20th Century Saints (1900 - 1930)
Quotes On
The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration
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Jose Maria Rubio, S.J. (1864 to 1929)
Priest known as the Apostle Of MadridThe Saints knew that the
source of strength for their ministries were the Mass and Eucharistic
Adoration. This was especially true of St. Rubio who found intense prayer
before our Eucharistic Lord essential before going out to minister to the
poor of Madrid. He encouraged Eucharistic Adoration as a daily form of our
prayer life and wrote: "Are you truly making an effort to adore God? In this
Sacred Host lies the whole of His omnipotence, all His wisdom, the perfect
goodness of Jesus Christ, since therein rests His living heart as it is also
in heaven. When we adore in this way, we adore in spirit and in truth."
(Source of quote: Apostleship of Prayer blog –
Bl. Ivan Merz (1896 to 1928)
LaymanCompletely devoted to the Church and the Vicar of
Christ in Rome, Ivan lived a holy life imbued with the worship of the
Eucharist. Although he was a layman he is called “the pillar of the Church”
in Croatia.
(Source: Blessed Ivan Merz website –
'Never forget God! Always desire to be united with Him. Begin each day
in the first place with meditation and prayer, possibly close to the Blessed
Sacrament or during Mass. During this time, plans for the day are made,
one’s defects are put under examination and grace is implored for the
strength to overcome all weakness."
(Source: Anastpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
Eliza Vaughan (1851 to 1928)
Wife and Mother of 14 children - six priests four religious sisters
Convinced of the power of silent, faithful prayer, Eliza spent an hour in
adoration every day praying for vocations in her family. She prayed
for a large family and many vocations, The mother of six priests and
four religious sisters, her prayer was bountifully heard. alle
(Source: Michael For the Triumph of the Immaculate
- https://www.michaeljournal.org/)
Bl. Domingo Iturrate Zubero (1901 to 1927)
Spanish Priest, Religious Name -"Bl. Domingo of the Blessed Sacrament"
"The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is an act of faith and love that we make
to Jesus Christ, who remains in the tabernacle for love of us. It is a visit
of friendship, of gratitude, of reparation, of petition. It is a visit that
pleases Jesus very much, because he sees that we recognize and adore his
presence in that hidden state, that we thank him for his benefits, that we
ask him for our needs, that we console him for our offenses."
(Source: "Eucharistic Meditations of Blessed
Domingo of the Blessed Sacrament" by Bl. Domingo Iturrate Zubero, 1984, p.
23, pub. Institute of the Trinity (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (1901 to 1927)
Ruthenian Greek Sister of Charity
"The most efficacious way to grow in holiness, that is, union with God, is by
fidelity to the holy exercise of prayer, especially before the Blessed
(Source: "Greater Perfection: Being the Spiritual
Conferences of Sister Miriam Teresa" bk. by Bl. Miriam Teresa, edited by
Rev. Charles C. Demjanovich, 1928, p. 219, pub. Sisters of Charity of St.
Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us go often to Jesus. He is so lonely, so neglected by those for
whom He sacrificed everything. Why is He so little visited and adored?"
(Source: "Blessed
Miriam Teresa Demjanovich" pamphlet, p. 3, produced by the Miriam Teresa
League, distributed by Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station,
NJ (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Leonardo Pérez Larios
(1883 to 1927)
Layman and Martyr
Leonardo, a deeply religious man,
belonged to a Marian group whose members made a vow of chastity and met each
week for Eucharistic adoration. This prepared him for his challenge in
life when he was arrested and taken away to be Martyred.
S.D. Fr. Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.
(1864 to 1927)
Priest with a great love for
the Eucharist"Jesus will grant the petitions of the Faithful in
His Eucharistic Presence sooner than in any other place. The Saints realized
this, and in all their trials and sufferings they hastened to Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Janeen Zaio, Ambassadors for Christ's
Real Presence facebook page
- Click Here)
Bl. Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius (1871 to 1927)
Bishop Emeritus of Vilnius, Lithuania"I want to visit the Blessed Sacrament more often,
especially when I feel sad or discouraged. I want to adore Jesus in the
Eucharist and thank Him for all His graces and blessings. I
want to unite myself with Him and offer Him my whole being."
(Source: "Blessed Matulaitis-Matulewicz’s
Journal" by Bl. Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius, translated by Rev. Casimir
Pugevicius, MIC, 1987, p. 66, pub. Marian Fathers of the Immaculate
Conception (According to Bing AI) )
"I urge you to love Jesus in the Eucharist with all your heart. Visit Him often
in the tabernacle, where He waits for you with love. Adore Him and receive
Him with reverence and gratitude. He is your Lord, your Savior, your Friend,
your Spouse. He is your life and your joy. He will give you strength and
grace to fulfill your duties and to bear your crosses. He will make you holy
and happy."
(Source: "Letters of Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewiciis" by Bl. Jurgis Matulaitis-Matulevičius,
translated by Rev. Casimir Pugevicius, MIC, 1988, p. 131, pub. Marian Fathers of the Immaculate
Conception (According to Bing AI) )
St. Giuseppe Moscati (1880 to 1927)
Italian Layman and Doctor known for his piety and great love of the
Blessed SacramentHe had a great love for Jesus in the Eucharist,
received Holy Communion every day, and spent time in Adoration. His
spiritual director, Father Giovanni Aromatisi, SJ, said that Dr. Moscati’s
devotion to the Eucharist “was the center of his whole life.” He was also
very devoted to the Blessed Mother, prayed the Rosary daily, went on
pilgrimages to the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, and spoke of her often to
his students and patients.
(Source: Holy Redeemer Parish, Sydney, Nova
Scotia, Canada website
- https://holyredeemer.iparish.ca)
"Jesus my love, your love makes me sublime; your love sanctifies me, it
turns me not only towards one only creature, but towards all creatures,
towards the infinite beauty of all beings created in your own image and
(Source: Saints Quotes Catholic pinterest page
- Click Here)
Bl. Jose Dionisio
Luis Padilla Gomez (1899 to 1927)
Many of our Saints have said that Eucharistic Adoration helps us overcome
fears and prepares us for tasks we thought would be impossible of us.
Blessed Jose Gomez was no exception as he would spend long hours in
adoration before our beloved Lord. This prepared him to accept martyrdom
later in his life.
St. Mariam Thresia Chiramel (1876 to 1926)
Nun of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church in India and foundress of the
Congregation Of The Holy Family
“The Holy Eucharist is the greatest miracle of God’s love
for us. It is the mystery of our salvation and sanctification. It is the
source of all grace and blessing. It is the summit and center of our worship
and life. Therefore, let us visit the Holy Eucharist as often as possible.
