19th Century Saints
Quotes On
The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration
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St. Mary Hermina Grivot (1866 to 1900)
Martyr and Nun of the Franciscan Missionaries Of Mary
"(Eucharistic) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is half my life. The other
half consists in loving Jesus and winning souls for Him."
(Source: CatholicSaints.Info website
- https://catholicsaints.info/)
Bl. Helena Stollenwerk (1852 to 1900)
Nun and co-founder of the Missionary Sisters Servants Of The Holy Spirit
"How happy I am to be able to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament every day. He
is my only consolation and support in this valley of tears. I wish I could
spend hours and hours in adoration before Him, but my duties do not allow me
to do so. However, I try to unite myself with Him as often as possible during the day and to
offer Him all my actions and sufferings."
(Source: 1898 Diary of Bl. Helena Stollenwerk
(According to Bing AI) )
"Let us often visit Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament and receive Him with great love and reverence. He is our best
friend, our most tender father, our powerful protector, our faithful guide,
our divine spouse. He loves us with an infinite love and He waits for us day
and night in the tabernacle. He longs to give Himself to us and to fill us
with His grace and blessings."
(Source: Bl. Helena Stollenwerk's 1899
letter to Sr. Maria Magdalena (According to Bing AI) )
St. Joseph Ma Taishun (1840 to 1900)
Catechist, and practiced medicine"O Jesus, humbly kneeling in
Your Presence, and united with all the faithful on earth and the saints in
heaven, I adore You, true God and true Man, here present in the Holy
(Source: Archdiocese of St. Louis website
S.D. Louis de Goesbriand (1816 to 1899)
Bishop of Burlington, Vermont"When we are before the Blessed
Sacrament, we should adore Jesus Christ with profound reverence, and express
our love for Him with fervent affection. We should thank Him for all His
benefits, especially for the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. We should
offer Him our prayers, our sacrifices, our needs, and our intentions. We
should also listen to His voice in our hearts, and follow His inspirations."
(Source: "The Israelite Before the Ark and The Christian Before the Altar"
bk. by Bishop Louis
de Goesbriand, 2018, page 210, pub. Forgotten Books (According to Bing AI) )
St. Sharbel Makhluf (1828 to 1898)
Catholic Priest and Hermit in LebanonDo we ever
consider taking one of the tougher hours of our Eucharistic Adoration
program - that is the night (early morning) hours? Many of our Saints
considered these tougher hours the most rewarding. St. Sharbel had a great
devotion to the Eucharist and would spend 11 hours at night in Eucharist
Adoration before saying Mass in the morning.
St. Maria Katharina Kasper (1820 to 1898)
German Nun and foundress of the Poor Handmaids Of Jesus
Christ"Let us often visit Jesus in the most holy sacrament,
where he waits for us with such love and longing. Let us not leave him alone
and forsaken. He has so much to give us, so much to tell us, so much to show
us. He wants to fill us with his grace and his peace. He wants to make us
like himself, meek and humble of heart. He wants to inflame us with his love
and his zeal. He wants to be our strength and our joy. He wants to be our all."
(Source: "Maria Katharina Kasper: Poor Handmaid of
Jesus Christ" bk. by Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann, 2018, p. 113, pub. Novalis
Publishing (According to Bing AI) )
St. Therese of Lisieux (1873 to 1897)
Doctor of the Church and Carmelite Nun
"Frequently, only
silence can express my prayer. However, this Divine Guest of the tabernacle
understands all, even the silence of a child's soul filled with gratitude.
When I am before the tabernacle, I can say only one thing to Our Lord:
'My God, you know that I love you' and I feel my prayer does not tire
(Source: 6 Places To Get Motivation When Mission
Is To Heavy
- Click Here)
"To bear the exile of this valley of tears I need the glance of my Divine Savior. This glance full of
love has revealed its charms to me. It has made me sense the happiness of
Heaven. My Jesus smiles at me when I sigh to Him. Then I no longer feel my
trial of faith. My God’s Glance, His ravishing Smile, That is Heaven for
(Source: 6 Places To Get Motivation When Mission
Is To Heavy
- Click Here)
"How I loved the feasts!...I especially loved the processions in
honor of the Blessed Sacrament. What a joy it was for me to throw flowers
beneath the feet of God!...I was never so happy as when I saw my roses touch
the sacred Monstrance."
(Source: "Story of a
Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux" book)
"O Jesus! on this day, you have fulfilled all
my desires. From now on, near the Eucharist, I shall be able To
sacrifice myself in silence, to wait for Heaven in peace. Keeping
myself open to the rays of the Divine Host, In this furnace of love, I shall
be consumed, And like a seraphim, Lord, I shall love You."
(Source: Our Lady of Guadalupe Adoration website
- http://ologadoration.org/en_US/)
"O Jesus, I want to be fascinated by Your gaze."
(Source: I Want to See God blog
- https://theholyfaceofjesus.wordpress.com/)
"Heaven for me is hidden in a
little Host Where Jesus, my Spouse, is veiled for love. I go to that Divine
Furnace to draw out life, And there my Sweet Savior listens to me night and
(Source: St. Therese's 1896 poem "Heaven For Me")
Ven. Andrew Beltrami (1870 to 1897)
Salesian Priest"Wherever I may be I will often
think of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I will fix my thoughts on the holy
Tabernacle — even when I happen to wake up at night — adoring Him from where
I am, calling to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, offering up to Him the
action I am performing. I will install one telegraph cable from my study to
the church, another from my bedroom, and a third from our refectory; and as
often as I can, I will send messages of love to Jesus in the Blessed
(Source: Extraordinary Year of Mercy - The
Follow-Through facebook page
- Click Here)
St. Caterina Volpicelli (1839 to 1894)
Foundress of the Congregation Of The Servants Of The Sacred
a great devotion to the
Eucharist, and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Caterina founded the
Congregation Of The Servants Of the Sacred Heart and, at the request of Pope
Leo XII, built a shrine in Ponticelli Italy for adoration and reparation.
Throughout her life she strongly supported Eucharistic Adoration and took
part in the first National Eucharistic Congress in Italy in 1891.
