundreds
of parishes throughout our country!... This is telling people again
Who the Eucharist is! Seminarians, start now to develop your great
love and awe, and your reverence for the Holy Eucharist."
“Reflections and Prayers for Visits with Our Eucharistic Lord" updated by
Bishop Flavin, 1986, Pauline Books and Media)
"Our young people have to come to love
Our Lord before they will leave all things to follow Him. One of the ways
to bring them to that point is to ask them to make a five or ten minute
visit with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every day. Just to sit in His
presence and talk with Him and listen to Him. As they get to know Him, He
will begin to reveal Himself to them more and more. How their love for Him
will grow in their souls!
“Reflections and Prayers for Visits with Our Eucharistic Lord" updated by
Bishop Flavin, 1986, Pauline Books and Media)
"I beg you to
make a holy hour every week before the Blessed Sacrament. It will be the
best hour you spend on earth. It will be an hour of grace, of peace, of joy,
of love. It will be an hour of transformation, of renewal, of strength. It
will be an hour of union with Christ, who loves you more than you can
(Source: “The Eucharist and Priestly Vocations"
1992 letter by Bishop Flavin to his semanarians)
Bl. Álvaro del Portillo (1914 to 1994)
Bishop who served as the first Prelate to Opus Dei
"Let us go to the tabernacle with faith, with love,
with gratitude, with a great desire to make reparation for the offenses that
our Lord receives, and to console him. Let us ask him to increase our faith,
our hope, our love, and to give us the grace to be faithful to our vocation."
(Source: "Saxum: The Life of Alvaro del
Portillo" bk. by John F. Coverdale, 2014 p. 378, pub. Scepter
Publishers (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us ask our Lord to give us
a great love for the Eucharist, to make us realize that it is he himself who
is there, waiting for us, to fill us with his joy and his peace. Let us ask
him to help us to be generous in our correspondence to his love, to be
faithful to our daily Mass, to our visits to the Blessed Sacrament, to our
spiritual communion."
(Source: "In Dialogue with the Lord: The Prayer Life of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo" bk. by
Francis Fernandez-Carvaja, 2016, p. 123, pub. Midwest Theological Forum (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. William Giaquinta (1914 to 1994)
Bishop of the Diocese of Tivoli, Italy
"Love, as the true essence of holiness, grows ever deeper in us through the
frequent recollection of and visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: “The Cenacle: A School of Holiness" by
William Giaguinta, 1988, Pro-Sactity Press)
Ven. Thomas Morales Perez (1908 to 1994)
Jesuit Priest who founded the Institutos Seculares de los Cruzados de María
"Contemplation is not a technique of specialists, a privilege exclusive to a
few. It is rather the natural consequence of a soul that loves God and, full
of admiration, adores in silence."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog –
King Baudouin Of Belgium (1930 to 1993)
of Belgium and devout Catholic
Despite his busy schedule he would
sit in Eucharistic Adoration for 3 hours every day. He commented that
sitting before the Blessed Sacrament was like sitting in the sun; nothing is
required of you but to come out of the shade, and you only feel the strength
of its effects later.
St. Irma Dulce (1914 to 1992)
Brazilian Franciscan Nun and founder of the Charitable Works Foundation of
Sister Dulce
"I also like to visit the chapel and spend some time
in silence before the tabernacle, where Jesus is present. It is a moment of
prayer, of intimacy, of gratitude. I thank Him for everything He has done
for me and for the people I serve. I ask Him for strength, wisdom, patience,
and love. I also ask Him to bless my work and the work of all those who
collaborate with me."
(Source: St. Irmã Dulce, quoted in "A vida de Irmã
Dulce", Veja, August 16, 1989, p. 10. Translated by Bing (2023) )
Ven. Alphonse Gallegos (1931 to 1991)
Auxillary Bishop of Sacramento, California
Gallegos was a
Eucharistic man; he celebrated Mass with great reverence and inspired others
to want to be with Christ, in the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist was his
hidden treasure: Gallegos spent hours before the Blessed Sacrament daily,
rising early to converse with Christ, beginning his day with a renewed
desire for God and to strive for holiness...It is probably not by chance
that Bishop Gallegos served in the Diocese of Sacramento, where he loved to
adore Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, Santísimo Sacramento. Gallegos
would often say upon returning from his travels to Sacramento, “I am glad to
be back home in Sacramento, my little piece of heaven".
(Source: Diocese of Sacramento website –
S.D. Pierre Goursat (1914 to 1991)
Founder of
the Emmanuel Community and the Fraternity Of Jesus
"One purpose of adoration, naturally, is to honour the Body and He art of
Christ, but in addition to this, adoration is the place where we can ask to
be set on fire with love, that we be enflamed with love, so as to in turn
ignite our brothers and sisters. The Church of today has gone cold. The only
way of transforming and revitalising the Church is through love; love which
comes from the Heart of Jesus. This is something to be asked for during
adoration and through confident trusting prayer."
(Source: Pierre Goursat website –
S.D. Pedro Arrupe (1907 to 1991)
Priest and the 28th Superior General of the Jesuits
"'Would you like to have some good advice from me? Look upon Jesus as your
friend, as your confidant. Learn to go and see Him, to visit Him, to
'remain' with Him, and you will see how many things you will learn... "Tell
me with whom you associate and I shall tell you who you are." If you go
with Jesus, if you remain with Jesus, you will certainly become yourself
another Jesus."
(Source: Portal To Jeusut Studies website quoted
here with permission from the "Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies"
Chestnut Hill, MA –
S.D. Antônio Campelo de Aragon (1904 to 1988)
Bishop Emeritus of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil
"Let us visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament often,
especially during the hours of adoration. Let us not leave him alone,
abandoned, forgotten. Let us show him our love, our gratitude, our
reverence. Let us tell him our joys, our sorrows, our needs, our hopes. Let
us listen to his voice, his inspirations, his invitations. Let us receive
his blessings, his graces, his peace."
(Source: "Cartas Circulares: a espiritualidade das
Medianeiras da Paz que emana das Circulares do Fundador" bk. by Antônio
Campelo de Aragon, 2021, p. 66, pub. Medianeiras da Paz (Transl. by Bing AI
2023) )
Bl. Luigi Novarese (1914 to 1984)
Italian Priest and co-founder of the Apostolate Of The Suffering
"(The Eucharist)
is Jesus Himself, really present among us, who invites us, who calls us, who
waits for us, who loves us. How
can we resist His voice, His appeal, His invitation, His love? How can we
neglect such a great gift, such a precious treasure, such a sublime mystery?
How can we not visit Him, adore Him, thank Him, love Him, every day, every
hour, every moment?"
(Source: "Eucharistic Spirituality: Conferences to
the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament" bk. by Luigi Novarese and Silvio
Sass, 2019, p.13, pub. Pauline Books and Media (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. Cardinal Terence Cooke (1921 to 1983)
Cardinal and Archbishop of New York
"The Eucharist is the center of our lives as Christians. It is the
source of our strength, the summit of our worship, the bond of our unity. It
is also the most intimate expression of Christ’s love for us and our love
for him. To spend time in his presence, to adore him in the Blessed
Sacrament, is to enter into a personal and profound communion with our Lord
and Savior."
(Source: "Christ in the City" by Cardinal Terence
Cooke, 1976, page 47, pub. Paulist Press (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. Cardinal Terence Cooke (1921 to 1983)
Cardinal and Archbishop of New York
"The Eucharist is the center of our lives as Christians. It is the
source of our strength, the summit of our worship, the bond of our unity. It
is also the most intimate expression of Christ’s love for us and our love
for him. To spend time in his presence, to adore him in the Blessed
Sacrament, is to enter into a personal and profound communion with our Lord
and Savior."
(Source: "Christ in the City" by Cardinal Terence
Cooke, 1976, page 47, pub. Paulist Press (According to Bing AI) )
"“I urge all the faithful of the Archdiocese to cultivate a deep and fervent
devotion to the Eucharist. I ask you to make frequent visits to the Blessed
(Source: Cardinal Cooke's January 25, 1981
Pastoral Letter to the faithful on Eucharistic Devotion (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa (1904 to 1981)
Religious name - María Inés Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament
Mexican Nun and founder of the Poor
Clare Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
"The Eucharist is Jesus Himself, who loves us with an infinite love
and who waits for us in the tabernacle to fill us with His gifts, to
transform us into Himself, to make us live His own life."