Let us spend some time in silence and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Let us listen to His voice and follow His will. Let us share His joy and
peace. Let us love Him with all our strength and serve Him with all our zeal."
(Source: St. Mariam Thresia Chiramel letter to her
spiritual director, Father Joseph Vithayathil, on June 8, 1926 (Paraphrased
and translated by Bing AI 2023) )
S.D. Jan F. Cieplak (1857 to 1926)
Archbishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
“I cannot express how much I long for the Eucharist, the source of all grace
and consolation. How I wish I could visit the Blessed Sacrament every day,
as I used to do in Petersburg, and spend hours in adoration and love. But
here, in this land of persecution, it is almost impossible to find a church
that is not closed or desecrated by the enemies of God. I
have to content myself with spiritual communion, which is a great gift, but
not the same as receiving the Body and Blood of Christ."
“Letters from Siberia: The Life and Works of Jan Cieplak, Archbishop of
Vilnius” bk. by Fr. Andrzej Sokołowski, 2019, page 123, pub. Catholic University
of America Press (According to Bing AI) )
"Do not neglect the practice of visiting the Blessed Sacrament, especially on
Thursdays and Fridays, when we commemorate the institution and passion of
our Lord. There you will find strength and peace for your soul, and you will
learn from Jesus how to suffer with patience and joy. He is always waiting
for you with open arms, ready to embrace you and fill you with His grace. He
is the best friend you can have in this world and in the next."
(Source: “The Eucharistic
Spirituality of Jan Cieplak: A Servant of God and a Witness of the Faith”
bk. by
Fr. Paweł Wójcik, 2018, page 87, pub. Paulist Press (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us make every day a Eucharistic day, by offering ourselves to God
with Jesus in the morning, by visiting Him in the tabernacle during the day,
by thanking Him for His blessings in the evening."
(Source: Sermon that Archbishop Jan Cieplak
preached on June 4, 1916, at the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus and St.
Ladislaus in Vilnius, Lithuania (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901
to 1925)
Italian layman called the Man Of The
Eight Beatitudes at beatificationAll of Blessed Pier's actions
began with the contemplation of Jesus. He felt a strong constant urge to be
near the Blessed Sacrament and would spend the whole night in adoration when
it was offered.
"When you are totally consumed by the Eucharistic
fire, then you will be able more consciously to thank God, who has called
you to become part of His family. Then you will enjoy the peace that those
who are happy in this world have never experienced, because true happiness,
oh young people, does not consist in the pleasures of this world, or in
earthly things, but in peace of conscience, which we only have if we are
pure of heart and mind,"
(Source: Frassati Reflections website
- https://frassatireflections.com/)
Ven. Thomas Kurialacherry (1873 to 1925)
Bishop of Changanacherry in Tamil Nadu, India"The core of
Eucharistic devotion is a deep personal attachment to Jesus in the Holy
(Source: Sisters Of The Adoration Of The Blessed
Sacrament website
- https://sabscongregation.org/index.php#2)
Anna Schäffer (1882 to 1925)
Laywoman with
great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus"Ah, I forget my
earthly suffering and the longing of my poor soul draws me every moment to
adore my God and Saviour hidden in the Blessed Sacrament!"
(Source: The Bishop's Bulletin - Catholic Diocese
of Sioux Falls website
- https://www.sfcatholic.org/bishopsbulletin/st-anna-schaffer/)
Matt Talbot (1856 to 1925)
Third Order
Franciscan known for doing great penances"How can anyone be
lonely, with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament?"
(Source: AnaStpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
St. Rafaela Porras Ayllón (1850 to 1925)
Religious name - "Mary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus",
Spanish Nun and
founder of the Handmaids Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus"Visit the
Blessed Sacrament often. It is a source of grace and consolation. There you
will find Jesus waiting for you with open arms. He
wants to speak to your heart and fill it with His love."
(Source: "Escritos de la Madre Rafaela Porras
Ayllón" bk. by Sr. Rafaela Porras Ayllón, 1982, p. 163, pub.
Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Transl. by Bing
AI, 2023) )
Ven. Leon Dehon (1843 to 1925)
Religious name - "Jean of the Sacred Heart ",
French Priest and founder
of the Congregation Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus (Dehonians)"When
we adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist, our adoration does not
always require many words; there are moments when silence itself is
(Source: Dehonians USA: Priests of the Sacred
Heart website - https://dehoniansusa.org/dehonian-spirituality/quotes-from-fr-dehon/)
"Let us often visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,
where he awaits us with infinite love. Let
us adore him, thank him, ask him for all our needs, and offer him all our
(Source: "The Love of the
Sacred Heart" by Ven. Leon Dehon, 1960, p. 95 (According to Bing AI) )
Blessed Edward Poppe (1890 to 1924)
PriestBlessed Edward knew he needed a great deal of strength for
his priesthood and he found it in his many hours in Eucharistic adoration.
In his intimate hours of adoration he would sometimes say to Jesus "Oh
Jesus, how little men love you! At least the two of us love each other." He
would often console young people to stay close to our Eucharistic Lord.
(Source of Quote: AnaStpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
"Oftentimes, I just stay
there, simply seated (in Eucharistic Adoration), receiving food. This calm
unconscious repose does me good. I am nourished, my strength returns."
(Source: Children of Hope website
- http://www.childrenofhope.org/)
"O Jesus, at the last Supper You experienced the pain of being abandoned
in the tabernacle. I will visit You, therefore, like a brother, and converse
lovingly with You."
(Source: "Under the Gaze of God" by Blessed Edward
Poppe translated by C. M. Colombe, 2020, page 41, pub. Arouca Press
(According to Bing AI))
Fr. Henry Parkinson (Msgr.) (1852
to 1924)
English Priest
"The hour of (Eucharistic) adoration proclaims emphatically and practically
a central doctrine of the Catholic Faith. It gives prominence to those
elementary acts of worship, which all must recognize as pre-eminently due to
God under the veils of the Most Holy Sacrament: Adoration of His majesty;
Thanksgiving for His unbounded goodness; Separation for the perverse
willfulness of men; Supplication for all human needs."
(Source: "The Eucharist: A Manual of Devotion" by Fr. Henry Parkinson, 1920, page
St. Józef Sebastian Pelczar (1842
to 1924)
Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland and
co-founder of the Sister Servants Of The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus
"From visiting the Blessed Sacrament one gains supernatural wisdom,
fervent love, comfort in suffering, strength in temptation, and a happiness
that fills the soul. This is part of the sum total of our wealth. Why then
do people wonder at the Saints who were so anxious to make visits to the
Most Blessed Sacrament? Imitating their example, you too should hasten to
visit Our Eucharistic Lord with the same intense desire. One of the happiest
moments in your life will be found in your prayer before the Blessed
Sacrament. (VS 3, 49-51)."