St. Louis Martin (1823 to 1894)
Layman, Watchmaker and father of 5 Nuns including St. Therese
of Lisieux
St. Martin was heavily involved in Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament at his local parish and would often say
“I would like to die near a church, so that I could be close to the
tabernacle until my last breath."
(Source of quote: St. Martin's June 15, 1894
letter to daughter Marie (according to bing AI))
St. Conrad of Parzham (1818 to 1894)
German Franciscan lay brother
St. Conrads Prayer of Adoration - " I have come to spend a few moments with
You, O Jesus and in spirit I prostrate myself in the dust before Your Holy
Tabernacle to adore you, my Lord and God in deepest humility. Once more, a
day has come to it's close, dear Jesus, another day which brings me nearer
to the grave and my beloved heavenly home. Once more, O Jesus, my heart
longs for You, the true Bread of Life, which contains all sweetness and
relish. O my Jesus, mercifully grant me pardon for the faults and
ingratitude of this day and come to me, to refresh my poor heart which longs
for You. As the heart pants for the waters, as the parched earth longs for
the dew of Heaven, even so does my poor heart long for You. You Fount of
Life. I love You O Jesus, I hope in You, I love You and out of love for
You, I regret sincerely all my sins. May Your peace and Your benediction be
mine, now and always and for all eternity. Amen!"
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
Bl. Clara Fey (1815 to 1894)
German Nun and foundress of the Sisters Of The Poor Child Jesus
“I cannot tell you how much I long for the Blessed Sacrament. It is my
heaven on earth, my refuge, my joy, my all. I wish I could spend all my time
in adoration, but I have to do my duty and serve the poor children."
(Source: "The Life of Mother Clara Fey" by Sister
Mary Emmanuel, S.P.C.J., 1928, p. 172,
pub. Benziger Brothers, New York (According to Bing AI))
"The most important thing for us is to be faithful to our visits to the
Blessed Sacrament. There we will find Jesus, who is waiting for us with open
arms. He will give us light, grace, peace, and love. He will make us holy
and happy."
(Source: "The Life of Mother Clara Fey" by Sister
Mary Emmanuel, S.P.C.J., 1928, p. 201,
pub. Benziger Brothers, New York (According to Bing AI))
Bl. Marie Anne Blondin (1809 to 1890)
Canadian Nun and foundress of the Sisters Of St. Anne
“Let us go often to Jesus. He loves us so much! Go to see him in the
tabernacle. Make him feel your love. Adore him in your heart...The more we
love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the more we will love our neighbor."
(Source: "Marie-Anne Blondin: A Life Centred on
the Cross" by Eugène Nadeau, 1956, p. 79-80,
pub. Sisters of St. Anne in Montreal, Can. (According to Bing AI))
"We must be faithful to our hour of adoration, because this is the time
that Jesus has chosen to give us his graces and his love."
(Source: "Marie-Anne Blondin: A Life Centred on
the Cross" by Eugène Nadeau, 1956, p. 76, pub.
Sisters of St. Anne in Montreal, Can. (According to Bing AI))
Ven. Louis of Trelles (1819 to 1891)
Layman, Spanish Jurist, Founder of the Spanish Nocturnal Association
In 1862 Louis started to devlelop a deep affection for Eucharistic
Adoration. He, in 1868, became the head a national organization for
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. This led to him organizing the first vigil of the Spanish Nocturnal (Eucharistic)
Adoration in Madrid in 1877. Until his death in 1891, Luis de Trelles dedicated
himself to promoting and organizing new sections and shifts of Nocturnal
Adoration, achieving its diffusion throughout Spain, for which he is
considered an Apostle of the Eucharist in the 19th century.
(Source: Wikipedia Spanish website
- https://es.wikipedia.org/)
St. John Henry
Newman (1801 to 1890)
Cardinal deacon of San
Giorgia in Velabro basilica church in Rome"It is such an
incomprehensible blessing to have Christ in bodily presence in one’s house,
within one’s walls...To know that He is close by - to be able to visit Him,
again and again, throughout the day..."
(Source: St. John's Seminary on Facebook
- Click Here)
“I did not know, or did not observe, the tabernacle Lamp – but now after
tasting of the awful delight of worshipping God in His Temple, how
unspeakably cold is the idea of a Temple without that Divine Presence! One
is tempted to say what is the meaning, what is the use of it?...
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
"He is not past, He is present now. And though He is not seen, He
is present here. The same God who walked the water, who did miracles,
etc., is in the Tabernacle. We come before Him, we speak to Him just
as He was spoken to...years ago."
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
St. Damien of Molokai (1840 to 1889)
Missionary Priest"It is in the Blessed Sacrament that we find
strength. Without my daily Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, I could
not have lasted one single day."
(Source: St. Joseph Catholic Church, Clayton MO
website - Click Here)
"Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is
the most tender of friends with souls who seek to please Him. His
goodness knows how to proportion itself to the smallest of His creatures as
to the greatest of them. Be not afraid then in your solitary
conversations, to tell Him of your miseries, your fears, your worries, of
those who are dear to you, of your projects, and of your hopes. Do so
with confidence and with an open heart."
(Source: Ignatian Spirituality: Set the World
Ablaze blog - https://predmore.blogspot.com/)
Bl. Marie-Therese De Soubiran
(1835 to 1889)
Foundress of the Sisters Of
Mary AuxilatriceBlessed Marie-Therese of Soubiran found
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament so important that she not only urged
daily adoration for all but also urged one to prepare well for their visits
before our beloved Lord. To the Sisters she was in charge of she wrote: "The
Sisters must realize that to help them become saints, it is necessary to
pray at night in order to obtain graces for the following day. The Sisters
should use each day to prepare themselves for their night adoration."
(Source of quote: "The Spiritual Life of Bl.