(Source: "Eucharistic Spirituality of Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa" by
Sister María del Carmen González-Tejero, 2011, page 25, pub. Congregation of
Missionary Sisters of the Eucharist (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us adore Jesus in the Eucharist with faith, love and gratitude. Let us
offer Him our lives, our hearts, our souls, our thoughts, our words, our
actions, our joys and our sorrows. Let us unite ourselves to Him in a
perfect communion of love."
(Source: "Eucharistic Spirituality of Blessed Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa" by
Sister María del Carmen González-Tejero, 2011, page 29, pub. Congregation of
Missionary Sisters of the Eucharist (According to Bing AI) )
St. Oscar Romero (1917 to 1980)
Martyr and Archbishop of San Salvador in El Salvador
Eucharist is an act of faith. Through Christian faith we know that at this
moment the Wheaten Host is transformed into the body of the Lord, who
offered Himself for the redemption of the world, and in this chalice the
wine is transformed into the blood that was the price of salvation. May this
body immolated and this blood sacrificed for mankind nourish us also, so
that we may give our body and our blood to suffering and to pain, like
Christ, not for self, but to bring about a harvest of justice and peace for
our people." - (Following these words, at the beginning of Mass, Archbishop
Romero was martyred in the Hospital Chapel where he regularly observed a
Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration)
(Source: Super Martyrio blogspot –
"(At Eucharistic Adoration) we are able to make an act of faith before
the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and offer our prayers for the
great needs of our families, our nation, and the Church."
(Source: Super Martyrio blogspot –
"We celebrate the faith that has brought us here together... Either
standing as a sign of respect or on knee as a sign of adoration, (the
faithful) affirm that before their eyes, under the appearance of bread and
wine is the body and the blood of Christ, truly, really and substantially
(Source: Super Martyrio blogspot –
S.D. Dorothy Day (1897 to 1980)
American Journalist and Social Activist
Servant of God Dorothy Day
interrupted her tireless works of mercy to spend many hours before the
Blessed Sacrament. There she interceded for the homeless, broken, and
mentally ill people she loved. Her time before the Real Presence gave her
confidence that she lived and served in the Lord’s presence all the time.
(Source: The Catholic Digest website –
S.D. Frank Duff (1889 to 1980)
Irish layman, Catholic author and founder of the Legion Of Mary in
"The Eucharist is Jesus Himself. He is there waiting for
us. He is longing for us to come to Him. He is lonely for our company. He
wants to give Himself to us, to fill us with His grace, His love, His joy,
His peace. He wants to make us one with Him. He wants to transform us into
Bl. Luigi Bordino
(1922 to 1977)
Religious Brother of the order of Brothers Of Saint Joseph Benedict
"The Eucharist is the source of all grace, the fountain of life,
the bread of angels, the pledge of eternal glory. It is the most precious
treasure that God has given us, and we should visit it often with love and
reverence. It is there that we find Jesus, who waits for us with open arms,
ready to listen to us, to comfort us, to heal us, to transform us into his
image. He invites us to share in his divine life, to become his friends, his
brothers, his spouses. He wants to give us everything, if only we open our
hearts to him and let him enter. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He
is our hope, our joy, our peace. He is our all."
(Source: "The Eyes of the Blessed Luigi Bordino"
by Nicholas Kirimo, 2023, p. 18, pub. Serenity Publishers (According to Bing
AI) )
S.D. Antoni Baraniak (1904 to 1977)
Archbishop of Poznan, Poland
"The more we visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,
the more we receive his grace and blessings. He waits for us with open arms,
ready to fill us with his gifts and to transform us into his likeness. He
is the friend who never fails, the physician who heals, the teacher who
enlightens, the spouse who loves."
(Source: "Antoni Baraniak: A Witness of Hope" bk.
edited by Fr. Janusz Surzykiewicz, 2017, p. 237, pub. Wydawnictwo
Pallottinum, Poland (Transl. by Bing AI 2023) )
Joseph Escriva (1902 to 1975)
Priest and
founder of the worldwide "Opus Dei" movement
"Each time you
approach the Blessed Sacrament remember that Jesus has been waiting for you
for twenty centuries for this personal visit from you."
(Source: AZ Quotes website –
"If you don't
keep in touch with Christ in prayer and in the bread, how can you make Him
known to others?"
"O angelic spirits who guard our tabernacles
wherein lies the adorable treasure of the Holy Eucharist, defend it from
profanation and preserve it for our love."
(Source: Truth Himself blog –
"Be a Eucharistic soul! If
the center around which your thoughts and hopes turn is the Tabernacle, then
my child, how abundant the fruits of sanctity and apostolate will be! (The
Forge, 835)"
(Source: Escriva Works website –
"We must adore devoutly this God of ours, hidden in the Eucharist—it is
Jesus himself, born of the Virgin Mary."
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
facebook page –
"Get to know the Sacred Humanity of Jesus... And He will place in your
soul an insatiable hunger, an 'uncontrollable' yearning to contemplate his
(Source: The Way of the Cross by St. Joseph
Escriva, 1990, Scepter Publishers)
Bl. Michał Sopocko (1888 to 1975)
Polish Priest, professor and spiritual director of St. Faustina Kowalski
"The more we visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the more we
will be filled with His love and grace. The more we receive Him in Holy
Communion, the more we will be united with Him and transformed into His
likeness. The more we make spiritual communions, the more we will prepare ourselves for the actual
reception of His Body and Blood."
(Source: "The Spark from Poland" by Fr. Michał Sopoćko, 2010, page 125, pub. Stockbridge: Marian Press
(According to Bing AI))
Bl. Władysław Bukowinski (1904 to 1974)
Polish Priest who served in the country of Kazakhstan
"My dear children, I urge you to visit the blessed sacrament
often. It is the best way to show your love and gratitude to Jesus, who is
always waiting for you in the tabernacle. He wants to speak to your hearts,
to listen to your prayers, to comfort your sorrows, to heal your wounds, to
forgive your sins, to bless your endeavors, to guide your steps, to fill you
with his peace and joy. He is your best friend, your most faithful
companion, your most tender spouse. He is your everything. Do not neglect
him, do not forget him, do not abandon him. He
is always there for you, longing for your presence, thirsting for your love."
(Source: "Blessed Władysław Bukowinski: Apostle of
Kazakhstan" bk. by Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik, 2016, p. 99, pub. Polish
Episcopal Conference
(According to Bing AI) )
St. María de las Maravillas de Jesús (1891 to 1974)
Spanish Discalced Carmelite Nun who founded several Convents of her Order
"Let us go to the tabernacle where Jesus is waiting for us with open arms.
He is our refuge, our consolation, our hope. He is our all. Let us tell him
everything that is in our hearts: our joys, our sorrows, our desires, our
fears, our gratitude, our love. He
will listen to us with infinite patience and kindness, and he will answer us
with his grace and his peace."
(Source: "The Love of Jesus in the Eucharist” by
María de las Maravillas de Jesús, translated by Sister Mary Immaculate, OCD,
2004, p. 83, pub. ICS Publications in Washington, DC
(According to Bing AI) )
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892 to 1973)
Famous English writer, poet, philoligist and university professor
"Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the
one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament… There you will find
romance, glory, honour, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves upon
earth, and more than that: Death: by the divine paradox, that which ends
life, and demands the complete surrender of all, and yet by the taste (or
foretaste) of which alone can what you what you seek in your earthly
relationships (love, faithfulness, joy) be maintained, or take on the
complexity of reality, of eternal endurance, which every man’s heart
(Source: Tea with Tolkien blog –
Archbishop Paul F. Leibold (1914 to 1972)
Archbishop of Cincinnati, Ohio
"We urge all our people to make frequent
visits to the Blessed Sacrament, to spend some time in adoration before the
tabernacle where the Lord dwells. Such visits are a powerful means of
deepening our personal union with Christ, of increasing our love for him and
for our brothers and sisters. They
are also a sign of our reverence and gratitude for the gift of the
Eucharist, a gift that demands a response of love and service on our part."
(Source: Archbishop Paul F. Leibold's 1971
Pastoral Letter "The Eucharist: The Center of Christian Life" (According to
Bing AI) )
S.D. Mary Francesca de Chantal (1880 to 1972)
Nun in India and co-foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Her deep attachment to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament enabled her to
overcome all the trials and tribulations in her life. Even when she was
rejected by her own sisters, punished by the diocesan authorities and
belittled by the public, she accepted everything with joy to make the
Eucharistic Lord known, loved and adored by all...She acted as a missionary
by making use of all opportunities that came across her to promote
Eucharistic devotion. She spent long hours before the Blessed Sacrament,
conversing with Jesus even in the odd hours of the night when no one was
(Source: SABS St. Thomas Province
Changanacherry website –
S.D. Jesús Antonio Gómez Gomez (1895 to 1971)
Diocesen Priest in country of Columbia
The Venerable Servant of God had a personal relationship with the Lord,
cultivated through deep piety and constant prayer. He spent many hours in
Eucharistic adoration (even when ill). For this reason people called (him): "The lamp of the
Blessed Sacrament".
