13th Century Saints
Quotes On
The Importance Of Eucharistic Adoration
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St. Margaret of Cortona (1247 to 1297)
Laywoman, Italian penitent of the Third Order of St. Francis,
called the 2nd Mary Magdeline
Margaret had a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.... Before 6am she
went to the church of St. Francis where she spent 2-3 hours in prayer and
contemplation, preparing to receive Her Lord and King. After Communion she
would remain for a long time, in a sort of ecstasy, contemplating, adoring
and loving Him.
(Source: Traditional Catholic websitee -
St. Philip Benizi de Damiani (1233 to 1285)
General Superior of the Order of the Servites
"Let us often visit our Lord in this most holy sacrament and let us adore
Him with all reverence and devotion. Let us offer Him our prayers, our
praises, our thanksgivings, our petitions, our reparations, our sacrifices,
our vows, our resolutions, our hearts, and our souls. Let us unite ourselves
to Him by faith, by hope, by charity, by contrition, by communion, by
imitation, by conformity, and by union. Let us draw from Him all the graces
that we need for ourselves and for others and let us implore His mercy for
the whole world. Let us never depart from His presence without His blessing,
and let us always carry Him in our hearts, as our most precious treasure,
our most sweet consolation, our most perfect joy, and our supreme good."
(Source: St. Philip Benizi de Damiani's 1278
treatise titled "Seven Excellences of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar",
Seventh Chapter (transl. by Bing Ai 2023) )
St. Albert The Great (1200 to 1280)
Doctor of the Church, Confessor, and Bishop of Regensburg
On the importance of the Eucharist St. Albert wrote: "He could not have
commanded anything more beneficial, for this Sacrament is the fruit of the
tree of life. Anyone who receives this Sacrament with the devotion of
sincere faith will never taste death. It is a tree of life for those who
grasp it, and blessed is he who holds it fast. The man who feeds on Me shall
live on account of Me."
(Source: I Thirst For Your Love blog -
"Shake off all earthly things, counting them useless, noxious, and
hurtful to thee. When thou hast done this, enter wholly within thyself, and
fix thy gaze upon thy wounded Jesus, and upon Him alone. Strive with all thy
powers, unwearyingly, to reach God through Himself, that is, through God
made Man, that thou mayest attain to the knowledge of His Divinity through
the wounds of His Sacred Humanity."
"On Union With God" (Chapter II) by St. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great))
"As far as thou canst, fix the eye of thy soul steadfastly, with
unobscured gaze, upon the uncreated light. Then will thy soul, purified from
the clouds of earth, be like an angel in a human body, no longer troubled by
the flesh, or disturbed by vain thoughts."
"On Union With God" (Chapter VIII) by St. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great))
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 to 1274)
Doctor of the Church, Theologian, and Philosopher
is said that we will be remembered by the company we keep. St. Thomas
recognized this when he said, "The things we love tell us who we are." Are
we to busy to commit to a special specific hour each week with Jesus, who
has done everything for us? One thing is for sure - if we faithfully attend
Eucharistic Adoration Jesus will recognize and remember us as one of his
faithful disciples at our death.
St. Thomas use to spend many hours
in adoration before our beloved Lord. He once said that he learned more from
prayer before the Blessed Sacrament than from many hours of study.
Our Sunday Visitor blog -
"No other sacrament (except the Holy Eucharist) has greater healing power;
through it sins are purged away, virtues are increased, and the soul is
enriched with an abundance of every spiritual gift."
(Source: Our
Sunday Visitor blog -
"Since this (the Eucharist) is the sacrament of Our Lord's Passion, it
contains in itself the Jesus Christ who suffered for us. Thus, whatever is
an effect of Our Lord's Passion is also an effect of this sacrament. For
this sacrament is nothing other than the application of Our Lord's Passion
to us."
(Source: St. Thomas Aquinas blog -
"Hidden here before me Lord I woship You."
(Source: Anastpaul Pinterest page -
Bonaventure (1218 to 1274)
Doctor of the
Church, Cardinal, and Bishop of Albano Italy
pierce my soul with your love so that I may always long for you alone, who
are the bread of angels and the fulfillment of the soul's deepest desires.
May my heart always hunger for you, so that my soul may be filled with the
sweetness of your presence."
(Source: Anastpaul blog -
St. Louis King Of France (1214 to
King of France
Are we to busy to commit to covering an hour of adoration a week? We should
take the example of the saints, such as St. Louis, who, despite being King
found time to visit the most Blessed Sacrament every day.
St. Sylvester Gozzolini
(1177 to 1267)
Priest and founder of the Sylvestrines
"Let us visit the Blessed
Sacrament often and adore him who is truly present there. Let us thank him
for his mercy and implore his grace. Let us unite ourselves to him in spirit
and in truth, and let us offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to him. He is
our life, our hope, our joy, and our all. Let us love him with all our
heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength."
(Source: "Vita et Miracula Beati Silvestri Abbatis Congregationis
Silvestrinorum" book by Abbot Andrew de Giacomo, 1598, Chapter 10 (Transl.
by Bing AI 2023) )
Urban IV (1261 to 1264)
He instituted the Feast of
Corpus Christi
"In the Eucharist Christ is with us in His own
substance. For when telling the Apostles that He was ascending into heaven,
He said, 'Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the
world,' thus comforting them with the gracious promise that He would remain
and be with them even by His bodily presence."
Pope Urban IV 1264 Papal Bull "Transiturus de hoc mundo" officially
recognizing the feast of Corpus Christi)
St. Juliana Of Liege (1193 to 1258)
Nun who is original source for Corpus Christi Feast
From her
youth, Juliana had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and she
longed for a special feast in its honor. She received a vision in a dream,
and later it was revealed to her that it represented a missing feast in the
Church, which became the feast of Corpus Christi.