Marie-Therese De Soubiran" 1946 book, Society of Mary Auxillitrax)
S.D. Isaac Hecker (1819 to 1888)
Priest and founder of the Paulist Fathers"The tabernacle is the
home of Jesus. He is there waiting for us, longing for us, inviting us to
come to Him. He wants to hear our prayers, our troubles, our needs, and our
joys. He wants to give us His grace, His love, His peace. He wants us to be
His friends, His companions, His intimates. He wants us to make Him the
center of our lives."
(Source: "A Collection of Isaac Hecker Quotes"
edited by John Farina, 2013, p. 19, pub. Paulist Press (According to Bing
AI) ) "How
many souls there are who need but a little encouragement, a little
direction, a little instruction, to become frequent visitors of the Blessed
Sacrament! How many there are who would find in this practice the solution
of their doubts, the healing of their wounds, the strength of their
weakness, the consolation of their sorrows!"
(Source: "The Blessed Sacrament: A Hecker
Reflection" by Fr. Isaac Hecker, 2010, p. 5, pub. Paulist Press (According
to Bing AI) )
St. Mary Joseph Rosello (1811 to 1888)
Founder of the Daughters Of Our Lady Of Mercy"Go to Jesus. He
loves you and is waiting for you to give you many graces. He is on the altar
surrounded by angels adoring and praying. Let them make some room for you
and join them in doing what they do."
(Source: Lord I Will Trust In You blog - https://iwilltrustinyou.org/)
St. Giovanni Antonio Farina (1803 to 1888)
Bishop of Vicenza, Italy"The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a
great act of faith and love, a proof of gratitude and recognition, a source
of grace and consolation, a powerful means of reparation and satisfaction, a
pledge of eternal life. Let us make it often, let us make it well, let us
make it with devotion and fervor. Let
us make it with the intention of pleasing God, of honoring him, of thanking
him, of asking him for what we need, of offering him what we have, of giving
him what we are."
(Source: "The Life of the Venerable Servant of
God, John Anthony Farina, Bishop of Vicenza" bk. by Fr. Joseph Bertolli,
1891, p. 233, pub. Benziger Brothers, New York (According
to Bing AI) )
Bl. Mother Maria of Jesus Deluil-Martinyo (1841 to 1884)
Apostle of the Sacred Heart devotion and foundress of Association Of The
Gaurd Of Honour Of The Sacred HeartCan we volunteer to cover
just one hour a week at our local adoration program to make up for the sins
of the world? Our beloved Lord asks this of all souls, and much more,
thru Blessed Maria of Jesus. During her long hours in Eucharistic
Adoration every night our Lord made her understand that He was waiting for
souls who would offer Him perpetual homage of reparation for the most subtle
wounds made in His Sacred Heart.
"At all times let us
keep our gaze fixed lovingly on the divine Victim being immolated on the
altar. And let us allow ourselves to be immolated at the same time. Weeping
before the altars that are the object of indifference or profanation, may we
love and make up for the coldness of those who do not know how to return
love for love."
(Source: Truth Himself blog - http://truthhimself.blogspot.com/)
St. Maria Domenica Mazzarello
(1837 to 1881)
Italian Nun and foundress of the Salesian Sisters
"Let us learn to speak with Jesus in his Eucharistic
Love. He is always there waiting for us to give us his grace and his love. Let
us make some visits to him every day; let us remain close to him as much as
we can; let us not leave him alone in our churches."
(Source: "I Will Never Forget You: Letters
of Maria Domenica Mazzarello" bk. trans. by Sister Mary Louise Duddy, 2001,
p. 29, pub. Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
(According to Bing AI) )
St. Daniele Comboni
(1831 to 1881)
Apostolic of Central Africa, Sudan and Titular Bishop of Claudiopolis
in Isauria, Turkey
"I exhort you to be faithful to the holy exercise of adoration of the Most
Holy Sacrament, which is the source of all good and the fountain of living
water that quenches our thirst and refreshes our souls. It
is there that you will find Jesus, who loves you with an infinite love and
who waits for you to give you his peace and his joy."
(Source: "The Writings of St. Daniel Comboni:
Correspondence and Reports (1850-1881) of the Founder of the Comboni
Missionaries" by St. Daniele Comboni, trans. by Catharine P. Marcelin-Rice
and Louis Marcelin-Rice, 2005, p. 513, Comboni Missionaries, London
(According to Bing AI) )
Bishop Louis Gaston Adrien of Segur
(1820 to 1881)
Bishop and organizer of the first formal 1881 Eucharistic Congress
All of our Saints
spent many hours a week in Adoration of our beloved Lord, where they would
renew their strength, including Bishop Louis Gaston Adrien who would spend
two hours every night in Eucharistic Adoration.
St. Bernadette Soubirous (1844 to
The Mother of God appeared to her many
times at Lourdes France"The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul
in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words, ‘Come all you who
are sick, I will restore your health’."
(Source: Saint Quotes blog - https://saintquotes.tumblr.com/)
“When you pass by the chapel
and haven’t time to stop, tell your Guardian Angel to take your messages to
Our Lord in the tabernacle. He will take them and then have time to catch up
with you"
(Source: Frances Steele pinterest page - Click Here)
St. Marguerite Bays (1815 to 1879)
and LaywomenEucharistic Adoration is what turns common Christians into
great Saints. Virtually all the future saints did this, such as Blessed
Marguerite who spent her whole life in the neighborhood she was born in. She
had an immense love for Jesus in the Eucharist, before which she spent long
hours in adoration at her local parish. She lived constantly in God's
Bl. Theresa of Jesus (Gerhardinger) (1797 to 1879)
German Nun and foundress of the School Sisters Of Notre Dame
"Let us visit the Blessed Sacrament as often as possible and remain there as long
as our duties permit. Let us adore Him fervently and thank Him for all the
graces He has bestowed on us."
(Source: "The Letters of Blessed Theresa of Jesus
Gerhardinger" Volume 1, edited by Sister Mary Ann Kuttner, 1993, page 340,
pub. School Sisters of Notre Dame (According to Bing AI) )
"Let us often visit our dear Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and
remain there in adoration, love and gratitude. He is always waiting for us
with open arms to receive us, to console us, to strengthen us and to bless
(Source: "The Letters of Blessed Theresa of Jesus
Gerhardinger" Volume 2, edited by Sister Mary Ann Kuttner, 1993, page 37,
pub. School Sisters of Notre Dame (According to Bing AI) )
Jeanne Jugan (1792 to 1879)
Foundress of the
Little Sisters Of The Poor"Go and find Him when your patience
and strength run out and you feel alone and helpless. Jesus is waiting for
you in the chapel. Say to Him, 'Jesus, you know exactly what is going on.