(Source: Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus website PDF
Click Here)
St. Maria Bernarda Butler (1848
to 1924)
Swiss Nun and the foundress of
the Franciscan Missionary Sisters Of Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
"The Holy Spirit taught me to adore, praise, bless and give
thanks to Jesus in the tabernacle at all times, even at work and in real
(Source: AnaStpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
S.D. Sister Josefa Menendez (1890 to 1923)
20th Century Mystic and Sister of the Society Of The Sacred
HeartJesus conveyed to Servant of God Sr. Menendez, through many
messages, His loneliness in the Blessed Sacrament and the importance of
Eucharistic Adoration to console Him - "Contemplate me in the prison (during
my Passion) where I spent the greater part of the night...Compare the prison
with the Tabernacle...In the prison I endured cold, sleeplessness, hunger
and thirst, pain, shame, solitude, and desertion. And there passed before My
mind's eye all the tabernacles where in the course of ages I should lack the
shelter of love...And how often should I wait for this or that other soul to
visit Me in the Blessed Sacrament and receive Me into his heart...how many
nights should I spend longing for his coming...but he would let business or
carelessness or anxiety for his health get the better of him...and he would
not come! Gaze steadfastly upon Him during that night of pain and see that
sorrow continued in the loneliness of countless tabernacles and the coldness
of many hearts. Comfort Me in My sorrow by keeping Me faithful company..."
(Source: Way Of Divine Love book by Sister Josefa
Menendez, Jan. 1, 1993, Tan Books & Publishers)
Jesus also told Sister Josefa that at the Last Supper "It was bliss for Me to think of all those to
whom I should be both Companion and Heavenly Food, of all those who would
surround Me to the end of time with adoration, reparation and love."
(Source: Way Of Divine Love book by Sister Josefa
Menendez, Jan. 1, 1993, Tan Books & Publishers)
Jesus talking to Sr. Menedez - "It is love for souls that keeps Me a
prisoner in the Blessed Sacrament, I stay there that all may come and find
the comfort they need in the tenderest of Hearts, the best of Fathers, the
most faithful of Friends, who will never abandon them. The Holy Eucharist is
the invention of Love…Yet how few souls correspond to that love which spends
and consumes itself for them."
(Source: Way Of Divine Love book by Sister Josefa
Menendez, Jan. 1, 1993, Tan Books & Publishers)
Jesus talking to Sr. Menedez - The
Eucharist is the invention of Love!. . .Yet how few souls correspond to
that love which spends and consumes itself for them! I live in the midst of
sinners that I may be their life, their physician, and the remedy of the
diseases bred by corrupt nature. And in return they forsake, insult, and
despise me."
(Source: "Way Of Divine Love" book by Sister Josefa
Menendez, as quoted by Father Florian Racini in "Could You Not Watch With Me
One Hour-How to Cultivate a Deeper Relationship with the Lord through
Eucharistic Adoration" book)
St. Jozef Bilczewski (1860 to 1923)
Archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine and a professor of Theology
"St Jozef Bilczewski was a man of prayer. The Holy Mass, the Liturgy of the
Hours, meditation, the Rosary and other pious practices formed part of his
daily life. A particularly long time was dedicated to Eucharistic
adoration... The deep knowledge of theology, faith and Eucharistic devotion
of Jozef Bilczewski made him an example for priests and a witness for all
the faithful". (Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 15 2006 homily during St. Jozef canonization)
(Source: Vatican website
- https://www.vatican.va)
Blessed Columba Marmion (1858 to 1923)
Irish Monk and author of many Catholic books considered
classics"Wouldn’t it indeed be a failure of respect to neglect
the divine Guest who awaits us in the tabernacle? He dwells there, really
present, He who was present in the crib, at Nazareth, upon the mountains of
Judea, at the Last Supper, upon the cross. He is there, the same Christ who
healed the lepers, stilled the tempest, and promised to the good thief a
place in His kingdom. We find there our Savior, our Friend, our elder
Brother, in the fullness of His almighty power, in the ever-fruitful virtue
of His mysteries, the infinite superabundance of His merits, and the
ineffable mercy of His love."
(Source: "Christ in the Eucharist" by Columba
Marmion, 1923, page 12)
"Once you feel the attraction to remain
in the silence of adoration in God’s presence, you must give yourself
entirely to the Holy Spirit and remain there in pure faith. If God gives you
no feeling, no sentiment, no distinct thought, just be there before Him in
silent love. During such moments He operates insensibly in the soul and does
more for her perfection than she could in a lifetime by her own thoughts."
(Source: Truth Himself blog
- https://truthhimself.blogspot.com/?m=1)
"We show our adoration by going to visit Christ in the tabernacle or
exposed in the monstrance. Would it not indeed be a failing in respect to
neglect the divine Guest who awaits us? He dwells there, really present, He
who was present in the crib, at Nazareth, upon the mountains of Judea, in
the supper-room, upon the Cross. It is the same Jesus who said to the
Samaritan woman, 'If thou didst know the gift of God!'."
(Source: AZ Quotes website
- https://www.azquotes.com/)
"Let us then draw near to the Child God with great faith...In the
Tabernacle as in the Crib, it is the same God full of power, the same Savior
full of tender mercy."
(Source: Fr. David Abernethy twitter site
- https://twitter.com/philokalia_min)
St. Carolina Santocanale (1852 to 1923)
Religious name - "Maria of Jesus",
Italian Nun and founder of the
Capuchin Sisters Of The Immaculata Of Lourdes"Let us go often to
visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, where He is always waiting for us with
open arms. He is our best friend, our most tender father, our powerful king,
our loving spouse. He is everything to us, and we are nothing without Him."
(Source: "The Eucharistic and Marian Spirituality
of St. Carolina Santocanale", 2019, p. 23, pub. Congregation of the Sisters
of the Poor (According to Bing AI) )
St. Filippo Smaldone (1848 to 1923)
Eucharistic League Of Priest Adorers (and one for women)"Adore
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, who is the source of all graces, the model
of all virtues, the consolation of all sorrows, the refuge of all sinners,
the hope of all souls. Adore him with faith, hope and love; adore him with
humility, reverence and gratitude; adore him with confidence, joy and peace;
adore him with perseverance, fervor and generosity. Adore him as he deserves
to be adored, as he wants to be adored, as he invites you to adore him."