(Source: Diacatery For The Cause Of The Saints website –
Click Here)
Cardinal Antonio Bacci (1885 to 1971)
Cardinal Protodeacon and Cardinal-Deacon of
"It was love which inspired the Magi. Love sustained them on their journey
and made them fall prostrate in adoration before the Infant Jesus. Even
before they offered Him material gifts, they offered Him, their hearts as a
reward for their faith and charity,…"
(Source: Anastpaul Tumbler –
"There are many ways of showing our love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and of making reparation for our sins and for the sins of mankind.... The
simplest ways of doing this, are by prayers, aspirations and expressions of
love, directed towards the adorable Heart of our Redeemer and, by visits to
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In silence and recollection, before the
Tabernacle, we shall feel the Heart of Jesus, beating with love and, shall
offer in return, for His infinite love, the affection of our poor hearts."
(Source: Anastpaul blog –
"After the many plans and worries of the day, it is wonderful
to visit a Church in the evening and kneel before the Blessed Sacrament.
There we can adore Jesus and converse lovingly with Him. We have spent so
many hours surrounded by the noise of the world. It is restful now to spend
a quarter of an hour in silent prayer before Jesus, the Prisoner of Love, in
the Tabernacle."
(Source: Anastpaul blog –
"This is the Feast of Jesus in the Blessed Eucharist.Let us enkindle
in ourselves a more intense faith and love – let us adore and love Him on
behalf of those who neglect to do so.Let us resolve to live a Eucharistic
(Source: Anastpaul Tumbler –
Blessed James Alberione (1884 to 1971)
Founder of the Society Of St. Paul and the Daughters Of St.
"The Hour of Adoration prepares one for Holy Mass and Holy
Communion. Frequent encounters and familiar conversation with Jesus produce
friendship, resemblance, and identity of thought, of feeling and of willing
with Jesus."
(Source: "Introduction to Pauline Spirituality: Eucharistic Adoration in the thought of Blessed James Alberione" by Sr Marie
Paul Curley and Sr Kathryn J. Hermes, page 4, pub. Pauline, Daughters of St.
Paul) -
"Your role before the tabernacle [is to be]: living
lamps before Jesus in the Eucharist; handmaids of honor of the tabernacle
and of its Divine Dweller; angels of the Eucharist who receive and who give;
souls who hunger and thirst for the bread of the Eucharist and the water of
His grace; hearts that share with their Spouse in the Eucharist His desires,
His goals, His self-sacrifice for all; the intimate confidantes of Jesus in
the Host, listening to His every word of life and meditating on it in your
heart, as Mary did."
(Source: Portrait of Our Lord facebook page –
"You can resolve all your difficulties in front of the tabernacle. Many times
this will suffice instead of trying to find the answer to so many objections and
difficulties. This is all you need to find inner peace once again."
(Source: "Christ lives in me" by Bl. james
Alberione, 1996, chapter 4, Pauline Books and Media)
"The Eucharistic visit for the apostle is like an audience, or a school,
where the disciple engages in conversation with the Divine Master.
Many methods are proposed for obtaining the maximum fruit from this
practice. But especially suitable is the one which honors Jesus
Master, Way, Truth and Life. First of all, the visit is not a complex
of prayers. It is precisely a 'visit,' something you'd make to a dear
person, your mother, for example. There is an exchange of greetings,
an exchange of news, of gifts, promises, etc. The visit has the scope
of establishing our lives in Jesus Christ, that is, to live in Jesus, for
Jesus, with Jesus."
(Source: Truth Himself blog –
"When you adore the Blessed Sacrament consider
yourself the representative of the whole human race with Jesus. . . That He
may give strength to the weak, light to those who live in darkness. That
souls may flee from sin, that sinners repent, that those consecrated to God
be filled with zeal and holiness.”
(Source: Eucharistic Adoration Canada website –
"Eucharistic adoration has the purpose of grounding our life in
Christ Jesus, through Jesus, with Jesus. It is the secret of our
It is the creature meeting his Creator;
The disciple
before the Divine Master;
The patient with the Doctor of souls;
poor one appealing to the rich One;
The thirsty one drinking at the
The weak one presenting himself to the Almighty;
The tempted
one seeking a sure Refuge;
The blind one searching for the light;
The friend who goes to the True Friend;
The lost sheep sought by the
divine Shepherd;
The heart led astray who finds the Way;
The foolish
one who finds Wisdom;
The bride who finds the Spouse of the soul;
The nothing who finds the All;
The afflicted who finds the Consoler;
The youth who finds life’s meaning.
It is the shepherds at the manager,
Magdalene at the house of Simon, Nicodemus who arrives by night.
It is
the holy conversations of the Samaritan, of Zacchaeus, of Philip and of all
the apostles with Jesus, especially during the last week of his earthly life
and after the resurrection."
(Source: "Introduction to Pauline Spirituality: Eucharistic Adoration in the thought of Blessed James Alberione" by Sr Marie
Paul Curley and Sr Kathryn J. Hermes, page 3, pub. Pauline, Daughters of St.
Paul) -
Ven. Gaetano Mauro (1888 to 1969)
Italian Priest and founder of the Congregation Of Pius Rural Catechist
"We speak of Paradise, of Heaven, of the Angels: but let
us feel that on earth we have Paradise, our heaven, in the tabernacle around
which the angels take turns in continuous adoration...We recommended the
visit to the Blessed Sacrament every day...Be Eucharistic souls!"
(Source: Pious workers rural catechists
Ardorini Missionaries
website – https://sites.google.com/site/piioperaicatechistirurali/home)
S.D. Romano Guardini (1885 to 1968)
German Priest, philosopher and theologian
"The tabernacle is the
dwelling place of God among men. It is the sign of his love, his mercy, his
faithfulness. It is the place where we can meet him, adore him, thank him,
ask him for what we need. It
is the place where he waits for us, where he invites us, where he gives
himself to us."
(Source: "Sacred Signs" by
Romano Guardin, editor Peter Kwasniewski, 2015, p. 49, pub. CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. Adrienne von Speyr (1902 to 1967)
Laywomen, Convert, Physician and Mystic
"Adoration is not only an
act of faith in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, but also an act of
love for this presence and for what it means: the gift of himself, the
offering of his sacrifice, the communication of his life, the revelation of
his glory."
(Source: "The World
of Prayer' by Adrienne von Speyr, page 169, September 17, 1985, pub.
Ignatius Press)
Bl. Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus (1894 to 1967)
French Discalced Carmelite Priest and founder of the Secular Institute Of
Notre-Dame De Vie
"The soul that lives by faith in the presence
of Jesus in the tabernacle, and that often visits him, will receive from him
light, strength, peace, and joy. It will learn to know him better, to love
him more, and to follow him more closely."
(Source: "I
Want to See God: A Practical Synthesis of Carmelite Spirituality" bk. by P.
Marie-Eugene, O.C.D., transl. by Sr. M. Verda Clare, O.C.D., 1998, p. 378,
pub. Thomas More Publishing (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Maria Cardoza (1875 to 1967)
Cofounder of the Augustinian Recollects Of The Heart Of Jesus
we sacrifice one early morning hour a week to keep our beloved Lord company
in Eucharistic Adoration? Many of the great Saints did this, such as Blessed
Cardoza, who identified with the Blessed Virgin's love for the Eucharist and
spent long hours at night in adoration.
S.D. Joao dal Monte (1897 to 1963)
Religious name - Inácio João Dal Monte (O.F.M. Cap), Bishop of
Guaxupé, Minas Gerais, Brazil
"Visits to the Blessed Sacrament are a powerful means of grace and
sanctification. They nourish our faith, hope and charity, and strengthen us
in our struggle against sin and temptation. They
also console us in our sorrows, enlighten us in our doubts, and inspire us
to do good works for the glory of God and the salvation of souls."
(Source: "Visits to the Blessed Sacrament" booklet by
Bishop João dal Monte, 1961, Introduction, pub. Pauline Books and
Media (According to Bing AI) )
Ven. Aureliano of the Blessed Sacrament (1887 to 1963)
Priest of the Discalced Carmelites
Noted for his devotion
to the Eucharist, and his steady teaching that it was the core of the priesthood.