You are all I have, and you know all things. Come to my help.' And then go,
and don’t worry about how you are going to manage. That you have told God
about it is enough. He has a good memory."
(Source: Harvesting The Fruits of Contemplation blog -
Click Here)
St. Mary of Jesus Crucified (1846 to 1878)
Carmelite nun of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, mystic and stigmatist,
(Birth name - Mariam Baouardy)"I
beg you...to love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He is there for us,
waiting for our visits and prayers. He is the source of all grace and
holiness. He is our true friend, who will never abandon us. He is our loving
spouse, who desires to unite himself with us. He is our king, who deserves
all our homage and adoration. He is our God, who made us and redeemed us by
his blood. Oh, how can we not love him, who loved us so much?"
(Source: Sr. Mary of Jesus Crucified June 15, 1877
letter titled "My dear and beloved Sisters" (According to Bing AI) )
"One day, while I was in adoration, I saw a beautiful light coming from the
tabernacle. It was brighter than the sun, and it filled the whole chapel. I
felt a great joy and peace in my soul. Then I heard a voice saying to me:
‘Mariam, do you know who I am?’ I answered: ‘Yes, Lord, you are my God and
my all.’ The voice said: ‘I am Jesus, the Son of God, who became man for
your sake. I am here in the Blessed Sacrament to be with you and to love
you. I want you to love me with all your heart, and to give me your life as
a sacrifice of love. I want you to be my victim of love, as I was for you on
the cross."
(Source: Sr. Mary of Jesus Crucified July 16, 1878 poem
titled "The Love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament" (First stanza of poem) (According to Bing AI) )
Emilie of Oultremont (1818 to 1878)
Nun and Foundress of the Sisters Of Reparatrix"It is there in
His Eucharist that He says to me: 'I thirst, thirst for your love, your
sacrifices, your sufferings. I thirst for your happiness, for it was to save
you that I came into the world, that I suffered and died on the Cross, and
in order to console and strengthen you I left you the Eucharist. So you have
there all My life, all My tenderness'."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog - https://mseagrif.com)
Pope Pius IX (1792 to 1878)
Longest reigning
Pope (1846-1878), Convened the First Vatican Council"Even the
poor Pope needs to be a little alone with Jesus; I have so many things to
say to him, so many lights to ask of him, so much advice and so many
(Source: Vatican website - 2/7/02
Homily of Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins (quoting Piius IX) - https://www.vatican.va/)
(Pope Pius IX) lived intensely the Eucharistic piety in all
its forms. In the first place, in the daily celebration of Holy Mass, with
an unusual fervor that gave a glimpse of his entire faith, in the day and
night adoration, in his private chapel and in the churches he encountered
along his way, when he went out for a walk in Rome...
(Source: Vatican website - 2/7/02
Homily of Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins - https://www.vatican.va/)
St. Maria Rosa Molas (1815 to 1876)
Spanish Nun and founder of the Sisters
Of Our Lady Of Consolation"How sweet it is to remain in silence
and recollection before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! How much light and
peace He communicates to our souls! How
many inspirations and resolutions He gives us to advance in virtue and
(Source: "Saint Maria Rosa Molas: A Life of Joy
and Suffering" by Sister Maria Pilar Cebrian, O.L.C, 1990, p. 83, pub.
Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation in Rome, Italy (translated by Bing AI
2023) )
St. Catherine Laboure (1806 to 1876)
Mother of God appeared to her requesting the Miraculous MedalThe
Blessed Virgin speaking to St. Catherine - "Come to the foot of the altar.
Graces will be shed on all, great and little, especially upon those who seek
for them."
(Source: Pray The Holy Rosary Daily facebook page -
"Whenever I go to the chapel, I put myself in the presence
of our good Lord, and I say to him, ‘Lord, I am here. Tell me what you would
have me to do’ . . . And then, I tell God everything that is in my heart. I
tell him about my pains and my joys, and then I listen. If you listen, God
will also speak to you, for with the good Lord, you have to both speak and
listen. God always speaks to you when you approach him plainly and simply."
(Source: Pray The Holy Rosary Daily facebook page -
Venerable Leo Dupont (1806 to 1876)
Known as
Apostle Of The Holy FaceBesides promoting devotion to the
Holy Face of Jesus Venerable Leo promoted Eucharistic Adoration just as
vigorously. In 1849 he helped set up night Eucharistic Adoration in Tours
France and had a strong desire that this be established in every parish
throughout the world: "When shall we see Our Lord honored day and night in
every parish through the Catholic world? I love to cherish the hope!" He
often would go and help establish this nocturnal adoration at various
(Source: City a Desert blog - https://cassianus.tumblr.com/)
"How short, above all, seems the (Eucharistic Adoration)
hour which has fallen to our lot!...Some (read books) or simply say their
rosaries, but the greater number place themselves as suppliants at the feet
of our Lord, speak to Him, and receive good thoughts from Him; these last
find the hour exceedingly short."
(Source: City a Desert blog - https://cassianus.tumblr.com/)
S.D. Prosper Guéranger (1805 to 1875)
French Benedictine Priest
"Let us often visit our Lord in
the most holy Sacrament: he is always there waiting for us, and is always
ready to hear us. Let us adore him for his own sake; let us thank him for
all his benefits; let us make amends to him for all the outrages he receives
from sinners; let us present our petitions to him with a humble confidence;
and we shall experience the effects of his power and love."