(Source: "St. Filippo Smaldone: A Saint for Our
Times" by Fr. Giuseppe M. Cagnin, S.D.B., 2006, p. 97, pub. Salesian Society
of St. John Bosco (According to Bing AI) )
Blessed Maria Fortunata Viti (1827 to
Benedictine NunMany Saints thought Eucharist Adoration so important that they would
go out of their way to adore our beloved Lord several times a day. Blessed
Maria would make thirty visits a day to the Blessed Sacrament at one point
in her life.
Venerable Wenanty Katarzyniec (1889 to
Polish Priest and a Conventual
Franciscan"If we want to find God, let us hurry to come before
the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Friars Minor Conventual website
- https://www.ofmconv.net/en/)
St. Teresa Of Jesus Of The Andes (1900 to 1920)
Carmelite Nun"I abyss myself in His magnificence
and His wisdom but when I ponder His goodness, my heart can say nothing - I
can only Adore."
(Source: Carmelite Quotations blog
- https://carmelitequotations.blogspot.com/)
"Let’s love Jesus who has loved us so much.
With this thought let’s come frequently before His tabernacle each day.
He is always looking at us and desiring that we love Him."
(Source: St. Teresa's letter to her sister
"Jesus is present and lives in our midst in the
Eucharist. Let us listen to Hm for He is Truth. Let us look at Him for He is
the face of the Father. Let us love Him for He is love, giving Himself to
His creatures. He comes to our soul so that it may disappear in Him and
become divine. What union, however great, can compare to this?"
(Source: St. Teresa's letter to her brother Luis)
St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski (1845 to 1920)
Cardinal and Founder of the Congregation Of The Sisters Of St.
Joseph"St Zygmunt Gorazdowski also became famous for his
devotion founded on the celebration and adoration of the Eucharist. Living
Christ's offering urged him toward the sick, the poor and the needy... In
founding the Association of Priests, the Congregation of the Sisters of St
Joseph and many other charitable institutions, Zygmunt Gorazdowski always
allowed himself to be guided by the spirit of communion, fully revealed in
the Eucharist."
(Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 15 2006 homily during St. Zygmunt canonization)
(Source: Vatican website
- https://www.vatican.va)
St. Francisco Marto (1908 to 1919)
One of the 3 children of the Fatima Apparitions along with Jacinta Marto
and Lucia Santos
"Go to the church and give my love to the Hidden
Jesus. What hurts me most is that I cannot go there myself and stay awhile
with the Hidden Jesus."
(Source: Return To Fatima website
- https://returntofatima.org/)
Our Lady Of Fatima (May 13 to October 13 1917)
Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at Fatima Portugal to 3 children
The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children six different times, at
Fatima, to place devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary alongside the well
established devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Among the many messages
and prayers she conveyed to the children was the importance of adoration of
the Most Blessed Sacrament. She requested the following prayer to be said
often: "Oh, Holy Trinity, we adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the
Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Return To Fatima website
- https://returntofatima.org/)
S.D. Fr. William Doyle (1873 to 1917)
Saintly Irish
Priest"Do nothing without
consulting Him in the Tabernacle. But then act fearlessly, if you see it is
for His honor and glory, never minding what others may think or say. Above
all, 'cast your care upon the Lord and He shall sustain you', (Psalm 54.
23). Peace and calm in your soul, prayer ever on your lips, and a big love
in your heart for Him and His interests, will carry you very far."
(Source: Remembering Fr Willie Doyle SJ blog
- https://fatherdoyle.com/)
"Real devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is only to be gained by hard,
grinding work of dry adoration before the Hidden God. But such a treasure
cannot be purchased at too great a cost, for once obtained, it makes of this
life as near an approach to heaven as we can ever hope for."
(Source: Remembering Fr Willie Doyle SJ blog
- https://fatherdoyle.com/)
"Each look of love to the Tabernacle causes a beat of grace-laden love in the
Sacred Heart."
(Source: Remembering Fr Willie Doyle SJ blog
- https://fatherdoyle.com/)
"As regards prayer, you should try to follow the
attraction of the Holy Spirit, for all souls are not led by the same path.
It would not be well to spend all the time in vocal prayer, there should be
some meditation, thought or contemplation. Try 'basking in the sun of God’s
love,' that is, quietly kneeling before the Tabernacle, as you would sit
enjoying the warm sunshine, not trying to do anything, except love Him; but
realizing that, during all the time you are at His feet, more especially
when dry and cold, grace is dropping down upon your soul and you are growing
fast in holiness."
(Source: Fr. Willie Doyle S.J. by Alfred O'Rahilly
"From the Tabernacle Jesus seems to say, 'Stay
with Me for it is towards evening and the day is now far spent'. This should
urge me to come to visit Him often."
(Source: Remembering Fr Willie Doyle SJ blog
- https://fatherdoyle.com/)
"Do not give up prayer on any account, no matter how dry or rotten you
feel; every moment, especially before Him in the tabernacle, is a certain,
positive gain; the effect will be there though you may not feel it."
(Source: I Thirst for Your Love! blog
- https://mseagrif.com/)
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850 to
1st American Citizen to
be canonized, Patron of Immigrants
"In the shadow of Your
tabernacle I can enjoy that intimate union with You which is paradise on
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
facebook page
- https://www.facebook.com/acfp2000)
"Pray always with Jesus, always remembering that a soul
united with Jesus can do everything..."
(Source: Perpetual Adoration, Carlisle, PA
facebook page
- Click Here)
“Remember that the Blessed
Sacrament is like a pillar of fire that is our light and guide.”
Source: Holy Rosary Church, Chicago, IL website - https://holyrosaryonwesternave.org/)
Archbishop Thomas Joseph Carr (1839
to 1917)
Archbishop of Melbourne Australia
"Let us pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament daily; 'Ecce Magister adest et
vocat te.' Let us during these visits, whether short or long, always make
acts of adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication. Let us make
some little return of love for the infinite love shown to us by Him whom
love keeps captive, day and night, on our altars."
(Source: "Report of the Ninteenth Eucharistic
Congress, held at Westminster from 9th to 13h September 1908" book)
Bl. Ludwika Szczęsna (1863 to
Polish Nun and founder of the Sisters,
Servants Of The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus
"Let us often visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, where He waits for us
with such love. Let us adore Him, thank Him, ask Him for grace and mercy.”
Bl. Ludwika Szczęsna's Dec. 8, 1905 letter to the Sisters in her
Congregation (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us make use of
every opportunity to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He is always
there for us, ready to listen to us, to comfort us, to bless us.”