He was national director of the Eucharistic League from 1928 to 1945,
tripling the size of its membership. He organized National Eucharistic
Congresses in India in 1931 and 1937, and helped foster daily and noctural eucharistic adoration in India,
Burma and Ceylon. In 1933 he published a schedule of churches in which adoration continued 24 hours a
day; it included 868 churches. Today, though Christianity is a minority in India,
it is the country with the greatest number of seminarians,
a triumph owed in part to Venerable Aurelian.
website – https://catholicsaints.info)
Gaetano Catanoso (1879 to 1963)
Priest and Apostle of the Holy Face of Jesus
St. Catanoso had a great devotion and love for the Eucharist. He often spent
hours or entire days in prayer before the Tabernacle, and in his parish and
beyond he promoted Eucharistic Adoration. He had a great devotion to the
Holy Face of Jesus and would often say: "If we wish to adore the real Face
of Jesus, we can find it in the divine Eucharist where, with the Body and
Blood of Jesus Christ, the Face of our Lord is hidden under the white veil
of the Host."
(Source of Quote: Devotion to
the Holy Face of Jesus booklet – https://theholyface.com)
St. Gianna Borella Molla (1922 to
Wife, Mother, and Physician
"Smile at Jesus who you approach at Mass, in Holy Communion and in
Eucharistic Adoration."
(Source: Holy Spirit Catholic Church 12/19/21 bulletin –
"The stillness of prayer is the most
essential condition for fruitful action. Before all else, the disciple
kneels down."
(Source: Little With Great Love website –
S.D. Raffaele Scauda (1872 to
Italian Priest and founder of the
Sanctuary of the Good Counsel in Torre del Greco, Italy
"Let us
make a habit of spending some time each day in adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament, even if it is only for a few minutes. There we will find the
strength, the courage, the peace, and the joy that we need to live as
faithful disciples of Christ and as apostles of His Kingdom."
(Source: "The Eucharistic Hour" by Fr. Raffaele
Scauda, 1938, p. 9, pub. Society of St. Paul in Rome, Italy (According to
Bing AI) )
Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey (1875 to
Priest and founder and apostle of
Enthroment Of The Sacred Heart
"Lord, You will reign in the Host;
You will conquer from Your radiating tabernacle; You will dominate the earth
by the lovable omnipotence of the Holy Eucharist."
(Source: "Jesus, King of Love" by Fr. Mateo
Crawley-Boevey, 1933, p. 9, pub. National Center of the Enthronement)
Bl. María Guggiari Echeverría
(1925 to 1959)
Carmelite Nun in Paraguay
Her life of piety was centralized in the Eucharist, daily attending to
receive the «Bread of life», she spent long hours before the Blessed
Sacrament, from which she drew the strength to carry out so much apostolate.
(Source: Carmel Holy Land website
– https://www.carmelholylanddco.org/)
S.D. Marcel Van
(1928 to 1959)
Redemptorist Brother called
the "Apostle of Love"
"We must love with all our heart Jesus in
the Eucharist. It is by love that Jesus instituted this sacrament of the
Eucharist, in which he gives himself as food for our soul, so that we can be
united to and transformed in him and in the end partake of his glory in
(Source: Contemplative in the Mud blog
– https://contemplativeinthemud.wordpress.com/)
"The (spiritual) director closest to us is Jesus himself in the
tabernacle. We need to go to him and ask him how to sort out the messes that
we’re in. And if that it not possible, we need to approach him in thought
and heart, and ask for the light of grace."
(Source: Contemplative in the Mud blog
– https://contemplativeinthemud.wordpress.com/)
S.D. Adolf Kajpr (1902 to 1959)
Czechoslovakian Jesuit Priest
"(Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament) is longing for your company, for your affection, for
your conversation. He wants to give you His grace, His peace, His joy, His
love. He wants to make you His friend, His disciple, His bride. He wants to
share with you His secrets, His plans, His wishes. He wants to entrust you
with His interests, His concerns, His missions. He wants to make you His
instrument, His co-worker, His apostle. He wants to form you in His image,
to transform you into Himself, to unite you with Himself. … Do not be afraid
to approach Him, to speak to Him, to listen to Him, to love Him."
(Source: "Adolf Kajpr: Letters from Prison" by
František Tomášek, transl. by Paul Wilson, 1989, p. 81, pub. Paulist Press,
New York (According to Bing AI) )
St. Maria De Jesus Sacramentado
(1868 to 1959)
Foundress of the Daughters Of
The Sacred Heart Of Jesus
St. Maria, the first Mexican woman to be canonized, had a
great devotion to the Eucharist, which invigorated her for her apostolate to
the poor and sick in Mexico. At her canonization Pope John Paul II said:
"Her spirituality was marked by an exceptional Eucharistic piety, since it
is clear that an excellent way to union with the Lord is to seek Him, to
adore Him, to love Him in the most holy mystery of his real presence in the
Sacrament of the Altar."
(Source of quote:
Vatican website
St. Elizabeth Hesselblad (1870 to 1957)
Swedish Nun and foundress of the Bridgetine Sisters
"Let us be faithful to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, let us visit Him often,
let us make reparation for the outrages He receives from the world, let us
console His Heart that is so wounded by our sins and ingratitude."
(Source: "Mother Elizabeth of the Trinity: Letters
and Testimonies", edited by Sr. M. Hilaria Goessmann, O.Ss.S., transl. by
Sr. M. Louise O’Sullivan, O.Ss.S, 1999, p. 211, pub. Bridgettine Sisters, Rome,
Italy (According to Bing AI) )
"By visiting (Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament) often, we will grow in his love, we will become more like him,
we will share in his life, we will experience his peace, we will enjoy his
sweetness, we will taste his goodness, we will feel his power, we will know
his wisdom, we will see his beauty, we will hear his call, we will follow
his will, we will do his work, we will spread his kingdom, we will glorify
his name, we will honor his presence, we will adore his majesty, we will
worship his divinity, we will contemplate his mystery, we will celebrate his
memory, we will await his coming, we will long for his embrace, we will
rejoice in his friendship, we will delight in his intimacy, we will rest in
his arms, we will abide in his heart."
(Source: "The Eucharistic Heart of
Jesus" by St. Elizabeth Hesselblad, edited by Sr. M. Caterina Esselen,
O.Ss.S., transl. by Sr. M. Francesca Vitulano, O.Ss.S., 2016, p.24, pub.
Casa di Santa Brigida, Rome, Italy (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Solanus Casey, O.F.M. Cap. (1870 to 1957)
Very holy American Priest of the Order OF Friars Minor Capuchin
"My dear friend, I am glad to hear that you are making
frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament. It is the best way to keep close
to Jesus and to grow in His love. He is always waiting for us in the
tabernacle, ready to listen to our prayers and to give us His grace. He is
our best friend, our most loving teacher, our most powerful helper, our most
tender consoler, our most faithful companion, our most generous benefactor,
our most glorious Lord and King. He is our all in all."
(Source: "God Bless You and Yours, Letters from
Solanus Casey, OFM Cap." edited by Sr. Bernardine Casey, 2000, p. 82,
pub. Father Solanus Guild, Detroit, MI (According to Bing AI) )
Monsignor Ronald Knox (1888 to 1957)
English Priest, Theologian, and Catholic Author
"The Blessed Sacrament is a window in the wall; a window through
which we can see, not indeed heaven itself, but the light that streams from
it. A
window, too, through which we can hear a voice; not indeed the voice of God
himself, but the voice of one who speaks for him, calling us out into the
open; calling us away from the ointments and the spikenard of Solomon’s
court, that stupefy and enchain our senses, to the gardens and vineyards, to
the fields and the villages, to the pure airs of eternity."
(Source: "“The Window in the Wall and Other Sermons on the Holy Eucharist",
1956, "Window in the Wall" sermon, page 25, pub. Burns and Oates, London)
"Faith is nourished by adoration; hope is nourished by adoration;
charity is nourished by adoration. And
when we have done with adoring him here below, we shall adore him still in
heaven; only then we shall see him as he is."
(Source: "“The Window in the Wall and Other Sermons on the Holy Eucharist",
1956, "The End and the Eucharist" sermon, page 130, pub. Burns and Oates, London)
Bl. Itala Mela (1904
to 1957)
Laywoman and Mystic
"Every visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a step towards heaven, a foretaste
of paradise, a glimpse of glory. There I meet Jesus, who is my way, my truth
and my life. There I hear his voice, who speaks to my heart. There
I see his face, who is the splendour of the Father."