(Source: "The Liturgical Year" by Fr. Prosper
Guéranger, translated by Fr. Dom Laurence Shepherd, 1868, in the volume
“Time after Pentecost”, book 5, chapter 1, section “Practice during the Time
after Pentecost”)
Ven. Augustine Mary Of The Most Blessed Sacrament (1820 to 1871)
Carmelite Priest who had a great devotion to the Eucharist
"Yes, I am happy, perfectly happy; and do you wish to know where I find true
happiness? At the feet of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,..."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog - https://mseagrif.com/)
would strongly urge that, even as the Magdalene anointed the Lord’s feet
with tears and perfumed oil, you too would pour out the perfume of constant
prayer and contemplation at the foot of the tabernacle. I should like the
Eucharist to become a burning flame for your soul, so that, immersed in that
flame, it might emerge burning with love and great-heartedness. I should
like to see this eucharistic altar, on which Jesus is sacrificed, accept
your offering too, so that you may become a victim of love, whose perfume
rises to the throne of the Eternal God!"
(Source: Truth Himself blog - http://truthhimself.blogspot.com/)
Bl. Edmund Bojanowski (1814 to 1871)
Polish Layman and founder of four seperate Congregations"I
cannot express how much I owe to the visits to the Blessed Sacrament which I
make every day. I feel as if I were conversing with Jesus Himself, present
in the tabernacle. He speaks to my heart and I listen to His voice. He
inflames my love and I offer Him my whole being. He
fills me with peace and I rest in His embrace."
(Source: Blessed Edmund Bojanowski June 24, 1847
letter to his spiritual director, Fr. Jan Nepomucen Fick (According to Bing
St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805 to 1871)
Priest from India and cofounder of Carmelites Of Mary Immaculate"Love our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with all your heart."
(Source: Last words of St. Chavara - Saint
Kuriakose Elias Chavara blog - https://chavarayachan.blogspot.com/)
St. Anthony Mary Claret (1807 to 1870)
Founder of Claretians and Archbishop in Santiago Cuba"The faith
I have when I am in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is so strong that
I find it impossible to express what I feel….When the time comes to leave I
must force myself to overcome the inclination to prolong my stay with
(Source: Daily TV Mass facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/dailytvmass/)
St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier (1796
to 1868)
Founderess of the Sisters Of The
Good Sheperd
"To speak of the Blessed
Sacrament is to speak of what is most sacred. How often, when we are in a
state of distress, those to whom we look for help leave us; or what is
worse, add to our affliction by heaping fresh troubles upon us. He is ever
there waiting to help us."
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)"The Blessed Sacrament is the first and
supreme object of our worship. We must preserve in the depths of our hearts
a constant and uninterrupted, profound adoration of this precious pledge of
Divine Love."
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
"Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
devotion to the Blessed Virgin – these are three inseparable devotions we
should lovingly cultivate and which will ensure the perfection of the good
works we have undertaken as well as our eternal happiness."
(Source: St. Pelletier wrote these words in a
letter to her sisters in 1847 (according to bing AI))"Draw
near to our Lord, thoroughly aware of you own nothingness and you may hope
all things from His Goodness and Mercy. Never forget that Jesus Christ is no
less generous in the Blessed Sacrament than He was during His mortal life on
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
"We must preserve, in the depths of our hearts, a constant and
uninerrupted, profound adoration, of this precious pledge of Divine Love."
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
"I urge you to cultivate greater love for the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: "Life of Reverend Mother Mary of St.
Euphrasia Pelletier" by A.M. Clark, 1896, page 338)
"The more one loves Jesus in the Adorable Sacrament of the Altar, the
more one loves Mary: and, the more one loves Mary, the more heartfelt is the
homage we pay to the Most Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: "Life of Reverend Mother Mary of St.
Euphrasia Pelletier" by A.M. Clark, 1896, page 345)
Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
(1819 to 1867)
Religious, priest and
missionary Blessed Francis often visited the Blessed Sacrament
especially as a priest when he often prayed long hours during the night.
Known as the "cheerful aesthetic," he spent himself for souls, ministering
to the sick and suffering.
"Also daily, if at all possible, visit the
Blessed Sacrament and toward evening, meditate on the Passion of Christ for
a half hour."
(Source: AnaStpaul blog -
St. Maria Michaela Desmaisieres
(1809 to 1865)
Foundress of Handmaids Of The
Blessed Sacrament And Of CharityWhen volunteering to cover an
hour of Eucharistic Adoration the Saints considered the most difficult hours
the most rewarding and would stay in adoration as long as possible. St.
Maria Michaela would spend entire nights in adoration before the Most
Blessed Sacrament and became one of the Church's strongest promoters of
Eucharistic Adoration.
Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802 to
Archbishop of Westminster England
"A visit to the Blessed Sacrament declares at once the simple, hearty,
practical belief in the real presence of Christ, a plain conviction, a
meeting with God face to face."
(Source: Truth Himself blog - http://truthhimself.blogspot.com/)
Archbishop Patrick F. Kenrick (1797
to 1863)
Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland
In 1857 he obtained, from Pope Pius IX, modifications to the
Forty Hours devotion rules (40 hours of continuous Eucharistic Adoration) for the
United States, and helped introduce the devotion to the States along with St.
John Neumann who had started Forty Hours, around 1854, in his Diocese of
Fr. Frederick William Faber (1814
to 1863)
Theologian and famous Catholic
author"Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is the queen of all
devotions. It is the central devotion of the Church. All others gather round
it, and group themselves there as satellites; for others celebrate his
mysteries; this is Himself. It is the universal devotion. No one can be
without it, in order to be a Christian. How can a man be a Christian who
does not worship the living Presence of Christ?"
(Source: Quote Master website - https://www.quotemaster.org/)
Ven. Marie-Thérèse of the Heart of Jesus, A.R. (1809
to 1863)
French Nun and founder of the Sisters
of AdorationBorn 'Théodelinde Bourcin-Dubouché' she instigated
forty days of prayer as atonement for the havoc on the streets and a
reaction to the violence in Paris during June of 1848. A growing
number of people associated themselves in this prayer until they eventually
numbered two thousand. During the Octave of the feast of Corpus
Christi, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed each day - a practise which was
quite unusual for the time. By the end of June the violence had ceased and
Theodelinde had another vision of Christ in which He asked for a religious
consecration so that there would be souls continually before Him to receive
spiritual life from the Eucharist and to transmit that life to others. In
essence this was the basis and origin of the Adoration Sisters and the
secular branch of that spiritual family...As a result she founded, with eight postulants,
a new order devoted to the adoration of Christ. The order was created on 6
August 1848. The following year Theodelinde was consecrated, becoming Mother
Marie Therese.