(Source: Summarized from
Ville Platte Catholic Youth Group website -
Click Here)
Jesus speaking to St. Juliana - "The first reason why I am asking for this
special Feast Day (now known as Corpus Christi), is so that the faith in
this Sacrament would be confirmed by this Feast, when bad people would
attack this mystery in the future. The second reason is so that the faithful
would be strengthened on their way to virtue by a very great love and
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and the third reason is so that because
of this Feast and the loving attention given to it, reparation would be made
for the insults and lack of respect shown to the Blessed Sacrament."
(Source: Catholic World Info website -
Pope Honorius III (1216 to 1257)
First Pope to
give permission for continuous lay Adoration
It is said that
continuous lay adoration of the Blessed Sacrament began in France in 1226 in
thanksgiving for victory over the Albigensians. Pope Honorius III was the
first Pope to give permission for this day and night adoration which lasted
until the French Revolution in 1792. It was restarted in 1829 and has been
going ever since.
St. Clare Of Assisi (1194 to 1253)
Founder of the Order Of Poor Ladies (Poor Clare Nuns)
"Gaze upon Him (in Eucharistic Adoration), consider Him, contemplate Him, as
you desire to imitate Him."
(Source: St. Clare's third letter to Agnes of
Prague around 1234)
"Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! Place
your soul in the brilliance of glory! Place your heart in the figure of the
divine substance! And transform your entire being into the image of the
Godhead Itself through contemplation. So that you too may feel what His
friends feel as they taste the hidden sweetness that God Himself has
reserved from the beginning for those who love Him."
(Source: St. Clare's third letter to Agnes of
Prague around 1234)
Bishop Robert of Thourotte (? to 1246)
Bishop of Liege, Belgium
Bishop Robert, in 1246, was the first to
approve the idea of Corpus Christi. St. Juliana Of Liege in his diocese had
a series of dreams about a missing feast in the Church calendar dedicated to
honoring the Blessed Sacrament. She presented it to the Bishop and, after some initial
hesitation, approved it for his whole diocese just before he died in 1246.
The Archdeacon of Liege at that time, Jacques Pantaléon, had been a srong
supporter of this idea. When Jacques became Pope Urban IV (1261 -
1264) he issued a Papal Bull, in 1264, instructing that the feast day be
celebrated annually throughout the world. However, Pope Urban IV died
before his Corpus Christi Bull could be implemented. Pope John XXII
(1316 - 1334)
eventually was the Pope who added Corpus Christi of to the Church calendar
in 1317.
Bl. Diana degli Andalo (1201 to
Italian Dominican Nun
"We have begun our Lenten observance with
great fervor and joy, for we have the privilege of having the most holy
Sacrament exposed in our chapel every day from morning until evening. We
spend many hours in adoration and contemplation of this great mystery of
(Source: 'To Heaven with Diana: A Study of Jordan
of Saxony and Diana d’Andalo with a Translation of the Letters of Jordan to
Diana" by Gerald Vann, O.P., 1957, p. 87, Longmans, Green and Co., London
(According to Bing AI) )
St. Elizabeth Of Hungary (1207 to
Princess of Hungary
Many saints would spend hours in Eucharistic
adoration as they new how important it is in ones spiritual life. St.
Elizabeth, even in her childhood, would often visit our beloved Lord Jesus
in the Eucharist.
St. Anthony Of Padua, O.F.M. (1195 to
Doctor of the Church and Fransiscan Priest
"Upon the Altar there
takes place the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood
of Jesus Christ. That Body which the Virgin begot, which hung upon the Cross
and was placed in the sepulchre, which rose again the third day, and
ascended to the right hand of the Father, this Body the Church today and
everyday presents and distributes to her faithful. When the priest speaks
the words: This is My Body, the essence of the bread is changed into the
Body of Christ."
(Source: Missionaries of the
Blessed Sacrament website -
Bishop Richard Poore Of Salisbury
(1217 to 1229)
Bishop of the See of Salisbury
Bishop Richard Poore urged and promoted adoration of the
Most Blessed Sacrament. In writing a thirteenth century rule for the life of
nuns (called the "Nuns Rule" or "Acren Riwle") he wrote "When you are quite
dressed...think upon
God's Flesh and on His Blood which is over the high altar and fall
on your knees
towards it with this salutation 'Hail thou author of or
(Quote source: Wikisource Catholic Ecyclopedia website -
Click Here)
St. Francis Of Assisi (1181 to 1226)
Founder of the Franciscans, started Eucharistic Adoration in
"I beg you to show the greatest possible reverence for the
Eucharist through whom all things have been brought to peace and reconciled
with Almighty God."
(Source: St. Francis's
Letter to the Entire Order around 1220)
One day a rather worldly friend asked St.
Francis: "Father what do you do during those long hours before the Blessed
Sacrament?" "My son in return I ask you what does the poor man do at the
rich man's door, the sick man in presence of his physician, the thirsty man
at a limpid stream? What they do, I do before the Eucharistic God. I pray. I
adore. I love.
(Source: The Work Of God website -
"Let us love God and adore him and offer him praises
by day and by night."
(Source: Franciscans of
the Eucharist of Chicago website -
Click Here)
"In this world I cannot see the Most High Son
of God with my own eyes, except for His Most Holy Body and Blood."
"The Writings of St Francis of Assisi" book)
St. Dominic (1170 to 1221)
Founder of the Dominican Order
As with most Saints
St. Dominic had a great love for the Blessed Sacrament and would pass the
night in Eucharistic Adoration after the difficult labours of the day.