Bl. Ludwika Szczęsna's Jan. 1,1915 letter to the Sisters in her Congregation
(According to Bing AI) )
St, Charles de Foucauld (1858 to
Martyr, Religious Priest
Jesus speaking to Blessed Charles - “In my unimaginable goodness, I did not
merely give myself to you at my birth for a few hours or years: I am still
in your hands, and shall be henceforth until the end of the world. Think of
the unending good fortune I brought you in my birth: the ability to serve
me—to serve me by serving your neighbor, to serve me myself, living there
near you in the tabernacle. Not only can you serve me, you can also console
me… How happy you should be to be able to console me at every moment of your
lives! By becoming so small, so gentle a child, I was crying out to you:
Have trust! Come close to me! Do not be afraid of me, come to me, give me
what children need: loving embraces. Do not be afraid, do not be so
frightened in the presence of such a gentle baby, smiling at you and holding
out his arms to you. He is your God, but he is all smiles and gentleness. Do
not be afraid”
(Source: Catholic World Info
website -
"What a tremendous delight, my God! To spend fifteen
hours without anything else to do but look at You and tell You, 'Lord I love
You!' Oh what sweet delight!"
(Source: Catholic World Info
website -
"The goal of every human life
should be the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Catholic World Info
website -
"You are, my Lord, in the Holy Eucharist. You are Here, a meter away
from me, in this tabernacle! Your Body, Your Soul, Your humanity, Your
divinity, Your whole being is here, in his dual nature. How close you
are my God, my Savior, my Jesus, my Brother, my Spouse, my Beloved!
When you were sitting in the midst of Your apostles, you were not closer to
them than you are near to me now, my God! How happy I am!"
(Source: Vatican website
- https://www.vatican.va)
"Prayer is just conversation with God: listening to Him; speaking with
Him; gazing upon Him in silence. The best prayer is the one in which there
is the most love. Adoration, wordless admiration, that is the most eloquent
form of prayer: that wordless admiration which contains the most passionate
declaration of love."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog
- https://mseagrif.com)
Bl. Giulia Valle (1847 to 1916)
Italian Nun"Do you want to be happy? Go
to Jesus in the Tabernacle. He will fill your heart with joy."
Bl. Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier (1832 to 1916)
Dominican Friar and Priest"After communion, one should spend at
least a quarter of an hour in thanksgiving. This is the most precious time
of our life since Jesus Christ really present in us is pleased to fill us,
out of unequaled generosity, with his benefits and his virtues. We would
show a lack of reverence and acquire guilt for shameless ingratitude were we
to occupy our mind, our heart, or our senses with something irrelevant. It
is appropriate especially to formulate prayers of gratitude, adoration,
offering and petition."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog
- https://mseagrif.com)
St. Luigi Guanella (1842 to 1915)
Priest and Founder of 3 Religious Orders"Legions of angels
surround the tabernacle in adoration."
(Source: Blessed Luigi Guanella website
- http://www.luigiguanella.com/)
"The earth is filled with
tabernacles - Praise Him!"
(Source: Anastpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
"The Holy Eucharist visited us daily
becomes our heaven."
(Source: Blessed Luigi Guanella website
- http://www.luigiguanella.com/)
"A community of adorers becomes a family of
(Source: Blessed Luigi Guanella website
- http://www.luigiguanella.com/)
"Jesus awaits your adoration in the Eucharist."
(Source: Blessed Luigi Guanella website
- http://www.luigiguanella.com/)
beautiful to see the people of God praying before the Blessed Sacrament
(Source: Blessed Luigi Guanella website
- http://www.luigiguanella.com/)"The fountain of holy love is in Jesus Christ and we have
Jesus with us in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. From that
throne of love, how often He enlightens the minds of His children, and how
many again find their peace of heart."
(Source: Anastpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
Ven. Louise Margaret
Claret De La Touche (1868 to 1915)
Nun who received revelations of God's Infinite Love"The
Eucharist is Jesus Christ Himself. It is His Body, His Blood, His Soul, His
Divinity. It is His Heart which beats for us in this adorable Sacrament. It
is His Love which speaks to us there. It is His Mercy which flows from there
upon us."
(Source: "The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood" by
Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche, 1910)
S.D. Elisabeth Leseur (1866
to 1914)
French Mystic best known for her
role in the conversion of her anti-clerical atheistic husband
"Eucharistic adoration is a gift from God. It is a time for us to come and
be with Him, to love Him, and to be loved by Him. It is a time for us to
receive His grace and to grow in our faith. I encourage everyone to spend
some time in Eucharistic adoration each day. It is one of the most beautiful
and rewarding experiences that we can have."
(Source: Elisabeth Leseur's March 18, 1913 letter
to her sister-in-law Marguerite)
Bl. Giovanni Maria Boccardo (1848
to 1914)
Italian Priest and founder of the
Poor Daughters Of St. Cajetan"How many things Jesus tells us in
our heart, when we stand at His feet, if we are careful to listen to His
(Source: Anastpaul blog
- https://anastpaul.com/)
St. Lionie Aviat (1844
to 1914)
Religous Nun and cofounder of the
Oblates Sisters Of St. Francis De Sales"Go often to rest your
heart near the tabernacle; you will find their, the neccessary strength and
graces to go more surely along the path of fidelity."
(Source: Oblates Of St. Francis DeSales website
- https://www.oblates.org/)
St. Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero (1840
to 1914)
Argentinian Priest
"“The most beautiful thing that a Christian can do is to go to adore
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. There you will find the source of all grace,
the fountain of all blessings, the treasure of all happiness. There you will
find the light of truth, the fire of love, the peace of your soul. There you
will find the strength to overcome temptations, the courage to endure
trials, the hope to persevere in virtue. There you will find the food that
nourishes your spirit, the medicine that heals your wounds, the consolation
that comforts your heart. There you will find the friend who never fails,
the brother who always helps, the spouse who always loves. There you will
find the Lord who reigns, the King who commands, the God who saves. There
you will find everything that you need, everything that you desire,
everything that you love!"
(Source: St. Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero's
1896 talk on the Euvharist in San Predo, Argentina (According to Bing AI) )"If you want to
be happy, if you want to enjoy true peace, go often to visit Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament. He is the Prince of Peace, the source of all good, the
remedy for all evils."
(Source: St. Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero's
1897 talk on Forty Hours Devotion in Villa Dolores, Argentina (According to
Bing AI) )
Bl. Elena Guerra (1835
to 1914)
Religous Nun and founder of the
Oblates Of The Holy Spirit
"The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: by not only celebrating it but also
by praying before it outside of Mass we are enabled to make contact with the
very wellspring of grace."
(Source: "The Holy Spirit and His Work in Souls"
by Elena Guerra, 1904 Italian edition, page 133)
Bl. Franziska Nisch (1882
to 1913)
German Nun, Religious name - Ulrikar
"Go often to Jesus in the blessed sacrament. He waits for you with open
arms to fill you with his grace and peace."