(Source: THEHOOKOFFAITH.COM website - https://www.thehookoffaith.com/)
St. Gabriel Possenti (1838 to 1862)
Passionate Brother"There is more sweetness in one hour of prayer
before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament than in all the world's crowded
theaters, and brilliant drawing rooms, and giddy diversions, and social
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog - https://mseagrif.com/)
St. Eugene De Mazeno (1782 to 1861)
Bishop & founded Missionary Oblates Of Mary Immaculate"I wish I
could pass my life at the foot of the holy tabernacles in which our adorable
Savior dwells."
(Source: AnaStpaul blog - https://anastpaul.com/)
St. John Neumann
(1811 to 1860)
Bishop in Philadelphia
and first American Bishop to be canonized"How much I love you, O
my Jesus. I wish to love you with my whole heart; yet I do not love you
enough. My lack of devotion and my sloth make me anxious. I have one desire,
that of being near you in the Blessed Sacrament. You are the sweet
bridegroom of my soul. My Jesus, my love, my all, gladly would I endure
hunger, thirst, heat, and cold to remain always with you in the Blessed
(Source: Truth Himself blog - http://truthhimself.blogspot.com/)
Jesus speaking to St. John Neumann on establishing Forty
Hours Devotion - "(I shall) pour out my grace in the Blessed Sacrament
without prejudice to My honor. Fear no profanation, therefore; hesitate no
longer to carry out your design for my glory".
(Source: Savior.org - http://www.savior.org/)
Bl. Elisabetta
Vendramini (1790 to 1860)
Italian Franciscan
Third Order Laywoman"How sweet it is to converse with Jesus in
the silence of the tabernacle! How much He teaches me, how much He consoles
me, how much He loves me!"
(Source: "Bl.
Elisabetta Vendramini: A Woman of Faith and Charity" by Fr. Luigi Maran,
1862, p. 74, pub. Tipografia del Seminario in Padua, Italy
(According to Bing AI) )
"Let us adore Jesus in the most holy
sacrament with faith, hope and charity. Let us offer Him our hearts, our
lives, our everything."
(Source: "Bl. Elisabetta Vendramini: A Woman of Faith and Charity" by Fr. Luigi Maran,
1862, p. 76, pub. Tipografia del Seminario in Padua, Italy
(According to Bing AI) )
St. Nimatullah
Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini (1808 to 1858)
Monk, Priest and Scholar (Feast day Dec. 14)"Nimatullah was
especially noted for his love of the Blessed Sacrament. During his free time
- frequently at the sacrifice of sleep - he was often found in the chapel on
his knees, arms raised in the form of a cross and eyes fixed on the
(Source - Vatican Website -
St. Dominic Savio
(1842 to 1857)
He became the youngest
non-martyr to be canonized a Saint"I need nothing in this world
in order to be happy. I only need to see Jesus in Heaven whom I now see and
adore on the altar with the eyes of faith."
(Source - St. John Cantius Church Instagram page -
Click Here)
"Do you want many graces?
Go and visit the Blessed Sacrament often. Do you want few graces? Visit the
Sacrament rarely. Do you want none at all? Then never pay a visit
to the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Eucharistic
Adoration Canada website –
St. Theodore Guerin (1798 to 1856)
Founder of
Sisters Of Providence Of Saint-Mary-Of-The-Woods"If we truly
knew how to appreciate it [the Holy Eucharist], it alone would fortify and
sustain us."
(Source: The Holy Rosary Site
website –
"How consoling is the mystery of the Eucharist! If we knew how to
appreciate it, it would suffice to fortify and sustain us. Is there anything
sweeter than to have a friend to whom we may at any hour confide our
difficulties and our pain?"
(Source: Power of
Prayer Adoration Chapel facebook site –
Bl. Frederic Ozanam (1813 to 1853)
Founder of the Conference of Charity (later known as the Society Of Saint De
Frederick was very dedicated to the Eucharist even as a teenager. He
attended daily mass and recieved communion frequently, even though daily
reception of the Eucharist didnt really start until the reign of St. Pius X
in the early 20th century. In addition he would make a daily visit to
our beloved Eucharistic Lord in various churches in Paris between his
appointments to serve the poor.
"The best way to economise time, is
to 'lose' half-an-hour each day, attending Holy Mass."
(Source: AnaStpaul website –
Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769 to 1852)
Founder of the Society Of The Sacred Heart
During Eucharistic Adoration she experienced a vision where she was serving
God in the New World. Twelve years later , at the age of 49, she moved to
the United States. She was sent to the Louisiana Territory.
(Source: The Mystery of Faith blog –
"Rose-Philippine's whole life was transformed and illuminated by her
love for Christ in the Eucharist. During the long hours she spent before the
Blessed Sacrament, she learned to live always in the presence of God. In him
he placed his hopes and desires. The words of today's Responsorial Psalm
well express the intensity of his love for Christ: "The Lord is my
inheritance and my cup, and in your hands is my life" (Ps 16 [15]:5)."
(Source: Pope John Paul II homily at canonization Mass of Rose Philippine
Duchesne - Vatican website –
Bl. Marie
Rose Durocher (1811 to
Foundress of the Sisters
Of The Holy Names Of Jesus And MaryWhen we are puzzled or need
some consolation in life where do we go? Blessed Marie Durocher's answer was
to go before our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration. She would advise people to
"Ask Our Lady to help you. Ask her to entreat her Son to let you know what
you should do." Blessed Marie herself would spend many hours in adoration
before our beloved Lord.