(Source: "The Trinitarian Experience of Itala
Mela: A Mystic of the Twentieth Century" by Fr. Giuseppe M. Cagn, 2019,
p. 194, pub. Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (According to Bing AI) )
"I feel an irresistible attraction to the tabernacle, where Jesus is really present. I
cannot live without Him. He is my strength, my consolation, my joy, my
everything. I would like to spend hours and hours in adoration, in silence,
in intimacy with Him. I
would like to make everyone understand the greatness of this gift, the
infinite love that Jesus has for us in giving Himself to us in the Eucharist."
(Source: "Itala
Mela: A Mystic in the World" by Fr. Giuseppe De Luca, 2017,
p. 97, pub. Edizioni San Paolo (According to Bing AI) )
St. Genoveva Torres Morales (1870
to 1956)
Spanish Nun and foundress of the
Daughters Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus And Of The Holy Angels
"How good it is to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! How
much he consoles us, how much he teaches us, how much he loves us! He is
always waiting for us, always ready to listen to us, always eager to grant
us his favors."
(Source: "Genoveva Torres Morales: A Woman for Our
Time" by Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart, OCD, 2003, p. 87, pub. Institute of
the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Holy Angels (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Alexandrina da Costa (1904
to 1955)
Laywoman and Mystic
speaking to Blessed Alexandrina - "Keep Me company in the Blessed Sacrament.
I remain in the tabernacle night and day, waiting to give My love and grace
to all who would visit Me. But so few come. I am so abandoned, so lonely, so
offended... Many men do not believe that I live in the tabernacle. They
curse Me. Others believe, but do not love Me and do not visit Me; they live
as if I were not there."
(Source: Eucharistic Adoration For Priests Blog –
my Jesus, I adore thee everywhere thou dwellest in the Blessed Sacrament.
Where thou art despised, I stand by thee. I love thee for those who do not
love. I make amends for those who offend thee. Come into my heart."
(Source: 72 Hours For Jesus –
St. Giustino Russolillo (1891 to 1955)
Religious name - "Giustino Maria della SS. Trinità",
Priest and founder of the Vocationist Fathers
"Visit Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament often, as often as you can, and remain in his presence
as long as you can. He is always there waiting for you, longing for you,
calling you, inviting you, attracting you, loving you. He wants to speak to
your heart, to fill it with his grace, to inflame it with his love, to
transform it into his own. He wants to give you his light, his strength, his
peace, his joy, his consolation, his blessing. He
wants to make you a partaker of his divine life, a sharer of his glory, a
co-heir of his kingdom."
(Source: "Spirit of Prayer" by St. Giustino
Russolillo, 2011, p. 65, pub. Vocationist Editions (According to Bing AI) )
St. Katharine Drexel (1858 to 1955)
American born Saint, founder of Sisters Of The Blessed
"My sweetest Joy is to be in the presence of Jesus in
the holy Sacrament. I beg that when obliged to withdraw in body, I may leave
my heart before the holy Sacrament. How I would miss Our Lord if He were to
be away from me by His presence in the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Catholic News Live website –
"I adore You, my Eucharistic God. You are there exposed in the ostensorium
[monstrance]. The rays are the rays of Your love for me, for each individual
soul. If it wasn't for Your love, I would be in hell. I return You
thanksgiving through Mary, through St. Joseph, through all the Apostles,
Martyrs, Virgins and Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in heaven. And lastly,
I thank You through the sacred host on all the altars throughout the world."
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament website –
Ven. Marcello Labor (1890 to 1954)
Catholic Priest, Jewish convert, Doctor, Widower, Journalist and Soldier in
World War I
He had a conversion from the Jewish faith to
Catholicism in 1914. Later, he founded the "Catholic Center", in
Trieste Italy, as a place that
could teach catholic doctrine and encourage Eucharistic devotion
through adoration. After his wife died in 1934 he got special permission to study for the
priesthood. He was ordained in 1940.
Bl. Alfredo Ildefonso
Schuster (1880 to 1954)
Cardinal, Archbishop
of Milan Italy, and Benedictine Monk
"Before all other things,
and even above all things, O Venerable Brothers, we are essentially adorers
(of the most Blessed Sacrament). 'This is how one should regard us, as
ministers of Christ' (1 Cor 4:1). After that we must also be ministers of
the people..."
(Source: Cardinal Schuster's June 29, 1943
Pastoral Letter addressed to the
“Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate of Italy”)
St. Giovanni Calabria (1873 to 1954)
Italian Priest and founder of the Poor Servants Of Divine Providence
not neglect the visits to the Blessed Sacrament. They are a powerful means
to grow in love for Jesus and to make him loved by others. Do not be content
with a few minutes of adoration, but prolong them as much as you can, even
for hours, if possible. You
will find in the Eucharist the strength to overcome all difficulties, the
light to guide you in the dark, the peace to calm your troubled heart, the
joy to fill your soul with heavenly sweetness."
(Source: "Lettere spirituali di don Giovanni
Calabria" bk. by Giuseppe Gecchele , 1966, page 139, pub.
Edizioni Paoline (trans. by Bing AI 2023) )
Bl. Vladimir Ghika (1873 to 1954)
Romanian Priest and Martyr
"Do not let a day pass without
having recourse to (the Blessed Sacrament), and remain in its presence as
long as possible. It is the source of all grace; it contains within itself
all that is necessary for us."
(Source: "The Eucharist: The Mystery of Presence"
bk. by Henri de Luba, 1982, page 77, pub. Ignatius Press (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us go often to visit
Jesus in the tabernacle. Let us go with confidence and simplicity, as we
would go to visit a friend. Let us not be afraid of disturbing him, of
boring him, of asking too much from him. He is always there, waiting for us,
ready to listen to us, to console us, to help us, to bless us. He is always
there, offering himself to us, giving himself to us, inviting us to receive
him. He is always there, loving us with an infinite love, a love that never
changes, never diminishes, never fails. He is always there, calling us to
his intimacy, to his friendship, to his union. He
is always there, longing for our love, our adoration, our thanksgiving, our
(Source: "Our Lady and the Holy Sacrament" bk. by Bl.
Vladimir Ghika, editor & transl. Fr. John Hardon S.J., 1986, p.13, pub.
Eternal Life (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. Geevarghese Ivanios
(1882 to 1953)
First Archbishop of Trivandrum, India in the Syro-Malankara Roman
Catholic Church
"Visiting the blessed sacrament is a very pious
practice that enriches our spiritual life. It is a sign of our love and
devotion to Jesus, who is truly present in the tabernacle. It is a way of
expressing our gratitude and reverence to him, who gave himself for us on
the cross and who continues to give himself for us in the Eucharist. It is a
means of obtaining grace and blessings from him, who is the source of all
good things. It is an opportunity to converse with him, who is our friend
and savior, and to listen to his voice in our heart. It is a chance to offer
him our petitions and intercessions, our praises and thanksgivings, our
sorrows and joys, our hopes and fears."
(Source: "Love of God" by Geevarghese Ivanios,
1997, p. 81, pub. Bethany Publications (According to Bing AI) )
St. Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga (1901 to 1952)
Jesuit Priest,
Lawyer, Social Worker and founder of El Hogar De Cristo
day, at least for a few minutes, we should visit Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament. We should go to him as a friend, as a brother, as a spouse. We
should tell him everything that is in our hearts: our joys, our sorrows, our
desires, our difficulties, our projects, our fears, our hopes. We should ask
him for his help, his light, his grace. We should thank him for his gifts,
for his love, for his sacrifice. We should adore him as our God, and love
him as our all."
(Source: "The Spiritual Writings of Saint Alberto
Hurtado", edited by Fernando Montes, SJ, translated by Joseph V. Owens, SJ,
2006, p. 86, Ignatius Press (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Edvige Carboni
(1880 to 1952)
Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul & Laywoman
Cardinal Giovanni
Angelo Becciu - "If we ask what are the strong points of the Christian life
of (Bl. Edvige Carboni), and which lead her to be an example of welcoming
prayerfulness and humble and joyful abnegation, we would say that there are
essentially two: constant contemplation of the Crucified Lord and the
adoration of the Eucharist."