(Source: "Blessed Franziska Nisch: A Life of Love
and Sacrifice" by Sister M. Theresia Nisch, translated by Fr. John Sullivan, 1988, p.
87, pub. Daughters of St. Paul (According to Bing AI) )
"How happy are those who can spend hours in adoration before the tabernacle! They are
the privileged ones who can enjoy the sweet presence of Jesus."
(Source: "Blessed Franziska Nisch: A Life of Love
and Sacrifice" by Sister M. Theresia Nisch, translated by Fr. John Sullivan, 1988, p.
89, pub. Daughters of St. Paul (According to Bing AI) )
St. Francesco Spinelli (1853
to 1913)
Italian Priest and founder of the
Sisters Adorers Of The Blessed Sacrament
"Visit Jesus frequently in the tabernacle; he is always waiting for you
with open arms; he is always ready to listen to you, to console you, to
inflame you with his love. Do not be afraid to approach him; he is meek and
humble of heart; he is the friend of sinners and the lover of souls."
(Source: Fr. Francesco Spinelli January 8, 1905
letter to his friend Fr. Giuseppe Zanetti (According yo Bing AI) )
Fr. Patrick Augustine Sheehan (1852
to 1913)
Irish Priest and Catholic author
"Priests-Adorers, let us close in our ranks about the Tabernacle! Let us
watch with jealous care over this Divine treasure committed to our charge.
Let us weep and mourn before the Lord Jesus, so cruelly outraged in the
Sacrament of His supreme love. May our ceaseless acts of reparation appease
the divine anger, and disarm the awful vengeance of God! Let us multiply our
hours of adoration, let us bring our faithful people to the foot of the
(Source: Vultis Christi website
- https://vultuschristi.org/)
Bl, Maria Of The Passion Of Our
Lord Jesus Christ (1866 to
Mystic, Stigmatic, and Foundress of the
Missionaries Of Mary
appearing to Blessed Mary, who would spend many hours in Adoration, once told her: "I am in the Eucharist to dispense
graces and extend mercy, but I receive only ingratitude, profanity and
sacrileges...My beloved one, you make reparation with your adoration done in
my presence."
(Source: Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
facebook site
- https://www.facebook.com/acfp2000)
"I exhort you to holy perseverance according to the Rule,
readiness in obedience and especially daily Adoration of Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament. Love Jesus in the Eucharist, never leave him alone, do
not anger him, do not disappoint him."
(Source: Vatican website
- https://www.vatican.va/)
St. Arcangelo Tadini (1846 to 1912)
of the Congregation Of Worker Sisters Of The Holy House Of Nazareth
St. Tadini would spend long hours standing in
Eucharistic Adoration, absorbed in the contemplation of God, despite a
severe disability. He drew strength from adoration and prayer, the center of
his life, to go and administer his duties as a Priest.
(Source: Vatican website
- https://www.vatican.va)
St. Candida Maria Of Jesus (1845 to
Foundress of the Congregation Of The
Daughters Of Jesus
The easiest road to to becoming a Saint
includes much Eucharistic Adoration in ones spiritual life. St. Canidida
Maria knew this as she would spend long hours in adoration of the Most
Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. She tried to stress the importance of
this practice to all who entered her order.
St. María Josefa Sancho de Guerra (1842 to
Religious name - "María Josefa of the
Heart of Jesus",
Spanish Nun and founder of the Servants Of Jesus Of
"Let us go often to visit Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament, let us adore him with faith and love, let us offer him our needs,
our sorrows, our joys, our gratitude. He
is always waiting for us, he is always ready to listen to us, he is always
eager to help us."
(Source: "María Josefa Sancho de Guerra: A Woman
for Our Time" by Sr. María Pilar González, 2009, p.97, pub. Institute of the
Servants of Jesus, Bibao, Spain (trans. by Bing AI 2023) )
St. Giuditta Vannini (1859 to
Italian Nun and co-founder of the
Daughters Of Saint Camilius
"“Let us often visit Jesus in
the tabernacle, where He waits for us with infinite love. Let us adore Him,
thank Him, ask Him for pardon and grace. Let
us offer Him our hearts, our affections, our desires, our actions."
(Source: "Saint Giuditta Vannini: A Woman of
Charity and Faith" bk. by Sister Maria Grazia Lopardi, 2019, p. 73, pub.
Urbaniana University Press (According to Bing AI) )
St. Alfonso Maria Fusco (1839 to
Italian Priest and founder of the
Sisters Of Saint John The Baptist
"Oh, how sweet it is to
remain in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! How much peace,
how much light, how much strength we receive from Him! Let
us often go to visit Him and He will fill us with His blessings."
(Source: "Alfonso Maria Fusco: Letters and
Spiritual Notes" by Sr. Maria Giuseppa Fusco, 1988, p. 133, pub. Generalate
of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist in Rome, Italy, trans. by Bing AI 2023)
Marie Marthe Emilia Tamisier (1834 to
Initiator of several
Eucharistic Congresses
All of us should follow our Saints
examples of great love for the Blessed Sacrament and volunteer to cover a
specific hour of Eucharistic Adoration. From childhood Marie Tamisier had
such a love and devotion to the Eucharist that she later became known as the
"Joan Of Arc of the Blessed Sacrament". She was one of the key collaborators
in organizing several of the first Eucharistic Congresses and her great wish
was for people throughout the world to have this same devotion and love for
the Eucharist she had. She wrote: "O Jesus, grant that Thy Eucharistic Life
may be my life. May the sufferings that You suffer in the Host, also be my
sufferings. And may I die after having loved Thee with all my heart!"
Venerable Germano Ruoppolo
(1850 to 1909)
Priest, Theologian and Sprirtual Director of St. Gemma Galgani
"Going through the street and passing before any church, I will enter there...
to make a devout genuflection to the Sacramental Jesus and send Him an affection
of the heart."
(Source: Truth Himself blog
- https://truthhimself.blogspot.com/)
St. Mary Of The Cross (1842 to 1909)
Cofounder of the Sisters Of St. Joseph Of The Sacred Heart
St. Mary Of The Cross had a great devotion and love for
the Eucharist. She often spent long hours in prayer before the Blessed
Sacrament besides attending Mass and said: "Let us all resign ourselves into
His hands, and pray that in all things He may guide us to do His Holy
Will... When thoughts of this or that come I turn to Him and say: 'Only what
you will, my God. Use me as You will'."
