15th Century Saints

Quotes On The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration

Cardinal Juan de Torquemada (1388 to 1468)
Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina, Rome, Italy
"The faithful should visit the most holy sacrament of the altar frequently and devoutly, not only on solemn feasts, but also on other days, especially on Sundays and holy days, and at any time of the day, as long as the church is open. For this is the most excellent and most beneficial devotion, by which the faithful are united to Christ, their head, and receive from him grace and spiritual gifts. By this devotion, they also honor the memory of his passion and death, and give thanks for his immense love. By this devotion, they also make satisfaction for their sins and obtain the remission of the temporal punishments due to them. By this devotion, they also implore divine mercy and protection against all the evils and dangers of this life. By this devotion, they also prepare themselves for the future life and for the glorious resurrection of the body."
(Source: Cardinal Juan de Torquemada's treatise "De Eucharistia contra Hussitas (On the Eucharist against the Hussites)", 1439 (Transl. by Bing AI 2023) )

St. Rita of Cascia (1381 to 1457)
Mother, Widow, Stigmatist, Consecrated Religious
She spent her free time in church speaking to the Prisoner of Love on the altar when she was a child. As a wife and mother, her chief delight was to receive into her loving heart the divine Spouse of her soul. Later on, as a nun, she spent whole nights prostrated before the Tabernacle. Yet no matter what duties she was called on to perform, she always loved going to Eucharistic Adoration.

St. Colette of Corbie (1381 to 1447)
Abbess and foundress of the Colletine Poor Clares
"My eyes, I have filled with Jesus upon Whom I have fixed them at the Elevation of the Host at Holy Mass and I do not wish to replace Him with any other image."
(Source: Catholic Fire blog - https://catholicfire.blogspot.com/)

St. Bernardine Of Siena (1380 to 1444)
Italian Priest and Franciscan Missionary
"Prayer is the best preparation for Holy Communion. Prayer is the raising of the mind to God. When we pray we go to meet Christ Who is coming to us. If our Creator and Savior comes from heaven with such great love, it is only fitting that we should go to meet Him. And this is what we do when we spend some time in prayer."
(Source: Catholic Quotations website - https://catholicquotations.com/)

Blessed Ferdinand Of Portugal (1402 to 1443)
Prince of Portugal
Blessed Ferdinand spent as much time as he could in adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament especially during the Easter Triduum when his habit was to be constantly in adoration from Holy Thursday to Easter.

St. Frances of Rome (1384 to 1440)
Laywoman, Benedictine oblate, mystic and founder of the Olivetan Oblates Of Mary
"I have been in the habit of visiting the Blessed Sacrament every day for a long time, and I find great consolation in doing so. I feel as if I were conversing with my dearest friend, who loves me more than anyone else, and who knows all my needs and desires. I pour out my heart to him, and he listens to me with infinite mercy and compassion. He gives me light, strength, peace, and joy. He fills me with his grace and his love. He is my refuge, my hope, my all."
(Source: "Lettere di S. Francesca Romana" book by Fr. Giuseppe Silos in 1658 (translated by Bing AI 2023) )

St. Vincent Ferrer (1350 to 1419)
Valencian Dominican friar, preacher and missionary
"We should also visit him frequently in the churches where he is reserved, and we should spend some time in his presence, meditating on his mysteries, praising his goodness, and asking for his mercy."
(Source: "Treatise on the Spiritual Life" by St. Vincent Ferrer, translated by Father Kevin O’Sullivan, O.P, 2006, p. 23, Loreto Publications (According to Bing AI) )