(Source: Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu homily at
the June 15, 2019 Beatification Mass for Edvige Carboni)
"While I was
praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I went into ecstasy and I saw Jesus on
the Cross bleeding from each wound. The Blood was falling on the ground. I
saw angels holding gold chalices up to the Wounds. The chalices filled up
quickly and soon the Blood was falling on the ground again. Jesus was
crying. I told Him, 'Why are You crying?' Jesus answered, 'Daughter, I cry
because so much of the Blood that I shed during My Passion is wasted without
bearing fruit.' "
(Source: Mystics Of The Church website –
St. Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1877 to 1952)
Carmelite Nun from India
"Mother Euphrasia spent much of her
day in the convent chapel before the Blessed Sacrament and she also
nourished a great love and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary; as a
result, she was naturally an apostle of the Eucharist and of the Rosary...The
local people called her "Praying Mother", and her Sisters in community
referred to her as the "Mobile Tabernacle", because the divine presence she
kept within her radiated to all she encountered."
(Source: Vatican website –
"The most pleasing thing to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is to visit Him
frequently in the Blessed Sacrament. He is eagerly waiting for us to come to
Him. He is longing to fill our hearts with His divine love. Let us not
disappoint Him by our indifference and negligence. Let us go to Him with
confidence and trust. He will never reject us. He
will always welcome us with His infinite mercy and compassion."
(Source: "The Letters of Blessed Euphrasia" by Fr.
Lucas Vithuvattical, 1987, p. 139, pub. Congregation of the Mother of
Carmel, Thrissur, Kerala, India (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Mario Vergara (1910
to 1950)
Italian Priest of the Pontifical
Institute For Foreign Missions and a martyr
"I am happy here
because I have Jesus in the tabernacle. He is my companion, my friend, my
consoler. I speak to him and he listens to me; I love him and he loves me. I
would like to have wings to fly from village to village, to carry him to the
poor people who do not know him and do not love him."
(Source: "Bl. Mario Vergara: A Martyr for Christ
and His Church" bk. by Fr. Giuseppe Buono, PIME, 2014, p. 89, pub.
Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (According to Bing AI) )
"How beautiful it is to be near Jesus in the tabernacle! How much peace, how
much joy, how much consolation he gives to those who love him! I would like
to be always near him, to speak to him, to listen to him, to contemplate his
(Source: "Bl. Mario Vergara: A Martyr for Christ and His Church"
bk. by Fr. Giuseppe Buono, PIME, 2014, p. 97, pub. Pontifical Institute for
Foreign Missions (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Maria Candida Of The
Eucharist (1884 to 1949)
Carmelite Nun and
Mystic of the Eucharist
(Blessed Maria) said that she wanted "to
keep Jesus company in the Eucharist for as long as possible." She
prolonged the time of her adoration, especially every Thursday, when from
eleven to midnight she would be before the tabernacle. The Eucharist
really dominated her entire spiritual life, not so much for the devotion, as
for the fundamental effect it had on her spiritual relationship with God..."I ask my
Jesus (that I can) be a guardian of all the tabernacles of the world, until
the end of time."
(Source: Vatican website –
St. Laura Montoya (1874 to 1949)
Nun and Founder of the Congregation Of The Missionary Sisters Of The
Immaculate Virgin Mary And St. Catherine Of Siena
St. Montoya had
a great desire to remain in Eucharistic Adoration before our Lord in the
Tabernacle. She once wrote "I felt a great
desire to have three long lives: one to dedicate to adoration, the other to
spend in humiliations and the third for the missions."
Bl. Vicenta Chavez Orozco (1867 to 1949)
Religious name - María Vicenta de Santa Dorotea
Mexican Nun and
founder of the Servants Of The Holy Spirit And The Poor
Vicenta Chávez Orozco) was very devoted and fervent in her worship of the
Eucharist. She spent long hours in prayer before the tabernacle, where she
found strength and consolation for her apostolic work. She also encouraged
her sisters to do the same, and to see Christ in the poor and the sick whom
they served.
(Source: "Vicenta Chávez Orozco: A Life of Love
and Service" by Father José Luis Gutiérrez, 1998, p. 23, pub. Congregation
of the Servants of the Poor (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. Juan Sinforiano Bogarín (1863 to 1949)
Archbishop of Asuncion, Paruguay
"Let us visit (the
Eucharist) often in the tabernacle, where it awaits us with infinite mercy
and generosity. Let us offer it our homage, our prayers, our sacrifices, our
petitions, our thanksgivings. Let us draw from it the light, the strength,
the consolation, the peace that we need in this valley of tears."
(Source: "Pastoral Letters and Homilies of
Monsignor Juan Sinforiano Bogarín" edited by José María Achón, 1940, p. 289,
pub. Editorial El Lector (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Timothy Giaccardo (1896 to 1948)
Italian Society of St. Paul Priest
"The visit to the
Blessed Sacrament is an act of faith in the real presence of Jesus Christ in
the Eucharist, with all his power, his wisdom, his love. It is an act of
humility, of reverence, of worship. It is an act of love, of union, of
offering, of petition, of reparation, of thanksgiving."
(Source: "Mary: The Fastest Way to Be Transformed
in Christ" by Bl. James Alberione (quoting Bl. Timothy Giaccardo), 2018,
p.23, pub. Pauline Books & Media (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Miroslav Bulesic (1920 to 1947)
Croation Priest and martyr
"I will visit Jesus in the tabernacle as often as I can and offer him my heart
as a bouquet of flowers."
(Source: "Duhovni dnevnik (Spiritual Diary)" bk.
by Bl. Miroslav Bulesic, edited by Monsignor Vjekoslav Milovan, 2017, p. 67,
pub. Postulation of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Blessed
Miroslav Bulešić (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us often visit Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament, where he waits for us with infinite love. Let
us adore him and thank him for all the benefits he has given us, especially
for giving us himself in this Sacrament."
(Source: "Duhovni dnevnik (Spiritual Diary)" bk.
by Bl. Miroslav Bulesic, edited by Monsignor Vjekoslav Milovan, 2017, p. 133,
pub. Postulation of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Blessed
Miroslav Bulešić (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Claudio Granzotto, O.F.M (1900 to 1947)
Italian Nun of the Order of Friars Minor and a
He dedicated his Vocation to the sevice of the poor,
contemplation of the Gospel and expression of his faith thru his work of
being a Sculptor. In addition, he had a great devotion to Eucharistic
Adoration spending many hours before our beloved Lord.
St.Josephine Bakhita (1869 to 1947)
Canossian Nun
St. Josephine spent hours in
Eucharistic Adoration and, when one Sister asked if it tired her, she said,
"Not at all! I have been having a wonderful time with Him. He has waited so
long for me."
S.D. Luisa Piccarreta (1865 to 1947)
Mystic and author, a.k.a. the Little Daughter of the Divine
"Oh, how sweet it is to remain in front of the Tabernacle, to keep Him
company, to speak with Him, to listen to Him, to tell Him our love and to
feel ourselves being loved by Him!."
(Source: Luisa's June 4, 1938 letter to the
General Superiors of the Rogationist Fathers and of the Daughters of the
Divine Zeal)
Bl. Alberto Marvelli (1918 to 1946)
Layman, engineer, and member of Catholic Action
"What a new world opens up to me contemplating Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament... it awakens holy ideas in me, a burning and consuming flame, but
one that makes me so happy!"
(Source: Salesians Don Bosco (Canada and Eastern
United States) website –
Ven. Consolata Betrone (1903 to 1946)
Italian Capuchin Nun and Mystic
Jesus talking to Consolata -
"Mankind’s humble adoration of God in the Holy Eucharist will be the weight
that crushes satan’s head".
Bl. Clemens August Graf von Galen (1878 to 1946)
Cardinal and Bishop of Munster, Germany
Cardinal Galen lived during the reign of the Nazi's in Germany. "He
countered the deafening martial music and the empty phrases blaring from the
amplifiers of the speakers' platforms with the veneration of the Blessed
Eucharist, the silence of contemplative adoration of the Lord who made
himself Bread. Before the Lord present in the Sacrament of the
Eucharistic Bread, apparently defenceless and thus not easy to recognize, he
found the strength and nourishment that alone could permanently satisfy the
human desire for life."
(Source: Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins
2005 homily during beatification ceremony
– https://www.vatican.va)
"We want to be faithful to our Lord, we want to love him in the
Blessed Sacrament, we want to visit him often, we want to receive him
(Source: Bl. Clemens August
Graf von Galen 1934 Corpus Christi homily (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us go to him in the tabernacle, let us kneel before him, let us
adore him, let us thank him for all the graces he has given us, especially
for the grace of faith."