(Source of quote: St, Mary of the Cross's March
25, 1877 letter her fellow Sisters)
S.D. François-Marie-Benjamin Richard (1819 to 1908)
Cardinal and Archbishop of Paris, France
"When we are before the Holy Sacrament exposed or enclosed in the
tabernacle, we are before God as the angels and saints are before him in
heaven. We must therefore adore him with a deep respect, a humble submission, a fervent
(Source: “Visites au Saint-Sacrement et à la
Sainte Vierge" by Cardinal François-Marie-Benjamin Richard, 1890, p. 11)
S.D. Jules Chevalier (1824 to 1907)
French Priest and founder of the Missionaries Of The Sacred
"Let us go often to visit Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament; let us adore him with all our heart; let us thank him for having
instituted this adorable mystery of love; let us offer him all our actions,
all our sufferings, all our prayers; let us ask him to inflame us with his
love, to make us apostles of his Heart."
(Source: "The Month of the Sacred Heart" by Jules
Chevalier, 1899, p. 48)
St. Rapheal Kalinowski (1835 to 1907)
Carmelite Priest who founded many monasteries in Poland
"Our Redeemer ever present in the most Blessed Sacrament, extends His hands
to everyone. He opens His heart and says, ‘Come to Me, all of you’."
(Source: Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred
Heart of Los Angelus - https://carmelitesistersocd.com/)
St. Elizabeth Of The Trinity
(1880 to 1906)
Carmelite Nun and
Religious writer"We have the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the
oratory: what divine hours are spent in this little corner of Heaven. Here,
we possess the vision in substance under the humble Host. Yes, one and the
same, He who the blessed contemplate in light and He who we adore in faith…"
(Source: Carmelite Quotes blog - https://carmelitequotes.blog/)
"O Eternal Word, Word of my God, I want to spend my life in listening to
You, to become wholly teachable that I may learn all from You. Then through
all nights, all voids, all helplessness, I want to gaze on You always and
remain in Your great light."
(Source: Truth Himself blog - http://truthhimself.blogspot.com/)
St. Maria Cristina Brando (1856 to 1906)
Italian Nun and and the founder of the Congregation of the Sisters,
Expiatory Victims of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament"In order to
be nearer in spirit and in body to the tabernacle, she built a cell adjacent
to the church, which she called the 'grotticella' (the little grotto)
recalling the crèche of the Nativity. It was a source of edification for
everyone in Casoria (,Italy). Here she spent every night of her life, seated
in a chair, so as to accompany Jesus in the Eucharist, while awake and while
(Source: Vatican website, Homily of Pope John Paul
II -
Click Here)
"To the Perpetual Adorers the divine Heart of Jesus
wants to entrust the sweet and sublime office of Victims of perpetual
adoration and reparation to his Divine Heart, so horribly offended and
affronted in the Blessed Sacrament of love...To the Perpetual Adorers, in
the active and contemplative lifestyle, (...) the Sacred Heart of Jesus
entrusts the sweet office of Victims of Charity and of reparation; of
charity because they are entrusted with the care of children "
(Source: Vatican website, Homily of Pope John Paul
II quoting St Brando's autobiography -
Click Here)
St. Ezequiel Moreno y Diaz (1848 to 1906)
Bishop of Pasto, Columbia"Visit Our Lord in the Tabernacle
often. Speak to Him to make your Faith alive. Tell Him your needs, and
humbly ask Him for remedy. Make these visits frequently and fruitfully, and
you shall learn much from Him, for Our Jesus is a good Teacher."
(Source: Augistinian Recollects, Province of St.
Nicholas of Tolentine website PDF downdload -
Blessed Mary Assunta (1878 to 1905)
Franciscan MissionaryFrequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament
were a hallmark of Blessed Mary's youth. She was found every Sunday
afternoon, alone in the Church, adoring the Eucharist before going on to
catechize others.
St. John Baptist (or Giovanni
Battista) Scalabrini
(1839 to 1905)
Founder of Scalabrinian
Fathers And Brothers, Bishop of Piacenza Italy, called the "Apostle of the
Catechism""When the Lord, in
His infinite goodness and mercy, shall grant that I see devotion to the
Eucharist deeply rooted in my beloved diocese, then there will be no more
for me to do but to exclaim with the prophet Simeon: 'Now thou dost release
thy servant, O Master, in peace because my eyes have seen the Savior thou
has given us loved, thanked and venerated by those who are in the time and
shall be in eternity my joy and my crown!'."
(Source: St. Scalabrini's pastoral letter of 1887
titled "The Most Holy Eucharist, Source of Life and Holiness" (According to
Bing AI) )
"We exhort you, beloved children, to visit frequently the most holy
sacrament of the altar, where Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest, is
always present and intercedes for us. There you will find the source of all
grace and consolation, the medicine of all spiritual ills, the food of your
souls. There you will adore and thank the Lord for the ineffable gift of his love, and
you will implore his mercy for yourselves and for the whole world."
(Source: St. Scalabrini's pastoral letter for the
1899 synod on the Eucharist, which he addressed to the clergy and faithful
of his diocese of Piacenza (According to Bing AI) )
"By visiting the most holy sacrament of the altar, you
will also perform an act of reparation for the many outrages that are
committed against this sacrament by the indifference, the irreverence, the
sacrilege, and the profanation of many ungrateful and wicked men. You will
also make an act of satisfaction for your own sins and the sins of others,
which are the cause of the passion and death of Jesus Christ, which are
renewed in this sacrament. You will also make an act of petition for all the
graces that you and your neighbors need, both for the body and for the soul,
both for time and for eternity. You will also make an act of thanksgiving
for all the benefits that you and the whole world have received and will
receive from this sacrament, which is the source and the summit of all
(Source: St. Scalabrini's pastoral letter for the 1899 synod
on the Eucharist, which he addressed to the clergy and faithful of his
diocese of Piacenza (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Juan Nepomuceno Zegrí (Moreno)
(1831 to 1905)
Spanish Priest and founder of the Mercedarian Sisters Of Charity"Visit
Jesus often in the tabernacle. He waits for you with infinite love. He wants
to fill you with his graces and make you happy. Do not deprive him of this
consolation that you can give him by your presence and your love. He
is so good! He has done so much for you! He has given himself entirely to
you! How can you not love him with all your heart? How can you not prefer
him above all things? How can you not spend some time each day to converse
with him, to thank him, to praise him, to ask him for what you need?"