Bl. Dominic Barberi (1792 to 1849)
Italian Passionate Priest and Theologian
"Let us often visit our Lord in the most holy sacrament; let us
adore Him with lively faith and fervent love; let us offer Him our homage of
gratitude and reparation; let us receive Him frequently in holy communion;
let us unite ourselves to Him by constant recollection and prayer; let us
make Him reign in our hearts by perfect conformity to His holy will."
Blessed Dominic Barberi's June 17, 1847 Corpus Christi sermon (According to
Bing AI) )
"Oh, how sweet it is to remain in silence before
the Blessed Sacrament, to adore the hidden God, to speak to Him heart to
heart, to offer Him all our affections, to tell Him all our wants, to listen
to His voice, to learn His secrets, to taste His sweetness, to enjoy His
presence, to feel His love!"
From a meditation on the Eucharist that Blessed Dominic Barberi wrote for
his spiritual children (According to
Bing AI) )
S.D. Marie-Eustelle Harpain (1814 to 1842)
Laywoman, French Mystic and a disciple of the Eucharist, she was called "angel of the Eucharist"
"Be of good courage, go to the Tabernacle; Moses had recourse to it in all
his needs, and he was heard: how much more shall your prayers be answered by
recourse to that of which the Tabernacle of old was but the figure."
(Source: The Life of Marie Eustelle Harpain book
by Edward Healy Thompson (1868))
"Go to Jesus stripped of
yourself; remain at His feet, like His lover Magdalen. Prayer is an
elevation of our heart to God; the knowledge of what He is, and of what we
are, is sufficient to keep us in an attitude of the deepest humility in His
presence. God is more intimately within us than we are in ourselves."
(Source: The Life of Marie Eustelle Harpain book
by Edward Healy Thompson (1868))
"The Divine Eucharist above
all should be the subject of your prayer. When your heart unites itself to
this Saviour-God, the contemplation of this favour ought to occupy your soul
and set it on fire with heavenly love; remain at these times calm and
peaceful before Jesus, like a statue which its owner has placed in a niche.
Listen to Jesus, and answer Him interiorly; He will understand your language
well Love Him sweetly, without fear, without dis-quiet; allow yourself to be
penetrated by His love;..."
(Source: The Life of Marie Eustelle Harpain book
by Edward Healy Thompson (1868))
"How happy I was, thus alone
in the presence of our good Saviour! I should have wished never to
leave Him. Oh, what joy one tastes, and what illumination one receives
at the feet of the Eternal; above all, in the silence of night! There
I was, with only the feeble light of the lamp, which, consuming itself
before God, reminded me that I, too, ought to burn and consume away in His
presence, to honour, by the entire destruction of self, His supreme
greatness and sovereignty."
(Source: The Life of Marie Eustelle Harpain book
by Edward Healy Thompson (1868))
Marcellin Champagnat (1789 to 1840)
of the Marist Brothers"It is for us that, during eighteen
hundred years, our divine Savior has remained day and night on our altars,
that we may have recourse to Him in all our needs; and nothing so much
afflicts His divine Heart as our ingratitude for such a favor, and our
neglect to visit Him and ask His blessing."
(Source: St. Kieran Catholic Church 6/4/2012 bulletin –
Click Here)
"If we knew how
profitable those visits are, we should be constantly prostrate before the
altar. The Saints understood this truth; they knew that Jesus Christ is the
source of all grace, and whenever they encountered any difficulty or wished
to obtain any particular favor, they ran to Jesus Christ in the Blessed
(Source: Harvesting The Fruits of
Contemplation blog –
Click Here)
"St. Francis Xavier, St. Francis Regis and others spent
whole hours during the day and, frequently, a great part of the night at the
foot of the altar; it was in these long interviews with Jesus Christ that
they advanced the good works they had in hand, converted sinners, and
obtained success in all their undertakings for the glory of God and their
own sanctification."
(Source: Harvesting The Fruits of
Contemplation blog –
Click Here)
St. Claudine Thévenet (1774 to 1837)
French Nun and founder of the Religious Of Jesus And Mary
"I recommend you to make frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament; it
is there that you will find strength and consolation in your troubles."
(Source: "Claudine Thévenet: Letters and Spiritual
Writings", edited by Sister Mary Josephine, RJM, 1993, pub. Religious of
Jesus and Mary, India (According to Bing AI) )
not neglect to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; He is always waiting
for you with love."
(Source: "Claudine Thévenet: Letters and Spiritual
Writings", edited by Sister Mary Josephine, RJM, 1993, pub. Religious of
Jesus and Mary, India (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Anna
Maria Taigi (1769 to 1837)
Mother and a great
Mystic of the 19th CenturyAnna Maria Taigi, one of the great
mystics of the 19th century, achieved her sanctification by living the
ordinary life of wife and mother in a spirit of Christian mission and
compliance with God’s will. Her daily attendance at Mass and daily multiple
visits to the most Blessed Sacrament were among the sources of her intense
spiritual life.
St. Magdalene of Canossa (1774 to 1835)
Italian Nun and foundress of two Canossian congregations
"Visit Jesus often in the Blessed Sacrament; He is your Father, your Spouse,
your Friend, your All. Tell Him everything, consult Him in everything, love
Him above everything."
(Source: "The Writings of Magdalene of Canossa",
trans. by Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, 1988, p. 282, pub. Daughters of Charity
in Rome (According to Bing AI) )
Bl. Leopoldina Naudet (1773 to 1834)
Italian Nun of the Congregation of Dilette of Jesus and the foundress
of the Sisters Of The Holy Family Of Verona
"I will visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as often
as I can, and I will make acts of love and reparation for the offenses He
(Source: "Spiritual Diary - Volume I (1800-1806)"
by Bl. Leopoldina Naudet, edited by G. Stofella, 1984, p. 31, pub. Sisters
of the Holy Family of Verona (According to Bing AI) )
"I will visit the churches where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, and I will
join the angels and saints in adoring Jesus. I will thank Him for all the
graces He has given me and for the gift of Himself in this sacrament of love."