(Source: Bl. Clemens August
Graf von Galen 1937 Corpus Christi homily (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Teresa Bracco (1924 to
Blessed Teresa Bracco
developed a great love for the Blessed Sacrament from an early age. Besides
going to daily Mass she was often found in her local Church, in Eucharist
Adoration before the Tabernacle, immobile and almost ecstatic adoring our
beloved Lord. While most of us will not attain that height of contemplation
we can still follow Blessed Teresa's example and volunteer to cover at least
one hour of Eucharistic Adoration a week at our local Perpetual Eucharistic
Adoration program.
Ven. Edel Quinn (1907 to
of Mary Missionary to East Africa
"The Bread of Life will
help the body as well as the soul, if we but touch the hem of His garment .
. . and how much more have we than that! We can find Him, at every moment,
on the altar. Be with Him there. Better than all books! Thank the Trinity
over and over again for this Gift. Rest in His presence."
AZ Quotes website
– https://www.azquotes.com/)
St. Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa
(1889 to 1943)
Religious name - "Nazaria of
Saint Teresa of Jesus",
Spanish Nun and founder of the Missionaries Of
The Crusade
"The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is an act of
faith, of love, of gratitude, of reparation, of petition. It is a moment of
intimate conversation with Jesus, who waits for us in the tabernacle to
listen to us, to console us, to instruct us, to bless us."
(Source: "Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle: Hours
and Half-Hours of Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament" by Rev. F. X.
Lasance, 1898, p.46, Benziger Brothers, USA)
Bl. Maria Caridad Brader of the
Holy Spirit, FM (1860 to 1943)
Nun, Founder of the Franciscan Congregation Of Mary Immaculate
"Let us often visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, where he waits for us
with infinite love. Let us make reparation for the coldness and ingratitude
of so many souls who pass by him without even greeting him."
(Source: "Blessed Maria Caridad Brader: A
Franciscan Missionary of the Eucharist" by Sr. Mary Louise Wessell, C.S.J,
2003, p.87, Franciscan University Press (According to Bing AI) )
St. Teresa Benedicta of the
Cross (1891 to 1942)
Martyr and Carmelite Nun
(Original name was Edith Stein)
"To make room in our life for the
Eucharistic Lord, so that He can change our life into His, is that asking
too much?"
(Source: Venite Adoremus Dominum blog-
"The Lord is present in the tabernacle in his divinity and
in his humanity. He is not present for his own sake but for ours: it is his
delight to be with the 'children of men.' He knows, too, that, being what we
are, we need his personal nearness. In consequence, every thoughtful and
sensitive person will feel attracted and will be there as often and as long
as possible. And the practice of the Church, which has instituted perpetual
adoration, is just as clear."
(Source: Venite Adoremus Dominum blog-
"A woman’s life must be a Eucharistic
life. Only in daily, confidential relationship with the Lord in the
tabernacle can one forget self, become free of all one’s wishes and
pretensions, and have a heart open to all the needs and wants of others."
(Source: Vincentians website -
"For every Catholic there lies ready an immeasurable treasure: the
proximity of the Lord in the holy sacrifice and in the most holy sacrament
of the altar. Whoever is imbued with a lively faith in Christ present in the
tabernacle, whoever knows that a friend awaits here constantly – always with
the time, patience, and sympathy to listen to complaints, petitions, and
problems, with counsel and help in all things – this person cannot remain
desolate and forsaken even under the greatest difficulties. He always has a
refuge where quietude and peace can again be found."
(Source: Edith Stein, Collected Works II, Essays on
Women, ICS Publications June 15, 1996)
S.D. Aloysius Maria Benziger (1864 to 1942)
Bishop Emeritus of Quilon, India and Titular Archbishop of
Antinoe, Egypt
"The more we adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the more we
will love Him and the more we will resemble Him. Adoration is the school of
love, where we learn to love what Jesus loves and to avoid what He hates. It
is also the school of holiness, where we receive the grace to imitate the
virtues of Jesus and to conform our will to His. It is the school of wisdom,
where we learn the secrets of His Heart and the mysteries of His Kingdom. It
is the school of peace, where we find the true rest for our souls and the
consolation for our sorrows. It is the school of joy, where we taste the
sweetness of His presence and the foretaste of His glory."
(Source: "The Eucharistic King" by Bishop Aloysius
Maria Benziger, 1922, p. 13, pub. Benziger Brothers, New York (According to
Bing AI) )
St. Maximillian Kolbe (1894 to 1941)
Martyr and Franciscan Priest
"My aim is to institute Perpetual (Eucharistic) Adoration, for this is the most important activity."
(Source: Militia of the Immaculata USA facebook site -
"God dwells in our midst in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar."
(Source: The Sign of the Cross tumblr site -
"Let us not forget to visit . . . Jesus. Let us tell Him we love Him. We
might ask Him what He wants of us, what are His wishes. Sometimes we might
ask Jesus something for ourselves and something for others. One can speak to
Jesus as brother to brother, as friend to friend, more so, since it often
happens that men do not understand us, whereas Jesus understands each of us
(Source: The Sign of the Cross tumblr site -
Ven. Giovanni Nadiani (1885
to 1940)
Italian Religious Brother of the Congregation Of The Most Blessed Sacrament
hour of adoration is an angelic exercise; it is the most necessary thing to
refresh at the fountainhead the roots of virtue, to rekindle the warmth of
our spirit at this ardent furnace. Adoration is the most delightful
experience. The only happiness, the only joy promised to religious.
Adoration is my little Mass. With what commitment I must celebrate it! I
must prepare every time a victim to offer. I must renew every day the
profound adoration of the Virgin at the moment of the Incarnation, her
loving thanksgiving, her immolation, and her prayer."
(Source: Aggregation
Of The Blessed Sacrament website - https://www.aggregationblessedsacrament.org)
St. Manuel González García (1877
to 1940)
Bishop of Palencia
(called "Apostle of the Abandoned Tabernacles")
"The Heart of
Jesus in the Tabernacle looks at me. He looks at me always. He
looks at me everywhere. He looks at me as if He doesn't have anyone
else to look at but me."
(Source: AnaStpaul
blog - https://anastpaul.com)
"I ask to be buried next to a Tabernacle, so that my bones, after death, as
my tongue and my pen in life, are saying to those who pass: there is Jesus!
There He is! Do not let him be abandoned!
(Source: Eucharistic Revival ! Diocese of Rochester, NY website -
"My faith was looking at Jesus through the door of that tabernacle, so
silent, so patient, so good, gazing right back at me…His gaze was telling me
much and asking me for more. It was a gaze in which all the sadness of the
Gospels was reflected; the sadness of ‘no room in the Inn”; the sadness of
those words, “Do you also want to leave me?”; the sadness of poor Lazarus
begging for crumbs from the rich man’s table; the sadness of the betrayal of
Judas, the denial of Peter, of the soldier’s slap, of the spittle of the
Praetorium, and the abandonment of all."
(Source: "The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle:
St. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia" by Victoria Schneider, pages 23-24)
"As the water in the stream gives off freshness and moisture although
nobody approaches its banks, or as the rose breathes forth perfume although
nobody gets close enough to smell it, in the same way, the Heart of Jesus in
the tabernacle, abandoned and alone, is always exhaling power."
(Source: Catholic Mass in English website -
St. Luigi Orione (1872
to 1940)
Italian Priest and founder of the Little Work Of Divine Providence
urge you to visit (Jesus) often in the tabernacle. You will find comfort,
strength, peace and happiness there. He is waiting for you with open arms.
He will fill you with his grace and his love. The more you visit Jesus in
the tabernacle, the more you will love him and be faithful to him. He is the
source of every blessing, the fountain of every grace, the heart of our
life. Let us make our life a continual communion with him. Let us live in
his presence as he lives in ours."
(Source: Fr. Luigi Orione's letter to Fr.
Carlo Sterpi, dated January 18, 1935 (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Maria Emilia Riquelme y Zayas (1847
to 1940)
Spanish Nun and founder of the Missionaries
Of The Blessed Sacrament And Mary
"We must be souls of prayer, especially before the
Eucharist. There we must pour out our hearts, tell him our needs, ask him
for his grace, thank him for his benefits, praise him for his greatness,
love him for his goodness."
(Source: "Blessed María Emilia Riquelme y
Zayas: A Eucharistic Mystic" by Fr. José Antonio Abad, O.C.D., 2019, p. 87,
pub. Ediciones Monte Carmelo (According to Bing AI) )
St. Ursula Ledóchowska
(1865 to 1939)
Polish Nun and founder of the Ursulines Of The Agonizing Heart
Of Jesus
"Let us make frequent visits to the blessed sacrament, even if they
are short and simple. Let us make fervent acts of adoration, praise,
thanksgiving, reparation, petition, and offering. Let us make sincere acts
of contrition, amendment, resolution, and consecration. Let us make loving
acts of affection, devotion, union, and surrender."