(Source:"Spiritual Writings of Blessed Juan
Nepomuceno Zegrí Moreno" by Father José María López Sevillano, M.S.C., 2003,
p. 95, pub. Mercedarian Sisters of Charity (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Małgorzata Szewczyk (1828 to 1905)
Polish Nun and founder of the Daughters of the Sorrowful Mother of
God "(Blessed
Szewczyk) was a woman of deep faith, which manifested itself in a constant
spirit of prayer, always holding a Rosary in her hand. She prayed in the
chapel, in her monastic cell … In times of difficulties, she prayed and
asked for prayer (and) spent long hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Cardinal Angelo Amato June 9, 2013 homily at beatifcation Mass for Sister
Zofia Czeska Maciejowska and Sister Margherita Lucia Szewczyk)
S.D. Mary Magdalen Bentivoglio (1824 to 1905)
Religious name - "Mary Magdalen of the Sacred Heart of Jesus",
Italian Poor Clare Nun who founded the first 3 Poor Clare convents in the
U.S."I feel an attraction to go to the chapel as often as I can.
It seems to me that Jesus is waiting for me there. He speaks to me in the
silence of my heart and fills me with peace and joy."
(Source: Letter Mary Magdalen of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus wrote to her sister, Mother Maria Constanza (Abbess of a Poor Clare
Monastary), on January 1, 1882 (According to Bing AI) )
"Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with all the love of your heart. He is always
there, ready to receive you and to give you his grace. He is the source of
all good, the fountain of living water, the bread of life."
Letter Mary Magdalen of the Sacred Heart of Jesus wrote to a friend, Mrs.
Mary E. O’Connell, on April 16, 1898 (According to Bing AI) )
St. Anna Maria Rubatto (1844 to
Religious name - "Maria Francesca of
Italian Nun and foundress of the Capuchin Sisters Of Mother
"How sweet it is to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
How consoling it is to speak to Him as to a friend, to open our hearts to
Him, to tell Him our troubles, our needs, our desires, our joys! How good it
is to remain in silence before Him, to listen to His voice, to feel His
presence, to receive His blessings."
(Source: St. Anna Maria Rubatto meditation on the
Eucharist that she wrote in 1897 (According to Bing AI) )
"Do not forget to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament often; He is
waiting for you with open arms to console you and to fill you with His
(Source: St. Anna Maria Rubatto's June 6, 1904
letter to Sister Maria Teresa of Jesus (According to Bing AI) )
"Visit Jesus in the tabernacle as much as you can; He is your best
friend, your refuge, your strength, your consolation, your all."
(Source: St. Anna Maria Rubatto's July 31, 1904
letter to Sister Maria of the Angels (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Clement Marchisio (1833 to
Founder of the Institute Of The
Daughters Of St. JosephSignup to cover an hour of Eucharistic
Adoration. It will bring you great strength especially during times of
trials and tribulations in your life. All the Saints knew this including
Blessed Marchisio who said: "You see, I too find myself sometimes
overwhelmed by the weight of trials; but after five minutes in front of the
Blessed Sacrament, which is our all, I feel entirely invigorated. Do the
same when you are depressed and discouraged."
(Source of quote: “The Eucharist: The Source of
All Grace" by Clement Marchisio, 1988 English translation by Fr. Joseph A.
Bracken, chapter 4, page 49, pub. Daughters of St. Joseph)
St. Geltrude Commensoli (1847 to 1903)
Foundress of the Institute Of The Sisters Of The Blessed Sacrament
St. Geltrude had such a great love for the Blessed Sacrament that she
founded an order called the Institute Of The Sisters Of The Blessed
Sacrament with its primary purpose being Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
In Pope Benedict XVI April 26th 2009 homily for the beatification of St.C
Geltrude the Pope stated: "She reminds us that "adoration must prevail over
all the other charitable works", for it is from love for Christ who died and
rose and who is really present in the Eucharistic Sacrament, that Gospel
charity flows which impels us to see all human beings as our brothers and
(Source: Vatican website
- https://www.vatican.va)
Bl. Hendrina Stenmanns (1852 to 1903)
German Nun and co-founder of the Missionary Sisters Servants Of The Holy
“Let us often visit Jesus in the tabernacle. He is always waiting for us
with open arms."
(Source: Bl. Hendrina
Stenmanns's December 8, 1895 letter to her sisters in Argentina (According
to Bing AI)
Gemma Galgani (1878 to 1903)
19th century
Mystic and Stigmatic"Every Thursday (night) I continued to make
the Holy Hour, but it sometimes happened that it would last even till 2:00am
because Jesus was with me; and nearly always He would make me share in that
sorrow which He felt in the Garden at the sight of so many of my sins and
those of the whole world. A sorrow which can well be compared to the agony
of death."
(Source: St Gemma Galgani website
- https://www.stgemmagalgani.com/)
"Let us go to Jesus. He is all alone and hardly anyone
thinks of Him. Poor Jesus!"
(Source: St Gemma Galgani website -
"(The Eucharist is) the school of Paradise,
where one learns how to love, the school is the supper room, Jesus is the
Master, and the doctrines are His Flesh and Blood."
(Source: St Gemma Galgani website -
"Can You see that as soon as the day breaks I think of You? As evening
comes, I am near You.... I am near You at every moment. I love You,
(Source: St Gemma Galgani website -
Cardinal Herbert Alfred Vaughan (1832 to 1903)
Archbishop of Westminster England"The more you adore Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament, the more you will love Him, and the more you will
long to receive Him in Holy Communion. The more you receive Him, the more
you will hunger and thirst for Him. The more you hunger and thirst for Him,
the more He will fill you with His own divine life, and make you like
(Source: "The Blessed Sacrament: The Centre of
Immutable Truth" by Cardinal Vaughan, 1898, pub. Burns and Oates, London)
Bl. Contardo Ferrini (1859 to
Layman, Canon Lawyer, Patron Saint of
UniversitiesBlessed Ferrini's life was practically an unbroken
elevation of his soul to God. He attended daily Mass and Eucharistic
Adoration often. He could be completely absorbed in adoration - so much so
that once he didn't notice someone stealing the mantle he was wearing across
his shoulders.
Bl. Franciszka Siedliska (1842 to
Religious name - Maria of Jesus the
Good Shepherd,
Polish Nun and foundress of the Sisters Of The Holy Family
Of Nazareth"Let us make it a habit to visit Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament every day, even if only for a few minutes. Let us offer Him our
prayers, our work, our joys, and our sorrows. Let us unite ourselves with
Him and receive His grace and strength."
(Source: "Blessed Franciszka Siedliska: A Woman
for Our Times" by Sister Mary Grace Leung, CSFN , 2018, p. 87, pub.
Pauline Books and Media (According to Bing AI) )
St. Agostino Roscelli (1818 to 1902)
Founder of the Sisters Of The ImmaculateSt. Roscelli developed a
genuine contemplative and mystical life from the long hours he spent in
front of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Prayer and adoration was his life and
whenever someone was trying to find this Saint they always checked the
Chapel first where they often found him. From Eucharistic Adoration he found
the strength and graces to go and administer his duties as a Priest.