(Source: "Spiritual Diary - Volume III (1812-1831)" by Bl. Leopoldina
Naudet, edited by G. Stofella, 1986, p. 57, pub. Sisters of the Holy Family
of Verona (According to Bing AI) )
St. Bartolomea Capitanio (1807 to 1833)
Italian Nun and the co-foundress of the Sisters
Of Charity Of Lovere
"Do not neglect to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, my
dear friend; there you will find comfort and strength for your soul. He is
always waiting for you with open arms, ready to pour out His graces upon
you. He loves you so much that He does not want to be separated from you
even for a moment. He is your best friend, your most faithful spouse, your
all. Go to Him often, speak to Him with confidence and simplicity, tell Him
all your troubles and needs, ask Him for whatever you desire. He will never
refuse you anything that is good for you."
(Source: "Bartolomea Capitanio: A Life Dedicated
to Charity" by Sr. Carmela Lorit, trans. by Sr. Mary Louise Sullivan, 2000,
p. 198, pub. New City Press (According to Bing AI) )
Ven. Bruno Lanteri (1759 to 1830)
Priest and Founder of Oblates of the Virgin Mary In order
to adore the Blessed Sacrament often Ven. Lanteri had a small window put
into a wall of his room, which was adjacent to the Chapel, so that he could
gaze upon the Most Blessed Sacrament even while he lay in his bed. Visits to the Blessed
Sacrament, along with daily Mass, were the essence of his entire life. As one disciple
who knew him well said “The vivacity of his faith was visible in the
expression of his face as he spent long hours in the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament where he often recited the Divine Office and meditated at length”.
The last nine years of his life became especially intense, and almost
uninterrupted, Eucharistic adoration.
Bl. Domenico Lentini (1770 to 1828)
Italian Priest who was known as "An Angel of the Altar"
One of the easiest ways to go to Heaven is to spend much time in Eucharistic
Adoration. All of the Saints knew this such as Blessed Lentini who would
spend hours adoring the Blessed Sacrament besides saying Mass with great
fervor. Your local Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration program needs you to
follow Blessed Lentini's example of adoration and volunteer to cover an hour
a week before our beloved Lord.
Blessed Lentini would spend long
hours in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and celebrated the Eucharist
with such intense participation that his contemporaries called him "an angel
at the altar".
(Source: Catholic World Info
website -
Bl. Mary Magdalene Of The
Incarnation (1770 to 1824)Foundress of the
Perpetual Adorers Of The Blessed SacramentBlessed Mary Magdalene
was called by Jesus directly when He told her, "I have chosen you to
establish the work of perpetual adorers who, day and night, will offer me
their humble adoration...". She spent her whole life adoring Jesus in the
Eucharist. Can we also follow Jesus wishes and commit just one hour a week
out of our lives in adoring our beloved Lord?
(Source of Quote: Vatican website -
"May Jesus be known,
loved and adored by all, and be in every moment the receiver of thanksgiving
in the most holy and most divine sacrament."
Ana StPaul pinterest page -
St. Vincent Strambi (1745 to 1824)
Bishop Emeritus of Macerata-Tolentino, Italy
"Visiting Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament is a most excellent and
profitable devotion, which we should practice often, and with great fervor.
It is a powerful means to obtain grace, light, and strength to overcome our
enemies, to purify our souls from sin, to inflame our hearts with the love
of God, and to make progress in all virtues. … Let us then approach this
divine furnace of love, and adore Jesus hidden under the sacramental veils.
Let us thank Him for having instituted this wonderful mystery of love, for
having given Himself to us as our food, medicine, and delight. Let us offer
Him all our affections, desires, and resolutions. Let us ask Him to purify,
enlighten, and inflame us with His holy fire. Let
us unite ourselves to Him with all our heart, and beg Him to grant us the
grace to remain always in His holy love."
"The Spiritual Guide for the Christian Soul” by St. Vincent Strambi, edited
by Fr. Ignatius of the Side of Jesus, C.P., trans. by Fr. Eugene Grimm,
C.P., 1893, pp. 141-142, Benziger Brothers, New York (According to Bing AI)
St. Anthony of Saint Ann Galvao (1739 to 1822)
Fransiscan Friar in Brazil renownwed for his healing powers
"Let us give thanks to God for the lasting benefits obtained through the
powerful evangelizing influence that the Holy Spirit impressed
upon so many souls through Frei Galvão. The Franciscan charism, lived out in
the spirit of the Gospel, has borne significant fruits through his witness
as an ardent adorer of the Eucharist, as a prudent and wise guide of the
souls who sought his counsel, and as a man with a great devotion to the
Immaculate Conception of Mary, whose "son and perpetual servant" he
considered himself to be... When we contemplate the Lord at Mass, raised up
by the priest after the consecration of the bread and wine, or when we
devoutly adore him exposed in the monstrance, we renew our faith with
profound humility, as Frei Galvão did in "
laus perennis", in a
constant attitude of adoration." (Pope Benedict XVI, May 11, 2007 homily during St. Anthony canonization)
(Source of Quote: Vatican website -
Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774 to 1821)
Founder of
the Sisters Of Charity in the United States"How sweet, the
presence of Jesus to the longing and harassed soul! He is instant peace and
balm to every wound."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love! blog - https://mseagrif.com/)
"There is a mystery, the greatest of all
mysteries—not that my adored Lord is in the Blessed Sacrament of the
Altar—His word has said it, and what so simple as to take that word which is
truth itself?—but that souls of His own creation, whom He gave His life to
save, who are endowed with His choicest gifts in all things else, should
remain blind, insensible, and deprived of that light without which every
other blessing is unavailing!"
(Source: Love Crucified website - https://www.lovecrucified.com/)
“Unite me to yourself, O adorable
victim, life-giving heavenly bread, feed me, sanctify me, reign in me,
transform me to yourself, live in me, and let me live in you, let me adore
(Source: Lynn's Timeless Treasures A Catholic
Store Speaks blog - http://lynnstimelesstreasures.blogspot.com/)
St. Julie Billiart (1751 to 1816)
Founder of
the Sisters Of Notre Dame de Namur"We were captivated by the
charms of our Lord's adorable heart. His love surprised us...and we are His
(Source: Pinterest Inspirational Quotes - Click Here)