(Source: "St. Ursula Ledóchowska: A Woman for Our
Times" by Sr. Mary Cecilia Gaudette, 2005, p. 123, pub. Ursulines of
the Roman Union (According to Bing AI) )
St. Rafael Arnaiz Barón (1911
to 1938)
Religious name - "María Rafae",
Spanish Trappist Monk
"Go often to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; go with faith and love; go
with a humble and contrite heart; go with confidence and trust; go with
gratitude and joy; go with reverence and awe; go with devotion and fervor;
go with simplicity and sincerity."
(Source: "The Writings of Saint Rafael Arnáiz
Barón: A Trappist Monk of the Abbey of San Isidro de Dueñas", trans. by Fr.
Hugh McCaffery, OCSO, 2008, p. 179, Cistercian Publications, Minnesota
(According to Bing AI) )
Ven. Felix de Jesus Rougier (1859
to 1938)
Marist Priest and founder of the
Missionaries Of The Holy Spirit (plus 3 other Congregations)
"More Tabernacle, my sons, more Tabernacle every day!"
(Source: Apostleship of the Cross website -
"Our Spirituality is one of love for the Eucharist Jesus. Let us keep
our heart in the Tabernacle, next to the Heart of Jesus which is on fire, so
that He will kindle in us His fire and His love."
(Source: Apostleship of the Cross website -
Ven. Antonietta Meo (1930
to 1937)
Confessor and Layoman (Age 6) - the
youngest person on way to Sainthood who is a Confessor (and not a Martyr)
"I always want to be Your lamp which burns night and day before You and near
You in the Sacrament of the altar."
(Source: One of her many letters to Jesus
Christ towards the end of her life (According to Bing AI)
St. Pedro De Jesus Maldonado (1892
to 1937)
Martyr and Parish Priest in Mexico
with great love for the Eucharist
The Saints considered
the more difficult hours of their Eucharistic Adoration to be the most
rewarding. St. Maldonado spent long hours in Eucharistic Adoration and
was a great promoter of nocturnal adorations at the parishes he was pastor
"I have thought of always having my heart in heaven and in the
(Source: Wikipedia website -
Ven. Maria Luisa Josefa of the Most Blessed Sacrament (1866 to 1937)
Mexican Nun who founded the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mexico
and Los Angelus
"Don’t feel alone because you’re not.
Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament wants to be your Confidant, your Friend,
your Consoler."
(Source: Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred
Heart of Los Angelus website -
"Meditate upon the love God our Lord has for you. Be
sure to meditate very close to the tabernacle, peacefully and without being
apprehensive about this or that because anxiety is bad. It springs from
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament website -
"How good You are, my God! You granted me such consolation at
the time of adoration."
(Source: Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred
Heart of Los Angelus website -
"The prayer of one soul alone, united to that of Jesus in the tabernacle
can save the world."
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament website -
Bl. Maria Teresa Casini (1864 to 1937)
Italian Nun and founder of the Oblate Sisters Of The Sacred Heart of
"Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the most powerful
means to obtain from God the graces we need, especially for the
sanctification of priests."
(Source: "Bl. Maria Teresa Casini: A Woman of
Faith and Love" bk. by Sister Maria Teresa Casini, edited and transl. by Sr,
Maria Teresa Casini and Sr Maria Grazia Casini, 2015, p. 28, pub. Oblate
Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Grottaferrata, Italy (According to Bin
AI) )
"Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is the most eloquent
expression of our love for Jesus, who remains with us in this sacrament of
his love."
(Source: "Bl. Maria Teresa Casini: A Woman of Faith and Love" bk. by Sister
Maria Teresa Casini, edited and transl. by Sr, Maria Teresa Casini and Sr
Maria Grazia Casini, 2015, p. 29, pub. Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, Grottaferrata, Italy (According to Bin AI) )
Bl. Victoria Diez
Bustos De Molino (1862 to 1937)
Laywoman. Teacher, and member of the Teresian Assoc.
before the Blessed Sacrament I find strength, courage, light and all the
love I need to help those entrusted to me on the way of salvation."
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
instagram site -
Bl. Concepcion Cabrera de
Armida (1862 to 1937)
Mystic and religious
"O Jesus of the Eucharist! O consecrated Host! O envied
Monstrance! O blessed Ciborium, beloved of my heart! The Tabernacle is my
Treasure, and, far or near, my eyes never lose sight of it, for it contains
the God of Love."
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament website -
"O Sacred Host, I carry Your image engraved in my memory,
but far more in my heart. I always seek You in the ciborium, in the
tabernacle, in the monstrance, as my eyes and my thoughts pierce brick
walls, silk, precious metals, and even the appearance of bread that hides
You, my Jesus."
(Source: "I Am: Eucharistic Meditations on the
Gospel" by Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, 2001, Alba House, New York
(Acording to Bing AI))
St. Andre Bessette (1845 to 1937)
Known as
"Gods Door Keeper" he healed thousands thru Jesus
All the Saints
knew the importance of Eucharistic Adoration. The Eucharist is where grace
and healing comes from. St. Andre Bessette knew this as he would often spend
long nights in adoration of our beloved Lord. From this he consoled and
healed thousands of people while remaining a simple doorkeeper as a Brother
for the Congregation Of The Cross. Let us imitate him and sign up for at
least a weekly Holy Hour of adoration at our local Eucharistic Adoration
"O Holy angels, make me see God on the altar as you see Him
in heaven."
(Source: Holy Cards For Your Inspiration blog -
Bl. Mary Of The Angels
Ginard Marti (1894 to 1936)
& Sister in the Congregation Of The Zealous Sisters Of Eucharistic Adoration
of our Saints have said that Eucharistic Adoration helps us overcome fears
and prepares us for tasks we thought would be impossible of us. Blessed Mary
Of The Angels was no exception as she would spend long hours in adoration
before our beloved Lord. She prepared herself well in this way to later
accept martyrdom according to Pope Benedict XVI.
Bl. Luigi Boccardo (1861 to 1936)
Italian Priest who established the Sisters Of Jesus The King
Jesus often in the tabernacle; he is always waiting for you with open arms.
He wants to console you, to comfort you, to fill you with his peace and his
joy. He wants to make you a saint, a perfect image of himself. He wants to
transform you into a living host, a victim of love for him and for souls. He
wants to make you an instrument of his mercy and his glory."
"Letters to Spiritual Daughters" by Luigi Boccardo, edited by Sisters of
Jesus the King, 2007, p. 121, pub. Editrice Elledici in Turin, Italy (According to Bing AI) )
Cardinal Francis Alphonsus
Bourne (1861 to 1935)
Cardinal and Archbishop
of Westminster England
"May we be worthy of these blessings, may
we understand the responsibility which comes to us all, both clergy and
laity of every degree, as a result of the favour bestowed upon us in being
allowed to proclaim so gloriously and so openly our adoration of the Blessed
June 15. 1908 Letter to the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Westminster,
England (According to Bing AI) )
"Under the shadow of Tyburn (England) itself, on the
very spot where our martyrs mounted the ladder that reached to Heaven, the
Mass is not only said, but the most Blessed Sacrament is adored
October 15. 1908 Letter to the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese of Westminster,
England (According to Bing AI) )
S.D. Ellen Aurora Ammann
(1870 to 1932)
German politician, activist
and founder of the Catholic Bavarian Women's
Eucharist is the treasure of the Church, the pearl of great price, the
hidden manna, the bread of life. It is the mystery of love, the sacrament of
grace, the pledge of glory. It is the center of our worship, the source of
our sanctification, the motive of our apostolate. It is the life of our
soul, the joy of our heart, the strength of our will. It is the bond of our
union with Christ, the fountain of our charity, the seal of our fidelity.
us, then, visit the Blessed Sacrament often, adore it reverently, receive it
frequently, and spread its devotion ardently."
"Ellen Ammann: Eine Frau im Dienst der Kirche" bk. by Maria Anna Zumholz,
1998, p. 236, pub. Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Germany (Transl. by Bing AI 2023) )
Bl. Francesco Maria Greco (1857 to 1931)
Italian Priest who co-founded the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts
"It is before the Most Blessed Sacrament that I found the Love of Jesus and
the Power of His love."
(Source: Little Workers Of The Sacred Hearts website -